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Sleepwalking Experiences

Ann Dixon's picture
Welcome to Serendip's forum for sharing sleepwalking experiences. "Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder effecting an estimated 10 percent of all humans at least once in their lives. This widespread phenomenon varies in its intensity and frequency. While most sleepwalking incidents are short and not dangerous, some can involve self-injury and are much more dangerous for the sleeper. Also, most interestingly, the disorder seems to stem from many different sources, not from one definable cause such as a chemical imbalance." (Howard, 1999)

This forum is a place to share sleepwalking experiences, thoughts, feelings, treatments, and experiences. Serendip does not offer special medical expertise, but rather a gathering place to talk, listen, think aloud and be heard.

Thanks for visiting, and please join in.

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thats just rude to say.

thats just rude to say.

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Sleepwalk Pissing

So last night I sleepwalked while drunk. Thats only happened once before (that I know of!) The first time I had got pretty drunk and was sleeping on my friends futon. Apparently I thought it wasnt comfortable enough and jumped into his dad´s king sized bed... while he was in it! To this day his dad makes all these homoerotic jokes about me haha.

But last night it was even worse. I was drinking a lot of rum with some friends. We were at this girl´s apartment and I made out with her, then ended up getting really emotional and crying... that´s all I remember. I woke up the next morning and for some reason my socks were off and wet. I figured that we had spilled a drink or something and put them on and walked home. Until this morning, until my other friend asked me if I remembered what I did. I thought he was asking about me making out with that girl, so with a smirk I´m like, did you see it? He then said he didnt know if it was a dream or not but he saw me in the corner pissing at night. FUCK! The girl hasnt said anything so either she thought it was a drink or is reeeeaally cool. Ive been straight up ashamed all day, but I feel less bad after reading some of these stories.

Btw, its weird that I see a lot of people post that they drank rum too and took off their socks too. WTF? Maybe the socks are a drunken attempt to ¨clean it up¨

Serendip Visitor's picture


When I sleepwalk-pee, it seems that I can always find the toilet. It's only happened 3 times in my life (I'm 35). Last night was one of them. I did drink a few beers earlier in the evening. Anyway, my wife thought it was funny because I hung the towel on the mirror over the sink and not the towel hanger. Read below for more pathetic comments, righteous "don't drink" comments, down-right hilarious comments.

Some people can handle some alcohol. Some can't. Nobody is the better because of it.

In summation...tadow.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Am i crazy or what??

Ok so last night I went out to the bar with my co-workers after work for a few pitchers as usual. I've been kind-of talking to this one girl from work. We left the bar pretty late around 12 or 1 and went back to her place. The next thing i know i'm driving home soaked in my own urine with just my shirt and briefs on.. After waking up i text the girl from work and she explained that i peed on her, her bed, broke her mirror and yelled at her.. I am a very calm person naturally and would never do anything like that in my right mind.. I am ashamed of myself and now she will probably never talk to me again.. This has happened about 5 times that i know of and ruined my marriage.. Now i'm afraid it's going to ruin my social life. I'm going to go to the doctor asap but figured i would find out more from other people around the net. If anybody knows what might be going on or is having a related issue please reply to this..

Serendip Visitor's picture


Perhaps you should consider giving up drinking?

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Drunk sleepwalking

So last night I went out and had a few beers with my friends I wasn't too drunk I remember everything. Woke up this morning to my mom telling me I tried to pee in her room again. It happens all the time when I'm drunk and have to go to the bathroom. It's happen at my friends house and on vacation with my ex boyfriend. I was calling him by my dads name too so clearly I was sleepwalking. Idk why this happens but I'm not in danger or anything I think it's kind of funny, not embarrassing.

Serendip Visitor's picture

inlove with a urinater

I can only justify this by assuming it was him sleep walking. although im certain he was semi-consiouse as he did respond to me as me and in the present time. always when he has been drinking. first time was in our hallway, when asked what he was doing his response was "dont u know your supposed to pee down stream?" the second time he got out of bed, walked around to our bedside table, opened the drawer inches from my face, aimed and urinated in the drawer. the third time, i found him at 3 am sleeping in our sons toddler bed, which he had peed in, of course. although, he considerately took his own pants off. since then, if he has been drinking i dont sleep. he shows no remorse, or shame whatsoever on the subject. i am 25 years old, he is 35. stopping/cutting back on alcohol is not an option for him, the idea shuts him out completely. weve had no other issues regarding the alcohol such as violence or money problems. but this is enough for me. i spend all day changing diapers and wiping my childrens butts, i dont need to spend all night guarding every corner of my home. sleeping on edge listening for the sound of him wandering the halls looking for a place to do his business. i will present him with an ultimatum that invovles choosing between eliminating the alcohol completely, a diaper, a catheder, or the absence of me completely. to whoever says "this isnt seriouse" is in denial. it is seriouse, urin contains contaminants and bacteria that can cause salmonella and other harmfull diseases. i have children. p.s. these ARE just the few times i caught him. i cant imagine how often this happened without me noticing. wich would make more sence out of why the heater in the bathroom smells like piss.

