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Sleepwalking Experiences

Ann Dixon's picture
Welcome to Serendip's forum for sharing sleepwalking experiences. "Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder effecting an estimated 10 percent of all humans at least once in their lives. This widespread phenomenon varies in its intensity and frequency. While most sleepwalking incidents are short and not dangerous, some can involve self-injury and are much more dangerous for the sleeper. Also, most interestingly, the disorder seems to stem from many different sources, not from one definable cause such as a chemical imbalance." (Howard, 1999)

This forum is a place to share sleepwalking experiences, thoughts, feelings, treatments, and experiences. Serendip does not offer special medical expertise, but rather a gathering place to talk, listen, think aloud and be heard.

Thanks for visiting, and please join in.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Walking

I've slept walk when i was 6 . I was upstair asleep on the top bunk , i managed to get down from the bunk bed , walk down the stairs , unlock 2 doors and go outside and nearly broke into my neighbours house this all happened while i was sleeping .

Serendip Visitor's picture

His First Time. . .

This is the first time it's happened - I was sitting in the lounge and I heard my boyfriend get out of bed and walk into the study. I yelled down the hallway and asked him what he was doing but he didnt respond, so I walked to the study only to find him PEEING ALL OVER THE DESK!
I'm so glad I found this website because it freaked me out a little bit to be honest. I asked him what he was doing and he just looked at me with glazed over eyes and kept going. . . . . .
The best part was having to clean it up because he fell back asleep! Definately going to marry this one.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Same thing

I've commented above about how this same thing happened to me. I woke up to my husband yelling at me because I was peeing in my second dresser drawer. Apparently my first response to him yelling at me though was "well if I would have gone in the bathroom you would've been mad at me". Not sure where I got that idea from or why I would say that. Super embarrassing and kinda scary.

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Selective sleepwalking

I have been with my Boyfriend for almost two years now, and almost everynight we sleep in the same bed I sleepwalk, talk, panic or scream. The weird thing is, no-one else has ever noticed it, neither my mum, elder brother, best friend (whom I practically lived with) or extended family and friends. Only on one other occasion have I been told I was whimperinng in my sleep, and that was when I was waiting for my boyfriend to arrive with friends - I love him a lot, but this can't be normal??? We don't have any issues so why am I only sleepwalking with him?

This is my experiences with sleepwalking, if anyone has experienced similar would be good to know!

Also, I do sometimes wake up remembering what I sleepwalked/talked about so he's not lying, before someone points that out

Serendip Visitor's picture

I did the same

When I was younger, I got a new bunk bed and I started sleepwalking and talking in my sleep. We got rid of my bunk bed and I slept on the floor for a while. I ended up one night trying to climb up my desk (how I usually did when I had a bunk bed) trying to reach the "top bunk". When I got a normal bed, I stopped doing anything in my sleep. I just slept. So don't worry, it's not just you that sleepwalks at certain times (I know a boyfriend isn't quite the same as a bunk bed, but....)

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Sleepwalking & Urinating

I have begun to have similar experiences over the last few months. I will either have a foggy memory of the event or none at all. It always occurs after drinking beer and apparently shortly after going to bed. Last night I peed in a bucket in our laundry room. This must stop. Time to get sober.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I'm a 25 year old female. As A child I suffered with sleep talking and screaming uncontrollably in my sleep. However when I started to drink as an adult I began to sleep walk and peeing, always after drinking. The first time I walked into my parents room and peed in a draw. once i left the house walked to the end of street knocked on my friends door and she had to take me home. I have probably had 15-20 incidence of sleep walking and sometimes peeing in the past 9 years, the true figure is unknown though, as these are only ones ive been told of as i never have any recollection of them. However recently it happened 3 times in a month. I have a 2 year old son and I'm scared I might try to take him somewhere. Recently on holiday I left the hotel room walked down 2 flights of stair and was standing by the swimming pool when my husband found me. He had luckily woken up and found me gone, but then had to leave my son asleep alone so he could come and find me. I've decided to stop drinking but sociable sensible drinking is a large part of our lives and its going to be very hard but it's not just for my safety it's also for my sons.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Confused, is this normal?

