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Lesson Plan Draft Thursday 11/5/15

abby rose's picture

Teaching Group: Abby, Han, Madison

Lesson Plan: Nov 5th, 2015 (


Introduction: Names, Pronouns.

Icebreaker: If you were a wild animal, what habitat would you live in?

Share HW from last week

Barometer (measures the pressure in the air, predicts weather.... we use a barometer here to test the pressure/opinions in this room. One end is agree, the other disagree, you may place yourself anywhere on the spectrum. We will ask people to speak their opinions!)

We all have equal opportunity to vote in the United States.

I believe that the right to vote is important.

One person’s vote can make a difference.

(more questions? ask in planning session on Tuesday)

Read article on voting:


Reactions? How does this connect to our barometer activity before? Do you agree with this article? Disagree?

Writing Prompt:

write a story about... your past experience in political activity/involvement... this could be voting, activism, running for any office, attending a speech, seeking help from politicians or political organizations, your political alignment... experiences can be positive or negative.

Share what we’ve written one by one.

Potential HW writing prompt:

HOMEWORK, thinking towards next week’s “Stories About Us”:

later thinking in class.... power of the individual... groups of individuals to come together and make a change... individual’s roles in democracy... etc.