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My boyfriend gets so drunk he

My boyfriend gets so drunk he blacks out and pees anywhere. It's happend too many times to count and the fact that people think its a funny thing makes me a litte mad. Any time he drinks Im awake all night I make him pee before he falls asleep but it still happens. He thinks it's no big deal but it's happening more often and besides the fact that it's annoying to wake up and change sheets and wash clothes and anything else I'm afraid he's ignoring to ruin something expensive. It's also creating big problems with our relationship because I want him to hit drinking and I know he won't. Beside the peeing problem I could care less how much he drinks he doesn't cheat, get mean, or drive and always goes to work and get the things he needs to do first. I love him with all my heart but I'm honestly scared of waking up soaked with his pee, the bed soaked, drawers of clothes soaked, furniture and laundry baskets soaked. With a baby on the way and limited space for baby's things I'm afraid he's going to ruin the stuff when we put it in our room. Im wish there was something to make him take this serious. I try to get him to see it my way but since he doesn't remember the things he does it's never going to change. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has this issue it makes me feel a little better.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I would do this .....

Last night my boyfriend of 5 years peed again this time he walked to my side of the bed and pissed all over my books the dresser. The whole time I'm yelling at him to stop n all he would say is he can't. And when he did stop he stood there a min as I was telling him that he was so nasty that he needs help he starts to oee again. Then he took a very old nitted place mat I had on the dresser and wiped his peker with it. This miring he doesn't remember. And acts like its no big deal. So my plan tonight is to perpusly pee on something of his and pretend I don't know what he's talking about and hopefully he will start to understand how bad it is.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleepwalking after drinking

On two ocassions after drinking heavily and going to bed, I have awakened at dawn lying on the ground in the woods with no idea where I am, wearing only my underwear that I usually sleep in. Once was while on vacation in Aruba and the second was when I was at a business conference. Both times I walked in one direction until finding a road. In Aruba, I recognized the road and walked a short distance back to the hotel. On the second occasion, a kind-hearted police officer carried me several miles back to the hotel and dropped me off at the rear entrance incognito. Otherwise, I had no idea where I was.

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so this past saturday i went

so this past saturday i went to a bar with some friends and i got pretty hammered, but not black out drunk. i haven't drank like that in at least 5 or 6 months. i woke up sunday morning and my friend said that her mom was pissed that i was still there (i crashed for the night) and so i was pretty much kicked out with no explanation and with a raging hangover. it wasn't until today that i was told that i had woken up in the middle of the night, went into my friend's parent's room, walked to this laundry basket on the floor, pulled down my pants and peed in the basket. WTF. she said it was a huge ordeal, but i have no recollection of it at all. everything else about that night i can remember except for that. so, my explanation: sleep walking. but i have never done that before to my knowledge, so i'm shocked. i don't know if it's my level of stress or exhaustion that led to my sleep walking, but either way, i'm completely embarrassed and most likely banned from that house for quite some time. now i'm super nervous to go drinking again, which sucks since my 21st bday is literally right around the corner. but reading all these other stories is kinda comforting since i know i'm not the only one to do this humilating escapade.

Serendip Visitor's picture

it fukin stinks

its just started happenin im 26 and ive dun it twice sleepwalked and weed on my bedroom rug in the same place as i did it 4 weeks ago i no nothing about it untill i wake up and stand on the wet smelly rug ive cleaned it loads but the smell wont go its really strong we smell wat shall ido and wat is wrong with me why this happenin wen i black out drunk

Serendip Visitor's picture

White vinegar

Try white vinegar and soap.

Serendip Visitor's picture


So I got hammered last night...first time in about 6 months. Woke up to a text, so you basically peed on the floor, my TV (that was on the floor, not a new TV and old tube, your suite(I worked a charity auction so I was dressed nice)..

I would ask why but I know the answer....because I was drunk.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Drunk sleep walk pissing

So i like to drink. I like to get really drunk when I drink. On three separate occasions (all recently) I have sleep walked/pissed on something after getting black out drunk.

The first time was at a party. I got super drunk and passed out, like usual. I woke up in the morning, got up, and went home. Later that day I start getting calls. I had sleepwalked into the living room and pissed on someone sleeping on the couch. And then apparently peed in my sleep on myself. Extremely embarrassing.

The second time was at a friends house. We had been partying around town that night and decided to go back to his house to do some drinking and pass out. There was about 5 of us total. I got drunk and blacked out. At some point I had gone into my friends room where he and his girlfriend had been sleeping, grabbed the trashcan, moved it in front of the door, leaned on the door, and peed in the trashcan. Afterwards I walked to the closet, grabbed a pair of her shoes, and put them on. When my friend noticed me and asked what I was doing I told him I was putting some shoes on.

The third time happened about a month after the second time. I went to a girls house with two friends. We sat around the table playing drinking games with her and her room mate. I passed out on the couch and woke up with a huge snake on my face. (I have no recollection of this). I hate snakes. I got up and started yelling at her. I then walked across the hall into her room mates room and pissed on her bed. The only part I remember is getting kicked out of her house.

Anyways happy pissing and try not to black out if you're not at your own house.

Serendip Visitor's picture

A while back I woke up after

A while back I woke up after a night out and the bottom of my trousers and my socks were wet. I didn't think much of it and forgot all about it. Last night when I came home from a party I felt sober. I had something to eat and got into bed like I normally would, and then I went asleep. Only today I was told that I went into my brothers room and pissed right beside him. Then I pulled up my bottoms and went downstairs in the dark for a walk. After turning on and off the light, I put my legs up on the kitchen table and closed my eyes. When asked "what the hell was I doing", I replied that I was "going asleep for God's sake". All day I've hated myself and felt extremely humiliated. This site has actually helped me because now I know that I'm not the only one. I don't think I'll drink again - for a while anyway.