I went to a party, and I have only recently began drinking (I'm a lightweight) but decided to get totally drunk. Now here's where it gets blurry I think I may have got involved in some sexual activities and then sat on a chair. I have no memories after sitting in this chair until approximately 4 hours later where I can only describe as i woke up mid pee, yes MID PEE. I was really disoriented. I still am to be quite honest. Oh but it gets weirder, after wondering around the house I found my friends who then informed me that I had just been rude to them and had been behaving strangely for the past couple of hours and had been walking around in circles. I have zero memory of this. As a child I often sleep walked, I believe that this was a case of me reverting to old habits. Do you think I was sleep walking? Do you think it was the alcohol? should u be worried? And has anyone experienced anything like this (waking up mid poo/pee) before? Btw not sure if this is relevant but I'm 17 (yes I'm rather young to be drinking, sue me)

Serendip Visitor's picture

Any suggestions?

In the last 25 years, I've had 3 alcohol-related sleep-peeing incidents, always when I couldn't get to my usual bathroom either because I was in a strange place or because the bathroom was occupied. Now, if these were chronic and/or utterly random alcohol-related events, then the obvious solution would be not to drink, but it is neither chronic nor random, so giving up alcohol is not really the very first thing I want to try. I've noticed that it happens when
- I've been drinking, and not necessarily even excessively
- I have a full bladder, for example after drinking beer rather than wine
- I'm disoriented when I wake up to go to the bathroom

I'm going to try a few measures like leaving the light on in strange bathrooms, locking the front door of where-ever I'm staying (yup - I'm a wanderer), peeing before going to bed, etc. Any other suggestions? I'm wondering if I shouldn't just leave the bedroom light on as well.

Again, it happens pretty rarely, but is utterly terrifying when it does happen, because on 2 of the 3 times, I've ended up wandering around in strange surroundings in the dark and in my underwear. On top of it all, I'm usually in a half-awake, half-dreaming state, so everything I see is somehow overlaid with whatever it is that I am dreaming, so I'm just aware of my surroundings enough to feel lost and in trouble, but not lucid enough to figure out where I am and how to get back to where I need to be. Put simply, the issue is not quite so much peeing while sleepwalking (although that is incredibly embarrassing) but rather sleepwalking due to needing to pee.

Serendip Visitor's picture

TV Question


I work at a TV development company in NYC called Crybaby Media. Currently, we are interested in talking to people with sleep disorders for a new show we are developing.

If you suffer from sleep walking, sleep paralysis, night terrors, or any other sleep disorder, I'd love to chat with you. Feel free to email me at

Let me know if you're interested in talking!


Serendip Visitor's picture

Walking up the stairs

I'm 13 years old, female. Last night I feel asleep on the couch while watching a movie. My parents got home around 11:30pm and said that they had woken me up and I had got up off the couch and walked up the stairs all by myself. The werid part is I don't remember doing this at all! This has happened to me before, I don't understand, am I sleep walking?

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep peeing?

My husband of almost two years has been sleep peeing. After reading some posts, I guess I'm lucky he pees in the bathroom but its in the sink and bathtub. I don't know what to do. I always wake up but does that mean I need to follow him in the bathroom and wake him up? This is just crazy! I only want two kids, not a third adult child I have to babysit. Help! Btw, he doesn't drink at all, so it's not that.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Peeing

My boyfriend has sleep-peed a couple of times. I've woken up to him "going" in our desk draws and once in a corner bin. We were kind of worried about it, but went to a film festival recently and watched this film about sleep peeing: really made us laugh. Also watch the movie Sleep Walk With Me it's great.

Serendip Visitor's picture

my boyfriend sleep pees too!

