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Blended Learning Resources

One of Next Generation Learning Challenge's profiles featured Thinkwell, a multimedia company which creates online video textbooks.

Profiles of Next Generation Learning: Thinkwell from NextGenLC (NGLC) on...

EconPort is an Open Archives Initiative supported by Georgia State University. It emphasizes teaching and research in macroeconomics. The library includes complete modules, glossaries and a handbook of economic theories, and integrated software. EconPort's emphasis is on using experiments in the classroom.

A free, open collection of college course material hosted by Saylor Foundation. It is designed to replicate an entire college curriculum with freely available course materials, although they do not offer college credit. (Eventually they will to host all materials on their own site so they can ensure long-term stewardship, but in currently some is available only through links to other sites). Currently the courses consist largely of recorded lectures and readings. There are a few quizzes, but few interactive...

Began as a series of video lectures in mathematics, goal is now to cover a range of topics at K-12 and college level. Khan has also branched out to tutorials/formative assessment exercises, currently mostly in math -- these contain links to associated videos where students can watch worked examples. Instructors can set up a "coach" account, and have students sign up to view their progress. See Salman Khan's TED...