Serendip Visitor's picture

So embarrassed :(

So last night I decided to drink some rum. I didn't think I drank to much. Anyways I went pee and went to bed like normal. I faintly remember a pee in my dream. I forgot everything this morning until my grandma told me my brother was pissed. Apparently I pissed in the middle of his floor, then took his blanket from him and went to sleep on his bed. I woke up to him kicking me asking for his cover and when I went to go to my bed I stepped in a huge piss puddle and took my socks off and put them in the laundry room. I have to say as embarrassing as that was it was also funny as hell.

Serendip Visitor's picture

36 years old - This started recently...

Like many, my sleepwalking/peeing is related to drinking. I will drink usually 1-2 times a week, but I tend to overdo it when I do. I'm 37 and this started about a year ago... it's morally devastating to me. While many seem to think it's funny in their own experience I'm terrified.

I've drank my whole life, but not like an alcoholic at all, and I've been wasted MANY times so I'm kind of surprised this has suddenly started! I'm definitely scared of drinking now...

Usually I wake up in the morning with a big damp spot on my carpet, which is obviously urine as it can't be anything else...I had a previous roommate who said he was awoken by the sound of running water in the kitchen but didn't investigate. The next morning he saw a ton of water on the floor and told me he thinks I had pissed on the floor, as he definitely heard me outside in the kitchen at the same time. Obviously I had no recollection.

Months went by, and I drank from time-to-time and nothing. But now I've drank 3 times this month and it's happened EVERY time. I blackout sleepwalk and pee, as I've said mostly on my carpet next to my bed.

I drank last night and was relieved there was no puddle on my carpet this morning. Then I went out to the kitchen and my socks that I wore to bed were on the floor and damp! I was freaked out since my new roommate always has his girlfriend over and they get up real early in the morning for work. They had already left. I panicked all day wondering if they had witnessed anything!!

When I saw him he told me that he thinks we might have a leak in the kitchen as there was water on the floor when he left for the gym this morning, and he asked about my socks. I told him I had drunkenly dropped our Brita water cooler which hold several gallons on the floor and was too drunk to clean it up...he bought it.

I'm not pushing my luck. No more drinking, unless it's 1 or 2 going out with my friends where I'll be eating and not consuming too much. I can't get smashed anymore as the idea of this intruding on the lives of others really frightens me.

There is only one answer - stop drinking. I feel like I've sunk to a low I'll never live down in my own mind...

Serendip Visitor's picture

brotha, it happens

i think, when it happens to me, i'm subconsciously saying "fuck the world" - you'll notice that you do it somewhere to make this "statement".

i just pissed on my iphone, and it feels..... liberating.

Serendip Visitor's picture

your shame

I just wanna say that it is not that serious..calm down..geeze

Serendip Visitor's picture


The father of my child does this constantly when he drinks and no matter what I say or how angry I am it continues to happen. How is this not that serious? I don't think you understand how disruptive this is for the people that have to clean up after these drunken piss walks. I've had to explain it to room mates and I've had my personal belongings completely ruined by piss...this includes one of a kind pics of my dead father. Its disgusting and I don't find one bit of it funny. For you to act so nonchalantly about it speaks volumes about your little problem. I am considering leaving this man even though I love him because I absolutely cannot tolerate having to play lookout every time he has a few beers. Do yourself a favor and stop drinking if you have this problem....obviously drinling is not benefitting you in any way. I know its embarassing and shit but seriously you could huurt yourself and others. God forbid I try and wake him up.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Y should the calm down

It is a big deal for those who have done it because it affects their lifes

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Last night my boyfriend got h-a-m-m-e-r-e-d. And I mean hammered, shitfaced, totally out of it drunk. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of running water. I used to wet the bed when I was like 5 or so and that sound has always snapped me right out of bed! I look over to behold the sight of my drunk boyfriend standing up and peeing on the floor next to our bed, all over the new clothes I just bought earlier that day. Couldn't believe it so I googled, "What to do when your boyfriend pees on your stuff" and got to this page. I would just like to note that he wasn't sleepwalking, he's just a drunk asshole.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Oh my, I just googled the

Oh my, I just googled the same thing so you're not alone!
My boyfriend did it last night, stood up and pee'd on our bed. I slapped him to try to get him to realise what he was doing, but nothing. Finally he walked out of the room so I thought he was going to the bathroom, but no, he stood at the top of the stairs and carried on pee-ing. Then tried to get back into the wet bed as I was taking off the sheets. There was no stopping him. Finally I left him curl up in the pee'd on sheet and left him shivering for the night while I took our spare duvet. A while he got up again and walked into the bathroom. I followed to make sure he was going in the toilet, but he was just standing there, I asked what he was doing and he said "waiting for that guy to finish". (Obviously there was no other guy there). This is the only part of the night that made me laugh. I'm still absolutely livid over everything else and the thought of having a pee smell coming from our bedroom just makes me feel so sick.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I feel I have reached that same low. I have done the sleepwalk/pee on two occasions, This last one has definitively made me stop and think... The first time it happened I got so drunk on rum I unknowingly went into the kitchen pulled out a silverware draw then took into the den, where I apparently pulled down my pants and pissed into it. This second time I was so far gone, I took off my jacket, balled it up on the floor only to.... yes wazz on it! the next morning my boyfriend saw the wet spot on the floor and I blamed it on the poor dog!! I'm so going to hell for that!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Me and my bro are on vacation

Me and my bro are on vacation visiting family and are staying in my 8 yr old cousins room I woke up to the sound of my brother pissing into our cousins lego bin when I asked him what he was doing he said I'm pissing on the sandwiches f-off. Needless to say this was quite interesting to explain to my uncle this morning lol.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I have a solution!!