SOOO my boyfriend sleep pees too! lol, We have lived together for about 5 years and it seems to only happens when he drinks but it does occasionally happen when he's not drinking. it hasn't been for a happening while, ( we hardly ever drink anymore) he sleep walks and pees in my clean white laundry basket on and in my dresser as well, and on the end of the bed on i woke up in the nick of time before he peed in my rabbits cage. when he lived at home in highschool he used to pee on his brother they shared a room, e would pee on his brothers bed. and its not just him its his whole family and not only peeing his brother also pees and his sister will turn on the flat iron and straighten her hair. My bf smokes cigarettes and once i even found him in his car outside our home!!! And thats what worries me the most, i can deal with re doing the laundry and cleaning my dresser up after him, but not him sleep walking out of the house into his car. It worries me for his safety :( any tips on help would surly be appreciated!!! Thanks :)

Serendip Visitor's picture

sleep walking

i am 38 male i sleeo walk at least once or twice a month i often get up for a wee in different places the most resent thing i have done is walk down stairs bring up a kitchen chair trying to get into the loft how can you help i also wake up with no clothes on

Serendip Visitor's picture

pissing in the papasan chair

This weekend my friend got into a fight with her boyfriend and ended up getting kind of drunk and passing out in my bed with her feet on the pillows. I woke up to her wondering all around my room, i asked if she was okay but got no response, eventually i yelled at her still asking if she was okay again and than she sat on my bed and said "YES" then got up took off her pants and sat in my pasan chair and began to piss. I got up turned on the lights and yelled "Dre your pissing in my chair" and she just looked at me with glazed over eyes and slightly smiled, Than she puled up her pants and fell back asleep half way off my bed. ya good times.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Peeing while sleepwalking

After reading a lot of these comments, i thought i'd add mine.
I have peed next to the toilet 2 times,
on my bedroom door once,
on my desk chair once,
in my trashbin ( next to my chair ),
and ... 2 times in my bed -_-* Sooooo embarresing to wake up like that.

Anyways i have noticed if i get drunk on whisky i have almost no flued in my body,
so i don't need to pee in my sleep. While with beer there is always to much flued inside you.

I like whisky so i think i'll stick to that for now, only a few beers in the beginning for me now so i can pee it all out.

haha crazy stuff happens i guess, lucky i found this post. Some good info in it.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Me too

My fiancé is really mad at me cause I peed in our dresser last night but prior to that I peed in her drawer a few weeks ago, it seems to happen only when drink so I feel I need to lay off the sauce a bit

Serendip Visitor's picture

It's me again

It's me again ...
It happened again guys ...
Yesterday i drank some absinth and,
i woke up with a hangover looking on the ground and see no pee lol so i thought i was safe.
Then i went to turn on my computer and ...
My whole desk, keyboard, computer, books, everything was wet from my pee !
The power was out and my freezer defrosted ...
I just cleaned everything and got the power back on.
But damn ... i mean wtf ... this has got to end !

Not only that, but i remember telling some really akward stuff to people ^^

I think no more drinking for me :(
It simply has got to end !

Serendip Visitor's picture

Drunk Pissing

So I get drunk only like 1 night in two weeks, but when I drink a lot I always go to bed and start pissing everywhere. Never on my actual bed, but I've pissed anywhere from right next to my bed on the carpet to all the way downstairs and in a corner. Possibly the worst time was when i got up (i dont remember any of this) and pissed into my drawer with white tshirts, needless to say I did a big load of whites the next day..Why can't I find the bathroom when I'm drunk sleepwalking? If I can find a drawer to piss in why can't I find a toilet? Is there anything I can do to prevent pissing everywhere? Obviously not drinking would do the trick but i want to figure out a way to solve this

Serendip Visitor's picture

my son pees at night

my 5 year old sleep walks, he has since he was about 2, but he only recently started trying to pee in weird places. Ive managed to get him to the washroom most times but he always seems to try to pee in the fridge. tonight i managed to get him out of the fridge but his pants came down and he peed on the kitchen floor. he woke up about 30 seconds later with his underwear down and pee on his legs standing in a big puddle not knowing what had happened. He has also tried to leave the house while sleep walking. i dont know what to do. im going to talk to his doctor and hopefully get some input from her...

Serendip Visitor's picture

any help?

hi there, i struggle with my sleep. i had problems as a kid. and all was fine.... now in my thirties its ridiculous, ive locked myself outside, i have walked outside several times, walked the dog. had counselling, affected so bad i gave up. please help x

Serendip Visitor's picture

Got drunk and pissed on the carpet.

