B.A, Harvard University, 1969
M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University, 1970, 1973
Postdoctoral Fellowships at Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University
Assistant and Associate Professor, University of Chicago, 1974-1985
Professor of Biology, Bryn Mawr College, 1986-present
1986-1993, Chair of Department
1988-present, Eleanor A. Bliss Professorship
2000-2007, Director, Center for Science in Society
Selected Print Publications (see to right for web publications)
Grobstein, P. (2008) From Complexity to Emergence and Beyond: Towards Empirical Non-Foundationalism as a Guide to Inquiry, submitted
Grobstein, P. (2008) Social Organization as Applied Neurobiology: The Value of Stories and Story Creation, submitted
Dalke A. and Grobstein, P. (2007) Story-Telling
in (At Least) Three Dimensional Story Telling: An Exploration of Teaching Reading, Writing,
and Beyond, Journal of Teaching Writing 23(1): 91-114 (earlier draft).
Dalke, A., Cassidy, K., Dalke, A., Grobstein, P., and Blank, D. (2007) Emergent Pedagogy: Learning to Enjoy the Uncontrollable and Make it Productive, Journal of Educational Change 8(2): 111-130 (draft, 2004)
Dalke, A., Grobstein, P. and McCormack, E. (2006) Exploring Interdisciplinarity: The Significance of Metaphoric and Metonymic Exchange Journal of Research Practice, Volume 2.2, Article M3
Dalke, A., Grobstein, P. and McCormack, E. (2006) Why and How to be Interdisciplinary, Academe, May/June 2006
Grobstein, Paul (2005) Revisiting Science in Culture: Science as Story Telling and Story Revising, Journal of Research Practice, Volume 1.1, Article M1.
Grobstein, P. (2005) Making the Unconscious Conscious, and Vice Versa: A Bi-directional Bridge Between Neuroscience/Cognitive Science and Psychotherapy?, Cortex 41: 663-668.
Grobstein, P. (2003) Getting
it less wrong, the brain's way: science, pragmatism, and multiplism,
IN Interpretation and Its Objects: Studies in the Philosophy of Michael
Krausz (A. Ritivoi, ed.), Rodopi, pp 153-166
Dalke A., McCormack, E, and Grobstein, P. (2003) Theorizing
Interdisciplinarity: The Evolution of New Academic and Intellectual Communities,
Grobstein, P. (2002) Who's afraid
of Emily Dickinson, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the brain,
Newsletter of the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
Patton, P. and Grobstein, P (1998) The effects of telencephalic
lesions on visually mediated prey orienting behavior in the frog (Rana
pipiens). I. The effects of complete removal of one telencephalic lobe,
with a comparison to the effects of unilateral tectal lobe lesions. Brain,
Behavior, and Evolution 51: 123-143.
Patton, P. and Grobstein, P (1998) The effects of
telencephalic lesions on visually mediated prey orienting behavior in
the frog (Rana pipiens). II. The effect of limited lesions to the telencephalon.
Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 51: 144-161.
Grobstein, P. et al. (1994-present) Serendip, a WWW resource - http://serendipstudio.org
Includes (see right column for more):
Grobstein, P. (1994)
Variability in behavior and the nervous system. In: Encyclopedia of
Human Behavior, Volume 4 (V.S. Ramachandran, ed.), Academic Press,
Grobstein, P. (1992) Directed movement in the frog: motor
choice, spatial representation, free will? In: Neurobiology of Motor
Programme Selection: New Approaches to Mechanisms of Behavioral Choice.
(Kien, J., McCrohan, C., Winlow, B., eds.), Pergamon Press, pp 251-279.
Grobstein, P. (1990) Strategies for analyzing complex
organization in the nervous system. I. Lesion experiments, the old rediscovered.
In: Computational Neuroscience. (Schwartz, E., ed.), MIT Press,
pp 19-37.
Grobstein, P. (1988) From the head to the
heart: some thoughts on similarities between brain function and morphogenesis,
and on their significance for research methodology and biological theory.