My boyfriend has a sever problem with peeing on everything when he is drunk and what I made him start doing to help was go pee before he falls asleep, even when he doesn't have to! And he hasn't peed anywhere since. You just hav to force yourself to pee. Works everytime!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleepwalk Peeing

My buddy Nick has been challenged with a recent, significant issue. When he drinks large quantities of alcohol he blacks out and then walks around my friends place and pees all over separate rooms - kitchen table, printer/modem, etc. Anyone else come across this problem?? Lets all chip in and help the big guy out.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleepwalk Peeing

Normally I would advise your friend to cut back the drinking, however in recent clinical reseach my colleges and I have discovered a direct correlation between "Sleepwalk Peeing" and males with more than one STD's. The inflamed urethra can be irritated more (itching, burning, slightly swollen) when drinking. What we found was the 17 gentelmen (out of 100) with STDs were the only subjects to "Sleepwalk Pee".

My professional advice for your friend would be to get tested for venereal diseases. Have him treated with the proper medication to treat/control his disease. If by chance he does not test positive please reply back because he would be a great test subject. Good Luck to you and your friend Nick!!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Stds? i think not

I've slept-walked for years. I have creepy stories, but mostly embarrassing stories. I have no STDs and I call bullshit on your "experiment." Don't go spreading falsities to make people look bad

Serendip Visitor's picture

no stds.

I also have peed in peculiar locations while sleeping. This first started just before having an std test. The results came back negative for everything. The only connection I have found is drinking several nights in a row and stress. I say that if you have a history of sleep walking, don't drink heavily often.

Serendip Visitor's picture

A real problem. Danger for myself and others.

I have two situations I want to share with you:

I have never been sleepwalking before. Since the first time this happened, I have come up with the explanation that I passed out from drinking while I was fully aware of what I was doing at the moment. Like my brain just shutdown instantly and something took over and kept me running on natural instinct. You all know, the part of the brain that wants food, survival and mating. Don't Laugh.

#1 I came home from a perfect night that I had enjoyed fully with my friend. We had been drinking. I knew I came home, ate something, hang my cloth and put myself to bed. <---- This is my experience of the situation. Nothing unusual.

In the morning, I was woken up by my father knocking on my door. He told me in a friendly mannor I had urinated on there computer. And now it didnt want to start. My reaction was: What?!! You are kidding me now. I didn't belive him, but when I went in to there office-room someone had peed on there computer. And I had absolutely no memory of doing such thing. This scared me deeply, there is no feeling that can scare you more than you losing control of your own self.

#2 I was really sad, took a walked in the night, and had I good cry and was out for 3h sipping vodka from a almost empty bottle. perhaps drank 1-2dl and emptied the bottle. When I came home, I pet my cat for a minute, took 1-2 mouth of whiskey and put myself to bed. The next day I woke up in the drunk-tank at the police station.
I had apparently been drinking alot "more" and became really sad, crying going over to amok aggressive and punched the walls and my brother (who I awaken in the middle of the night, lucky me he is alot bigger than me so he took me down and hold me on the ground) Now I am really scared, I am a danger to others and to myself and I want to know what you can do else than "stop drinking", I mean, I might be stupid saying this, but it doesn't happen that often, and I don't drink more than 1 time a month, maximum. Should I put a lock on the inside of my door and hide the key somewere, were I can't find it.

Last I wanna thank the maker and creator of this homepage of illuminating the case of sleepwalking after drinking. I was almost believing I was going crazy, because I have never heard of someone doing this before.. Thank you for letting me share.

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Girl peeing during sleep walking!

Ever since I moved over seas ive been having intense lucid dreams, almost every night. I can control everything I do and know im dreaming. But sleep walking? Never happend before. I woke up and went into my housemates room and she told me everything! And this is what happend,
First I slept for only a hour and talking in my sleep - share a room with a friend. Then I get up mumbling to myself and went into my house mates bedroom. I went straight to her bed and sat on the end of it and I had my head down like I was sleeping. So my friend was startled with ear plugs in and frightned and asked what are you doing? I replied in mumbling and she thought she heard me say something about my stomach. So she tells me to go to the bathroom if im going to puke. Then she starts to hear water like noises and freaks out, 'YOU BETTER NOT BE PUKING ON MY FLOOR!' then she made a closer look to me and it didnt look like I was puking but I had my pants and everything down and sitting on her bed stil, so shes like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING?!' and I replied in such mono tone voice 'peeing' so she freaks out and asks 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!' and I reply again, 'I dont know' And she starts getting paper towl and such to clean and just so mad, and by then i walk over to the bedroom door in the corner and stare. Like I'm posessed, the look on my face and my head slightly down and im looking at her. And then she started to get really creeped out and starting shouting at me to go to bed. So eventually I do and i return to my bedroom and my friend in my room asked 'Whats going on, whats wrong?' and I say 'something'. And go back to sleep - in my bed.
I have no memory of this! And feel pretty embaressed but good to know theirs other people who like to pee during sleepwalking and say weird things! Now lets hope I wont be doing this ever again...honestly im scared to go to bed tonight.