Was drinking beer, playing with the dogs and watching TV alone late on Friday. I went into the bedroom to go to bed, but decided to go have another beer. For some reason I just decided to take a leak right next to the bed. I don't really know what I was thinking, I just needed to relieve myself then and there, so I did. I kind of felt like one of the dogs, marking my territory or something.. My wife woke up and asked what was going on. She went back to sleep, not angry, but I think she is worried about me. I am so ashamed today, I really don't even want to leave my room. I am off drink; that was a little too out of control for me.
Thank you for this blog, this is not something I would even discuss with my doctor.

Serendip Visitor's picture

drunk (pissed)

My husband drinks quite often , and he keeps waking trying to find the bathroom in our bedroom and he has almost peed in the closet twice and by the wIndow at least 3 times,
i redirect him to the bathroom and off he goes and then comes back to bed
In the morning, he doesnt remember it at all!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep walk peeing son

My son who is 6 does this. It isn't quite as frequent as it used to be, but it is bad enough that we are going to have to replace carpeting. It isn't ever the same place, and it is always on the floor. He seems to be walking to where he thinks the bathroom is and just peeing. We have tried waking him up in the middle of the night and taking him to the bathroom, and sometimes that helps, but not always. We have no idea what to do, but this problem is going to end up costing up thousands of dollars in repairs! Help!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep peeing!

My 6 yr old sleep walks at least twice a week and pees in various places, our bed, garbage cans, on our rugs, kitchen floor, tub, and various other places. We have a difficult time wakin him up. I have been big on making him go potty before bed, if I see him up we pick him up and take him to bathroom. Sometimes works! Lastnight almost pee'd on our decorative bed pillows! He does not take medicine, we limit his intake of fluids at night.

Serendip Visitor's picture

drunk sleep walk peeing

For some odd reason i have no idea why but every once in a while when i have some beer with friends and i go to sleep, I will sleep walk and pee in my shoes. Ill slightly remember my experiences but ill look for a certain pair of shoes and pee in both of them and make sure it holds my pee with out spilling.

Serendip Visitor's picture

me too

i ve share the same problem as u and my shoes seems to get it all the time plus on top of that i chart at my girlfriend while being asleep ,it s really stressful as i m scared i might get physical with her !!
she actually recorded me as i have non-recognition of the event !!
i need help , but before seeking help i need to stop drinking !!
it s killing me pfff

Serendip Visitor's picture

the solution

This has happened to me several times in my life. Would be standing in the middle of the room staring at the wall and my wife would wake me up and direct me to the bathroom. This is the worst when I am in a strange place. Nothing worse than peeing on the Entertainment Center. Ever since we have left the bathroom light on, it hasn't happened. Being incoherent, you will be drawn to the light. You get lost in your sleep, leave the bathroom light on and you won't do it again.

Serendip Visitor's picture

peeing on friends

Last night, I peed on my friends as they were sleeping. Didint remember a thing when I woke up - they, however, probably will not forget.

Serendip Visitor's picture

peeing on friends

same i drank like 10 shots of 100 proof whiskey ended up blacking out, friends said i was staring at a wall for 2 hours smiling, made me go to sleep and around 2:30 i ended up sleepwalking and peeing on a girl i had a thing for... great way to end it.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Scared the hell out of me

So I have had blackout pee experiences in the past where I woke up and found out that I had peed on,usually, furniture. But the other day I did something different that scared the hell out of me. I had been drinking but no where near enough to have a blackout pee experience. I woke up peeing in the toilet and was very confused and it sobered me up. I didnt understand how I got to the bathroom but I just remember waking up to me peeing. It was so confuaing and if anyone else has had or heard of this or something similar please reply.

Serendip Visitor's picture

my husband does the same.

I'm at a loss! My husband pees n the kitchen floor in my closet on the fan that's plugged in. I don't know what to do I'm worried about him hes a very classy well respected man but has a Night time pee prob.