Experientia 44: 961-971.
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New Serendip exhibits
- Brain and Education: Thinking About New Directions, March 2007
- The Nature of Science: The "Problem of Unconceived Alternatives" and its Significance, September 2006
- Science and Conversation, September 2006
- Models of Mental Health, August 2006
- Ant Colonies: Social Organization Without a Director?, July 2006
- Getting It Less Wrong, May 2006
- Thinking About an Elementary Science Education Curriculum, January 2006 and ongoing
- The Psychoanalyst and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation about Healing the Soul and Telling Stories of the Mind, Brain, Self, and Culture, January 2006
- Science as Storytelling or Story Telling? A Conversation About Science Education ... and Science, December 2005
- The Art Historian and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation About Proprioception, the "I-function", Body Art, and ... Story Telling?, Fall 2005
- The Novelist and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation About Story Telling, Fall 2005
- Evolution and Intelligent Design: Perspectives and Resources, Fall 2005
- Science as Story Telling in Action, Summer 2005
- The World of Langton's Ant: Exploring Purpose, Summer 2005
- Science As Story Telling and Story Revision: A Conversation, Spring 2005
- What Do People Actually Do at the Trevi Fountain? - a photo essay, Winter 2004
- Education and Technology: Serendip's Experiences 1994-2004, Fall 2004
- Writing Descartes: I Am and I Can Think, Therefore ... , Summer, 2004
- Once Upon a Time is Now, Summer 2004
Thinking broadly: notes of a public intellectual (recent essays available on Serendip)
- The Scientific Mind, the Brain, and Human Culture: Story Telling and Story Sharing, June 2007
- Review of "Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism", by Temple Grandin, August 2006
- How to Make Sure Children are Scientifically Literate, August, 2006
- Science/Religion Clash?, August 2006
- The Perils and Potentials of "I Believe ...", April 2006
- Intelligent Design and the Story of Evolution: No Need for Drawing Lines in the Sand, September 2005
- Fundamentalism and Relativism: Finding a New Direction, April 2005
- Writing Descartes: I Am, and I Can Think, Therefore ... , June 2004
- The Scale of Humanness, April 2004
- Science Matters ... How?, November 2003
- The Neurobiology of Parenting,
November 2003
- Some Thoughts on Academic Structure
(and Socio-Political Structures Generally): A Biological Metaphor as an
Alternative to Both State's Rights and Federalism, November 2003
- "I Believe ... ": Its Significance and
Limitations for Individuals, Science, and Politics, July 2003
- Language/Science/Politics 101: War Is
A Bad Metaphor, June 2003
- On Being a "Lonely Atheist, February 2001
Recent web-based talks/presentations
- Thinking about Science: Fact versus Story Telling and "Right" vs "Less Wrong, June 2007
- The Human Condition As Seen by a Materialist Neurobiologist, May 2007
- Science as Exploration/Story Telling and the Brain as a Scientist/Explorer/Story Teller, October 2006
- Evolving Science Education: Progress Report and Prospectus, October 2006
- Applied Neurobiology: A Brain Wider Than the Sky ... and Why It Matters, September 2006
- Science as Story Telling and the Brain as a Scientist/Story Teller, June 2006
- From Complexity to Emergence and Beyond: The Nature of Inquiry, and of What is Being Inquired Into, June 2006
- Thinking About an Elementary Science Education Curriculum, February 2006
- Intelligent Design and Evolution: A Significant Issue in Science and Public Policy, February 2006
- Theory and Practice of Non-Normal Inquiry, February 2006
- Rethinking Science Education: An Overview, January 2006
- Elementary Education: The Brain as Scientist and Science as Story Telling
- Biology 202 Evolving, December 2005
- The Emergence and (continuing) Evolution of the Story of Story Telling
- On Beyond Post-Modernism: Discriminating Stories, October 2005