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Sleepwalking when I drink

Ok I have a funny one. (He tells the story well and to everyone lol)Me and my boyfriend were staying out of town for work. So we had some beers at the hotel. We went in around 9pm ,ate took a shower laid in bed. Around 11 I got up and rustled around on the other bed. (The whole time he is thinking "what the hell is she doing!" Then I went over to the corner and just stood there. haha Then I took my panties off and threw them above the closet and went into the bathroom. He saw no light come on so he got up and came to check on me, I was standing in the dark behind the door, he asks "what are you doing?" He said the look I had in my eyes he thought I was going to stab So I decided to take ANOTHER shower and crawled back in bed. He said he laid there for hours wondering what the hell just happened. haha And apparently lastnight we had some beers with the neighbors came home went to bed, about an hour later I got up went to his dresser got a pair of his shorts out hung them on the towel rack in the bathroom, used the bathroom and went back to bed??? haha I have no idea....

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Fun and games til someone gets hurt

I have tons of funny episodes of me sleep walking but last night I woke up to a giant crash, very loud and I was on the floor in front of my desc in a whole lotta pain. I must have slept walked the fell asleep standing with my back to my glass computer desk. I then fell backwards, extremly hard and crashed into my desk and slid all the way down it scrapping 3 giant trenches all the way down from the back of my head to my lower back knocking every over. Im hurt bad. Anyway who has another funny one?

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recent sleep walking

This forum is absolutely hilarious, for starters, coming from a sleepwalking lunatic its all too familiar. I've noticed most posts people have been drinking, I drink a lot but I dont think i've sleepwalked after drinking until lastnight, one time I took a sleeping pill and woke up and my floor was soaked (probably piss) and i had gathered food into a pile and covered all the lights with socks, ridiculous, i try not to take sleeping pills anymore.

I am 22 and have been sleepwalking my entire life at the rate of about twice a year although I sleepwalked a lot more often when I was young I had an absolutely hilarious episode last night. I never have any memory of sleepwalking unless I wake up during it, when i was young I would wake up midway through a piss into the bin, couch, oven, or basically anywhere I felt like taking a piss. I have sleepwalked in hotels and at friends houses but I havnt done it in what feels like a while. i talk in my sleep more often than i sleepwalk but when i talk i wake up sometimes and know something isnt right like my voice is trailing off or someones looking at me w a shocked expression, dead giveaway.

So I've been dating a girl for almost 2 years, thank god she has an incredible sense of humor, and she is staying at my place for a month or two. We had some beers lastnight and this morning when we woke up she said straight away that she hardly slept and asked me if i remember what i did. nope. she said she woke up and i was standing in the middle of our room grunting loudly taking a glorious piss on this huge stuffed bear, after she asked what I was doing i said "PISSING!" and when she told me to stop i turned and pissed on HER futon apparently she couldnt stop me and i finished taking a massive pee and just got back in bed, she didnt try to wake me up by shaking me or anything out of fear of being pissed on ahaha


I believe I have the solution for all of you! sleepwalking is hilarious if you look at it the right way! think about it! whens the last time you had an excuse to piss on your friends stuff!? or whip ur cock out and piss in an oven!? luckily ive never peed on anything irreplaceable uncleanable or expensive my attitude might change if i wake up pissing on my macbook but until then im going to piss on.

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Bizarre Sleepwalking/talking incident

I am a 42 year old female. I had a few sleepwalking experiences during my adolescent years but nothing remarkable. The experience I had last weekend has scared me to death. I have had some new and very stressful situations arise in the past few months that have affected my sleep; generally causing me to sleep less hours a few days a week. I reside with my boyfriend, Daniel, and our roomate, Jamie. This is the first time in my 10 year old son's life that we have not lived together. My son, Max currently lives with my mother but close by. The week in question was a rough one for me as it began with my son's birthday, his party (which I was not to attend), Mother's Day (which also happened to be my mother's birthday and I had my period. For the three nights leading up to the incident I was having difficulty sleeping; getting an hour and a half at a time, a few times a night. Thursday night I went out to dinner with my mother, brother and son for his birthday - stress stress stress. Max's party was to be Saturday from 10 am - 12 pm. My mother was taking 4 other children and my son and had to leave her house by 9:30 am.

I remember nothing whatsoever of the whole sleepwalking/talking incident. I am only re-telling it as it was told to me. I trust the 2 people who saw me through it implicitly but also somewhere deep inside I know it is all true and it happened the way they said - it just feels right.

Apparently early Sat morning (1:30 am) I woke my boyfriend with a strong desire to have sex. I was frantic about it. I told him I wanted to have a threesome right then, that very night and got on my phone around 3 am calling local date lines to try to find someone to come to our house. This is absolutely the opposite of what I want in our relationship. We have discussed it several times and always agreed that participating in a threesome would most likely do more harm than good. Daniel said I would not put the phone down and swore this was what I wanted to happen. Thank God it did not. After having sex several times I retreated to the shower around 6 am; to his relief. He thought his trial was over ...