Serendip Visitor's picture

my husband does the same thing

he drinks too much and pees in the kitchen sink or in the middle of the floor or shower. The drinking has to stop but how do you get them to stop?

Serendip Visitor's picture

my boyfriend does it too...

At first I thought he was just blackout wasted because he drinks quite often but since then it has happened several more times when he hasn't been drunk. What perplexes me to no end is that he doesn't do it in the same place every time so it's not like he's turned around backwards or anything. Also, he has absolutely no recollection of it and pees on a wide variety of objects that do not resemble a toilet at all. He has peed all over my dresser & shoes ( i had to take my clothes out & wash them), all over different walls, cupboards and sections of random flooring, a few other random things, and, night before last, all over my robe, the floor and my daughters chair. Once, he made it to the bathroom but peed on the wall & cupboards instead, no where near the toilet... I don't know what to do! I know he is embarrassed about it and I know I'm tired of cleaning it up. Does anyone have any advice?

Serendip Visitor's picture

Why is it up to you?

Why on earth do YOU have to clean it up?

Serendip Visitor's picture


bc they wont beleive u

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I passed out black out drunk then sleep walked and peed on my roommate awhile back and he woke me up like WTF. Ever since then i will sleep walk and try to pee on things, take dresser jours out, just random stuff now just from like one beer. Im can honestly handle a 24 pack of booze and not be like blackout drunk. i can still talk to people and they can understand me i can walk straight and everything. So il drink a 12 pack or even like five freaking beers and go to bed and my wife tells me the next morning the stories of the night before what i did while sleep walking. It ONLY happens when i drink. Im in the military and i when im sleep walking i will talk about anything from random stuff that makes no sense to past afghanistan experiences. Its weird. I keep looking up things on the internet to maybe see if other people have the same problem and it seems so but it seems no one really knows WHY it happens or a drives me nuts lol. I mean i could never drink ever again but its nice to have a beer every once in awhile. The best solution from what iv read is leaving the bathroom light on or using a night light in the bathroom so it draws you to the bathroom.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i have recently been doing

i have recently been doing the same stuff kinda freaked out by it. im currently in the military and dont know if i should tell my chain. Any thoughts did you tell your?

Serendip Visitor's picture

my boyfriend keeps urinating on things and i cant wake him up

Dear blogger, have you had any issues some you left your light on? I'm worried about my partner he's urinated on sound systems the bed side tables and recently the top of his dresser.... I don't know what to do it only happens when he's had a few beers but I can never fully wake him when he's doing it and its beginning to worry me, I've even started making him urinate when he comes in from having a few with his pals and and is ready for bed... I don't know if it's working yet just started that the other day but I'm desperately looking for help... I'm so tired of having to babysit a 29yr old man and clean up so much peeeee!

Serendip Visitor's picture

I'm having same problem with

I'm having same problem with myself but even if I go toilet before I sleep I still end up sleep walking and peeing would like to know a solution too. But with me it only stated to happen 7 years ago after I had my son

Serendip Visitor's picture

My Husband... scary NOT funny

He has done this several times. Once was on our kitchen table. Another time has been our laptop (actually it has happened on 2 seperate laptops). There have been many others that weren't quite so... memorable I guess.
Now however, we have full custody of his daughter (due to very personal and drug induced reasons from the biological mother). We were drinking and the kid was in bed during the time. Him and her were both on persciption meds because of a cold she brought home from "her mom's or MIMI's house".
Even though I am used to his peeing adventures by now, it came as a shock when at 2:30a.m. he wanders into his daughter's room.
I immediately knew what was going on. I had seen it many times before. The fact is though he almost peed in my kid's/his daughter's room in the middle of the night. I was able to drag him out of the room within seconds due to a new addiction to a facebook game called "Castleville".
You may be reading all of these sleep peeing entries and laughing to yourselves but imagine what my husband went through the next day when he realized what I drug him out of doing (thank GOD she was asleep when it almost happened). You think it is sooooo funny, "Oh I got drunk and in the middle of the night... I peed on this or that."
It is not amusing, or cute, or funny.
That kind of crap... no one wants to or should deal with it. If you do it, STOP DRINKING.

