B.A, Harvard University, 1969
M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University, 1970, 1973
Postdoctoral Fellowships at Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University
Assistant and Associate Professor, University of Chicago, 1974-1985
Professor of Biology, Bryn Mawr College, 1986-present
1986-1993, Chair of Department
1988-present, Eleanor A. Bliss Professorship
2000-present, Director, Center for Science in Society
Selected Print Publications (see to right for web publications)
Grobstein, Paul (2005) Revisiting Science in Culture: Science as Story Telling and Story Revising, Journal of Research Practice, Volume 1.1, Article M1.
Grobstein, P. (2005) Making the Unconscious Conscious, and Vice Versa: A Bi-directional Bridge Between Neuroscience/Cognitive Science and Psychotherapy?, Cortex 41: 663-668.
Blank, D., Cassidy, K., Dalke, A., and Grobstein, P. (2004) Emergent Pedagogy: Learning to Enjoy the Uncontrollable and Make it Productive, submitted
Grobstein, P. (2003) Getting
it less wrong, the brain's way: science, pragmatism, and multiplism,
IN Interpretation and Its Objects: Studies in the Philosophy of Michael
Krausz (A. Ritivoi, ed.), Rodopi, pp 153-166
Dalke A., McCormack, E, and Grobstein, P. (2003) Theorizing
Interdisciplinarity: The Evolution of New Academic and Intellectual Communities,
Dalke A. and Grobstein, P. (2003) Story-Telling
in (At Least) Three Dimensions: An Exploration of Teaching Reading, Writing,
and Beyond, submitted
Grobstein, P. (2002) Who's afraid
of Emily Dickinson, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the brain,
Newsletter of the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
Patton, P. and Grobstein, P (1998) The effects of telencephalic
lesions on visually mediated prey orienting behavior in the frog (Rana
pipiens). I. The effects of complete removal of one telencephalic lobe,
with a comparison to the effects of unilateral tectal lobe lesions. Brain,
Behavior, and Evolution 51: 123-143.
Patton, P. and Grobstein, P (1998) The effects of
telencephalic lesions on visually mediated prey orienting behavior in
the frog (Rana pipiens). II. The effect of limited lesions to the telencephalon.
Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 51: 144-161.
Grobstein, P. et al. (1994-present) Serendip, a WWW resource - http://serendipstudio.org
Includes (see right column for more):
Grobstein, P. (1994)
Variability in behavior and the nervous system. In: Encyclopedia of
Human Behavior, Volume 4 (V.S. Ramachandran, ed.), Academic Press,
Grobstein, P. (1992) Directed movement in the frog: motor
choice, spatial representation, free will? In: Neurobiology of Motor
Programme Selection: New Approaches to Mechanisms of Behavioral Choice.
(Kien, J., McCrohan, C., Winlow, B., eds.), Pergamon Press, pp 251-279.
Grobstein, P. (1990) Strategies for analyzing complex
organization in the nervous system. I. Lesion experiments, the old rediscovered.
In: Computational Neuroscience. (Schwartz, E., ed.), MIT Press,
pp 19-37.
Grobstein, P. (1988) From the head to the
heart: some thoughts on similarities between brain function and morphogenesis,
and on their significance for research methodology and biological theory.
Experientia 44: 961-971.