After returning to our bedroom I picked up a stack of motorcycle pictures he had printed and asked him rather roughly how the hell I was supposed to make the Spring Fling happen since Amanda had not even had the decency to give the pictures to Jeremy the day before like she was supposed to. Daniel pointed out that these were pictures of motorcycles he had printed. I slammed the bunch down in his lap and very hotly said Not these pictures Daniel but other ones kind of like them. I then dressed, left the room and went downstairs. 6:45 am

Our roommate Jamie's bedroom is on the ground floor. I entered his room without announcing myself, woke him up rudely and called him Ryan, another friend of ours. I demanded to know why Ryan had not gotten up on time to get the children dressed and ready to get on the bus. We would now be late. I blamed this on Jamie's girlfriend who I said was hiding under the covers although she was not at the house. To reiterate - 3 adults live in our house, no children. I told Jamie to get up and help me get the kids ready and pack their lunches because Ryan was going to be pulling up in the bus any minute. I then proceeded to call out approx 8 names of children who were to come out of Jamie's closet and get dressed. Daniel was downstairs with us by then and both Jamie and Daniel have said that I spoke to each child by name and knew where each one was standing or sitting at all times. I smiled at them and brushed their hair and tickled them all the while keeping their identities in order. The names were just random names not relatives or friends or friends kids' names. Guess I plucked them out of the back of my mind. Jamie, Daniel and I prepared 8 bag lunches while I made sure the kids waited in line at the front door. I then announced that we - the adults - would be having a meeting as soon as the bus departed taking the kids to the Spring Fling. I said I needed to get to the bottom of what occured to make Amanda and Jeremy turn on me at such a time. I have a cousin named Amanda but we are not close and have not had any sort of contact in at least 4 years. I once knew a Jeremy in high school.

At 8 am I announced that the bus was here and ushered the children out the front door, down to the end of the driveway. I waved at my neighbors Albert & Shirley, who I called Art & Gladys and also told them to get on down to the Spring Fling before all the good seats were taken. I stood there and handed each child into the bus that Ryan who was not physically there, was driving. I waved goodbye to the bus for a solid 5 minutes before storming back into the house crying because I felt Amanda and Jeremy had stabbed me in the back and were trying to ruin the Spring Fling I had worked so hard on. The guys had hidden the bag lunches and I never batted an eye about them but as soon as I called our meeting to order I became emotionally distraught that I had not set up and sent the required 3 first aid kits on the bus and to the Spring Fling. I found our only first aid kit in the kitchen and went on to dump Jamie's briefcase out on the floor looking for the others. The 3 of us live in the same house and are very good friends but NO ONE goes in jamie's briefcase but Jamie. Daniel told me that he had sent 2 of the first aid kits with Ryan in the bus but forgot to tell me. I bought it but was adamant about creating my own third first aid kit. I then informed Daniel that he had to go get dressed because we had to deliver it to the Spring Fling on time by 9:30. Jamie ran around and collected the random items I needed for the third kit - toothpicks, tampons, 12 sticks of sugarless chewing gum, a large bottle of Tums, a red bandana, a wad of toilet paper, a fork knife and spoon, an old Rick James cd, 3 quart sized baggies and 12 quarters. No band aids, no wipes, no first aid at all.

Daniel came downstairs at 9 am and I told him he had to ride with me to deliver the first aid kit to the Spring Fling because I needed to give him directions. He said he would drive me so I could re-check the first aid kit on the way and tell him how to get there. We jumped in the car and I directed him straight to my mother's house where we arrived unexpected at 9:25, just 5 minutes before she had to take my son and his friend's to his birthday party. I came in the backdoor and told her that Daniel was here and he wanted to apologize to her. She told me to leave because she didn't have time "to deal with my crap". She said later that "at that time" she had no reason to think something was wrong with me - I looked fine, talked fine, looked her in the eye and besides being there when I was not supposed to, I acted normal and calm. I went right back out the door and Daniel brought me home. I don't know how I got in and out of her house without my son seeing me.

Daniel got me into bed to watch a movie - don't ask me what - but halfway thru, around 2:30 pm I got up and said I was going fishing. So we went fishing and that is the very FIRST thing I remember. Casting my line and seeing the ripples in the water. Fishing has always been a great stress reliever for me. Daniel and I have been hitting the local ponds at least every other day since this happened.

Throughout the entire episode daniel was alternatively in tears and trying to talk me back to reality by asking questions that I would have had to answer rationally but I never went for it. Jamie was very shaken by the whole experience and when Daniel and I returned from fishing around 7:30 pm, the three of us just stood on the front porch in a group hug, crying and telling each other it was going to be alright, that we would do whatever had to be done - if anything - and it was then that I really really realized I had just gone through 13 hours walking talking and everything else but that I DO NOT remember a thing about it. Not a thing. And that scares me. The unusual sexual behavior combined with no memory of it is always creeping up on me. I know that Daniel and Jamie would never do anything to hurt me but what if this happens again and I am not at home or with one of them? The questions and doubt just keep piling up along with the anxiety.

The following day was Mother's Day & my Mother's birthday. I was supposed to go over there to cook out and spend time with my son. I was so exhausted that I backed out altogether. Later that night I sent my mother a series of text messages explaining what had happened and telling her that I was so scared. Her response was that Daniel should have called 911 immediately and had me transported to the nearest mental facility. She feels, like I do that the episode was caused by lack of sleep, added stress and extremely high anxiety.