- Intelligent Design and the Story of Evolution ... An Update, October 2005
- Does Biology Have Anything to Contribute to Thinking About Sex and Gender. I. Embodiment and the Brain, October 2005
- The Brain: Insights into Individuals and Social Organization, September 2005
- The Importance of Process in Science, the Brain, and Education, August 2005
- Science as Story Telling in Action: The Web, the Brain, and Society, August 2005
- Experiential Learning and Purpose-Centered Education Meets Liberal Arts and Science Education: What Can We Do For Each Other?, June 2005
- Intellectual Exchange as a Medium for Community Building on the Web and Beyond, June 2005
- On the Difference (?) Between Ants and People, May 2005
- The Emerging Scientific Mind/Brain, May 2005
- The Relevance of the Brain for Psychotherapy (and Vice Versa), With Particular Reference to Human Development, April 2005
- Looking to the Brain for Psychotherapeutic Insights and to Psychotherapy for Insights into the Brain: Notes for a New Story, March 2005
- Science, Biology, and the Brain as Emergent Systems, March 2005
- Become a Better Learner: Unleash Your Brain, March 2005
- Bridging Cultures: Looking to the Brain for Psychotherapeutic Insights and to Psychotherapy for Insights into the Brain, March 2005
- Thinking About Science: Evolving Stories, January 2005
- The Bipartite Brain
And Its Significance for Idealism, Pragmatism and Other Matters
, January 2005
- Continuity and Catastrophe: From and About The Indian Ocean Tsunami, January 2005
- Science, Brains, Humanity, December 2004
- Emerging Emergence: From the Active Inanimate to Models to Stories to Agency (and Back Again), October 2004
- History and Memory: What Does the Mind/Brain/Nervous System Have to Do With It?, October 2004 (with Elliott Shore)
- Does Biology Have Anything to Contribute to Thinking About Sex and Gender?, October 2004
- The Brain: Insights into Individuals and Complex Organization, September 2004
- Science in Society in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinarity and Beyond, August 2004
- Teaching With/On the Web,
April 2004
- A Biological Perspective on Mental Health, February 2004
Selected earlier materials
- Education
as Applied Neurobiology: Students and Teachers as Story Tellers/Listeners/Exchangers,
January 2004
- Quantity, Quality,
and Value: A View from the Brain, December 2003
- Understanding the Brain: Implications
for Education, and the Bryn Mawr Center for Science in Society: Learning
to Put Theory into Practice, November 2003
- One Man's Story of Learning
Through Diversity, (October, 2003)
- Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: Enemies,
Acquaintances, Bedfellows?, (October, 2003)
- A
Story of Emergence Emerging (September, 2003)
- Emergence and Contingency/Purpose/Agency:
An Exploration of an Intersection Between History and Biology/Neurobiology,
September, 2003
- College Seminar and the
Public/Private Arenas (August, 2003, with Anne Dalke)
- Mind-Body Connection:
The Brain, 9 April 2003
- A Vision of Science (and Science Education)
in the 21st Century: Everybody "Getting It Less Wrong" Together
(3 April, 2003, Illinois Science and Mathematics Academy, see paper)
- Timing the Conscious and the
Unconscious: Some Implications for Thinking ... and Thinking About Time
(18 March 2003)
- Understanding the Brain: Implications
for Education (19 December 2002, Counseling Association of Greater
- Philosophies
of Science: A View From the Brain (11 December 2002)
- From Complex Systems
to Emergence: A General Conceptual and Philosophical Perspective
(November 15, 2002)
- The Brain's Images: Co-Constructing
Reality and Self (11 August 2002, 11th Annual Usability Professional's
Organization Meeting, see Paper)
- Loopiness As a Pedagogical
Methodology (May, 2002, with Anne Dalke)
- Introductory Science: Experiments
in Bridging Cultures (spring, 2002)
- Depression, or (Better?)
Thinking About Mood (spring 2002)
- Brains, Computers, and Education
2000, a five year progress report