And if you don't stop drinking, do the world a favor and don't let anyone into your life, because if you love them, you won't drink.

Serendip Visitor's picture

You are absolutely right!

Oh God.. It just happened to me an hour ago.. My roommate just woke up in the middle of the night and urinated on all my stuffs and bed .. I immediately got up and needless to say he took my pillow and blanket and tried wiping it.. He was almost kinda sleep walking.. I just moved in to this new room two weeks ago.. I'm totally in a state of shock.. The manager of the building just put me in another room temporarily.. I've no idea why these psychopaths tend to behave like this..! Jus' because they are drunk doesn't mean that they can do such a crappy, silly thing.. It is just plain ugly and not funny at all! :(

Serendip Visitor's picture


Are you certain he is not interfering with the girl? I find it disturbing he was in her room, and obviously had his penis out. I think you need to be very cautious, for the child' s sake, and if I'm wrong, get the pig to AA or leave him. What kind of life is this?

Serendip Visitor's picture

drunk peeing

I feel your pain. Im in tears as we speak. My husband of 2 years lover of 10 has peed on the floor again. It makes me so upset b/c when I get him up to show him hes done it again he almost laughs or gos isto denial. I really think he believes someone else did it or hes being set up cause I just want too argue.I dont get to sleep at home all the time b/c of my overnight job and when hes drinking I always feer hes going to pee on me I would be so ashamed of myself if I got peed onb/c I dont know if I would want to stay with a man who uses me like a toilet. I have caught him about to pee on our 9 year old one time Am I the reason Im in this possition I feel like if I dont want this in my life I have to leave but then whatcdo I tell our two kids I left because daddy pees the bed???!!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

That's crazy that happened to

That's crazy that happened to my boyfriend not too long ago it pissed me off so much Cuz he woke my daughter up and she was so confused and he had no idea what he had done and told him too not to drink anymore if that's gunna happen

Serendip Visitor's picture

I agree, it's aweful...

I am trying to get my husband to stop drinking because he does this and also gets very angry if he wakes up suddenly from deep sleep and after drinking. It scares me. I don't want to have a baby with him if I can't trust him to control his drinking and avoid sleep walking/peeing/abusive behaviors.

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my peeing sleepwalk

It was my father's 42nd birthday in a disco,we got back home at 6 in the morning and all went to bed right away.The next morning I drank my coffee with them and my dad tod me that he had heard a peeing sound.Then he'd seen me peeing on his wardrobe.He'd told me out and I'd went.Funny thing though,i guess i had been completely done by the time he had sent me off as my pants were dry and so was the floor and my bed.I have no memory,but find it quite embarrassing to know lol ;d

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Peed on my cable box

So in the past year or so, my drinking had gotten really heavy. I was drinking copious amonts of liquer, beer, any thing that would get me oblitterated. My first sleep peeing events happened in my bed, which was about twice. As time went on, I stopped drinking hard liquer and just stuck with beer. My first notable sleepwalk peeing event was when I woke up in the morning with the head of my bed and my pillow wet. I had passed out in bed with a half-full beer before somI looked for a bottle but never found one. Upon further investigation of my wet bed I discovered that it was urine. Now, two nights ago, I drank two tall cans of steel reserve, my usual for the past few months. Yesterday while my girlfriend was over, I went to turn on my cable box and tv and found that the cable box wouldnt turn on. I started to check all the plugs behind the tv and found that my xbox cable was unplugged but not the cable box. I started moving the cable box to look behind it and found that there was liquid underneath it all over the glass stand that it sits on. I decided to smell the liquid and discovered it was pee! After realizing this I decided that that was the reason my xbox power supply was unplugged. I must have realized what I was doing in my sleep and tried to save it from being ruined. I told my girlfriend and wow, I've never seen her laugh so hard at pee before! She suggested I set up a camera to see what I do in the night lol. Sorry for the lengthy post!

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Stop drinking

How about you stop drinking, get help like AA or your pastor before you hurt yourself or someone else