This past Friday Daniel and I were supposed to pick up my son from school and stay on campus for a few hours during his school's annual Spring Fling. Wednesday night she called to confirm. Thursday night she called to say that she did not feel safe allowing Daniel and I to escort my 10 year old son to a school function attended by approx 150-200 people because I am obviously unstable. I was devestated and am still heart broken. This morning, Monday, my son called me and asked why I did not come to his school activity on Friday. Apparently, my mother went with him but did not mention my name or give a reason why I was not there. Max, being the little peacemaker that he is waited all the way until she left for work this morning to call and ask me why I did not come. Feeling heaps of sorrow, guilt and anger.

And so sleep continues to be elusive and the anxiety continues to pile up. I am so frightened this is going to happen again; like I am going to be caught in a vicious cycle. I do not have health insurance at this time and cannot afford to see my doctor. I asked both of my parents to help me out to pay for a check up and both refuse.

I am so anxious and scared and angry and hurt that I am frightened of waking up and hurting someone I love or damaging our home without even knowing I am doing it. I probably should have stayed away from some of the internet sites I visited trying to gather information. I try to sleep opposite times from Daniel as much as possible so he can watch me and make sure I am alright and he is alright. It feels so ridiculous and like I should be able to just shake this off and move on. For whatever reason, I cannot.

One of the scariest aspects of this is that under normal circumstances all of my friends and me included would have been making humorous remarks about the situation by now but we aren't. They are as worried as I am and that is disheartening. Don't get me wrong, there are about 5 people in this world who are truly my friends and I am truly blessed to have their support and concern. I have talked about it, cried an ocean over it and now written it all out. All of this has helped. Thanks to you for taking the time to read such a long winded account; I really wanted to be sure that I was thorough in my re-telling so that I do not forget anything because I certainly don't remember it.

Thanks be to God that I was at home with people who love me and saw me through the whole ordeal even as it it was confusing them and tearing them up inside. I love you with all my heart Daniel. Jamie - you are the best friend a gal could hope for.

I pray that this never happens to me again or to anyone else in this world. It is absolutely mind boggling.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I get out of sorts once in

I get out of sorts once in awhile, but I love music .and instead of all this drama, I get a report back thatI was singing too loudly listening to headphones while in bed. I have done crazy things, but channeling it towards helpful or harmless is key.
Get yourself to a safe place. Then do something benign. Dont wait for the worst.
Crosswords, journal writing, and bible reading are things that have saved me

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piss head boyfriend

omg i dont get what is going on with my boyfriend? last week he peed in the bedroom after coming home drunk! he came home and got into bed as norm... i then woke up to a trickling sound only to see him standing in the doorway pissing up the wall and over my cloths on the floor from that day. when i shouted at him what the f**k are you doing he looked at me and just carried on so i shouted at him to stop at which point he mutterd something then went to the toilet. when he woke he had no idea he had done it? it happend again last night after he came home he fell asleep on the sofa, i was watchin tv and about an hour later he just got up and walked into the kitchen, opend the oven shelf down, pulled the tray out and pissed in the oven and over the tray. Again i shouted what the f**k are you doing and he just lookd at me as if i had grown 2heads or something yet carried on... stop pissing in the oven! i shouted so he shouted back at me NO! so i pushed him and thats when he realised what he had done and apolagised. what the hell is it all about and how do i get him to stop doing it? he wont stop drinking and im scared hes gna pee on me lol

Serendip Visitor's picture

It's cause he is drunk. Only

It's cause he is drunk. Only way to stop him is to follow him around and guide him to the bathroom when he is drunk! It sucks, but the problem will continue if he keeps drinking!

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You poor thing...

Funny I had the exact same experience just this morning....Mine opened the closet door and stood there i was sure he was about to start pissing in it! when i shouted at him to make him stop he grabbed the astray and said: "this is a Chinese astray special for pee"and peed into the astray until i shouted again "get into the toilet now" where he continued his business...the astray in question was left on the sink with butts and pee in it and he pissed everywhere but in the toilet bowl... I am absolutely freaking out as well and I have no idea how i should react....One thing is for sure drink causes this

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Peeing

okay this totally weird, last night i had few to many with a few mates, i went to bed on the coach at 2 am in the morining, i woke up as usual with my girl mates yelling that you pissed in the draw, obviously my reaction is like no i didnt, but then they showed my i was like really? what they said happened.. i walked into there room, turned the light on, pulled open the cupboard, pulled open the draw and let it go, they asked me what i was doing, i didnt say anything, then some how i walked into the bathroom to yet pee again but just peen on the floor, i had no recolection of this happening, my uncle and grandad are known for peeing in sleep, i am guessing it is herretedtori, if that is you speel it :D i have seriously re considering drinking again

Serendip Visitor's picture

sleep walk pissing

Haven't done it since high school, but last weekend I was at a friends apartment party. Had my drinks then ordered pizza and fell asleep. Woke up at 3 am to them telling me I pissed out in the hallway on the stairs earlier. Walked out there to see the biggest puddle of piss ever. They said they were just getting back from the bars and I walked out the door then came back in and pointed behind me with my thumb while saying "its all yours buddy" then fell back asleep on the couch.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleepwalking and drunk

Hi I pissed on the ironing board last night in my sleep I' don't remember a thing but my other half said she see me do it, that's twice in a week now,the last time it happens it was last summer I pissed on the floor in the spare room but before that it's not happens in twelve years, when I was 19 years old I was on a coach with 18 friends travelling from London to Amsterdam we was drinking heavily , on route traverling through belgiumI fell asleep but apparently I got up and started walking towards the front of the coach walking past the toilet , my mate told me he shouted at me where r u going and I shouted back for a piss. As I approached the driver I unzipped my jeans and pissed on the coach drivers back as he was driving on a motorway. My friends said they were gob smacked and said I just sat back down as nothing had happend, I got woke up by the angry coach driver saying u r the little cunt who pissed on me, I didn't believe him as I had never done anything like this before , Anyway I was chucked of the coach and was left in a Belgium service station and had find new transport

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my boyfriend

He's always been a weird one, expecially when alchohol and drugs are concerned. he is really scared of spiders and it used to be that he would wake up and start beating the bed "spiders! SPIDERS!!"
Now every night he wakes me up with some form of talking its usually angry fuck you bla bla bla and can be really obsene and scary, he kicks his legs out says he's gonna cut people etc its mad. Anyway, the time before last he woke up went into the kitchen started smashing plates and cupboards around openening the fridge, made a drink, opened the dishwasher and pissed on it.
Like many others, when in my utter disgust i ask him what hes doing he rudely replies taking a fuckin piss what does it look like. He looks possessed and not himself it was so scary i didnt know that he wasnt awake i went mad and he went to the loo and carried on and stood there laughing like a nutter weeing all over the bathroom floor. Went and fell asleep on the sofa, so i got a bit of water in a cup and threw it in his face he "woke up" but not awake kicked the table over shouted what the fuck are you doing then he got me in a headlock which resulted in my having to kick him in the nuts to get him off me.
He doesnt rememeber anything and its getting worse, last night, again after a few stellas, he woke up calling me carol i was like what the fff "carol off the advert deserves more than four kisses, tell her tell her. Right thats it NUT HER! NUT HER!" headbutting the air and punching out like a loony.
After that he gets up, goes and pisses all over the bathroom floor, when i told him to hold it he put his hand on the wall and pissed everywhere even more again i said what are you doing he said taking a lovely piss. got back into bed ontop of all the covers i couldnt move him wake him nothing. went and slept in the spare room with all the lights on for him and doors open so i could hear him and he woke up llater and came in the room and had no idea again. Its scary and im scared one day he'll wake up violent and try and strangle me. Ive learnt not to argue with him and just try to let him get on with it but its not very safe. He also pissed behind the living room door and tried to piss on the side of the bed.
theres obviously times that im not there and it frightens me he might go out naked and neighbours hear him and see him like that, go in the street, climb out windows.... Im worried lol!
why do they all wee? whats with it? Most nights he will drink a whole bottle made up of robinsons squash but i dont hink its that i think its just alchohol..rrr i hate it! should he see a doctor or is it just something we have to live with? Stop drinking..yeah ive said that but theres no chance of that hapnin!

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boyfriend who drinks and pees sleep walking

my boyfriend has REPEATEDLY pee'd in various spots, in ANY house. Sometimes it doesnt happen but mostly when hes drunk he pee's when he sleeps. hes peed out the window, in my SUITCASE full of clothes, on the floor, in public, in the fridge, on a tv, walked butt naked into his roomates room holding himself, ready to go... Is the only thing he can do is stop drinking to end this!? cuz I'm pretty sure thats not happening. Any tips? PLEASE?

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ok I am a 20 year old male

ok I am a 20 year old male and i seem to have a sleepwalking problem... last month me and my friends were in puerto rico on vacation and i peed on he wall every night! i can remember one of the nights i was like half sleepwalking, feeling my way around the room trying to find the bathroom and i couldn't! then again last night i spent the night at my friends house and peed on the wall i have no recollection of it but one of my friends woke up and started yelling at me and walked me to the bathroom.

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First time sleepwalking

My room is in the basement, last night i saw myself running thru my door and didnt really wake up and have control till i made it up 2 flights of stairs. It was like i was scared for my life and running from something, i couldnt stop shaking like i was going into shock or something. I dont remember anything from getting out of bed to my door,and the rest of the way i could see everything but couldnt stop running and yelling like something was after me. I sat down at the top with no idea what just happened.

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ladies who wee on the floor...

1st time: 2 years ago: stayed over at a friend's house, woke up to see a damp patch on the carpet near the closet, i think i wee'd but cant remember; i haven't stayed there again!

2nd time: 1 year ago: slept at a different friend's house, weed on the floor, went back to sleep, in the middle of the night i realised, luckily they had a fan in the room so put that on; i haven't stayed there again!

3rd time: last night: at my house, went over to my desk and wee'd on the floor, luckily i had put a towel down (?!), at 5am awoke again thinking it had been a dream-- nope, wet towel proof; i won't be using that towel again!

is so strange that it always happens around this time of the year. is it something to do with xmas stress? or maybe, yes, i was overindulging...

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sleepwalking and peeing

I have been on nights for 3 weeks now and friday was my first night off in ages. I drank at least 4 glasses of wine and around 7 bottles of weak lager. I went to bed after my dinner and got up in the morning to my BF in a real mood with me I was unsure as to why he was being funny and then he said do you remember peeing on the stairs? I said what are you talking about I was in bed all night. When he asked me and I was asleep I replied " I am Pissing what do you think I am doing"! I then walked downstairs and peed on the floor in the lounge went back up and got into bed. I am so embarassed but have put it down too the alcohol. I am not a heavy drinker but this has really worried me I am 33 with 2 young kids and thought imagine if they had seen me...