Bryn Mawr College courses
Additional teaching activities
Contact Information
(Click for earlier)
New Serendip exhibits
- Getting It Less Wrong, May 2006
- Thinking About an Elementary Science Education Curriculum, January 2006 and ongoing
- The Psychoanalyst and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation about Healing the Soul and Telling Stories of the Mind, Brain, Self, and Culture, January 2006
- Science as Storytelling or Story Telling? A Conversation About Science Education ... and Science, December 2005
- The Art Historian and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation About Proprioception, the "I-function", Body Art, and ... Story Telling?, Fall 2005
- The Novelist and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation About Story Telling, Fall 2005
- Evolution and Intelligent Design: Perspectives and Resources, Fall 2005
- Science as Story Telling in Action, Summer 2005
- The World of Langton's Ant: Exploring Purpose, Summer 2005
- Science As Story Telling and Story Revision: A Conversation, Spring 2005
- What Do People Actually Do at the Trevi Fountain? - a photo essay, Winter 2004
- Education and Technology: Serendip's Experiences 1994-2004, Fall 2004
- Writing Descartes: I Am and I Can Think, Therefore ... , Summer, 2004
- Once Upon a Time is Now, Summer 2004
Thinking broadly: notes of a public intellectual (recent essays available on Serendip)
- The Perils and Potentials of "I Believe ...", April 2006
- Intelligent Design and the Story of Evolution: No Need for Drawing Lines in the Sand, September 2005
- Fundamentalism and Relativism: Finding a New Direction, April 2005
- Writing Descartes: I Am, and I Can Think, Therefore ... , June 2004
- The Scale of Humanness, April 2004
- Science Matters ... How?, November 2003
- The Neurobiology of Parenting,
November 2003
- Some Thoughts on Academic Structure
(and Socio-Political Structures Generally): A Biological Metaphor as an
Alternative to Both State's Rights and Federalism, November 2003
- "I Believe ... ": Its Significance and
Limitations for Individuals, Science, and Politics, July 2003
- Language/Science/Politics 101: War Is
A Bad Metaphor, June 2003
- On Being a "Lonely Atheist, February 2001
Recent web-based talks/presentations
- Science as Story Telling and the Brain as a Scientist/Story Teller
- From Complexity to Emergence and Beyond: The Nature of Inquiry, and of What is Being Inquired Into, June 2006
- Thinking About an Elementary Science Education Curriculum, February 2006
- Intelligent Design and Evolution: A Significant Issue in Science and Public Policy, February 2006
- Theory and Practice of Non-Normal Inquiry, February 2006
- Rethinking Science Education: An Overview, January 2006
- Elementary Education: The Brain as Scientist and Science as Story Telling
- Biology 202 Evolving, December 2005
- The Emergence and (continuing) Evolution of the Story of Story Telling
- On Beyond Post-Modernism: Discriminating Stories, October 2005
- Intelligent Design and the Story of Evolution ... An Update, October 2005
- Does Biology Have Anything to Contribute to Thinking About Sex and Gender. I. Embodiment and the Brain, October 2005
- The Brain: Insights into Individuals and Social Organization, September 2005
- The Importance of Process in Science, the Brain, and Education, August 2005
- Science as Story Telling in Action: The Web, the Brain, and Society, August 2005
- Experiential Learning and Purpose-Centered Education Meets Liberal Arts and Science Education: What Can We Do For Each Other?, June 2005
- Intellectual Exchange as a Medium for Community Building on the Web and Beyond, June 2005
- On the Difference (?) Between Ants and People, May 2005
- The Emerging Scientific Mind/Brain, May 2005
- The Relevance of the Brain for Psychotherapy (and Vice Versa), With Particular Reference to Human Development, April 2005
- Looking to the Brain for Psychotherapeutic Insights and to Psychotherapy for Insights into the Brain: Notes for a New Story, March 2005
- Science, Biology, and the Brain as Emergent Systems, March 2005
- Become a Better Learner: Unleash Your Brain, March 2005
- Bridging Cultures: Looking to the Brain for Psychotherapeutic Insights and to Psychotherapy for Insights into the Brain, March 2005
- Thinking About Science: Evolving Stories, January 2005
- The Bipartite Brain
And Its Significance for Idealism, Pragmatism and Other Matters
, January 2005
- Continuity and Catastrophe: From and About The Indian Ocean Tsunami, January 2005
- Science, Brains, Humanity, December 2004
- Emerging Emergence: From the Active Inanimate to Models to Stories to Agency (and Back Again), October 2004
- History and Memory: What Does the Mind/Brain/Nervous System Have to Do With It?, October 2004 (with Elliott Shore)
- Does Biology Have Anything to Contribute to Thinking About Sex and Gender?, October 2004
- The Brain: Insights into Individuals and Complex Organization, September 2004
- Science in Society in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinarity and Beyond, August 2004
- Teaching With/On the Web,
April 2004
- A Biological Perspective on Mental Health, February 2004
Selected earlier materials
- Education
as Applied Neurobiology: Students and Teachers as Story Tellers/Listeners/Exchangers,
January 2004
- Quantity, Quality,
and Value: A View from the Brain, December 2003
- Understanding the Brain: Implications
for Education, and the Bryn Mawr Center for Science in Society: Learning
to Put Theory into Practice, November 2003
- One Man's Story of Learning
Through Diversity, (October, 2003)
- Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: Enemies,
Acquaintances, Bedfellows?, (October, 2003)
- A
Story of Emergence Emerging (September, 2003)
- Emergence and Contingency/Purpose/Agency:
An Exploration of an Intersection Between History and Biology/Neurobiology,
September, 2003
- College Seminar and the
Public/Private Arenas (August, 2003, with Anne Dalke)
- Mind-Body Connection:
The Brain, 9 April 2003
- A Vision of Science (and Science Education)
in the 21st Century: Everybody "Getting It Less Wrong" Together
(3 April, 2003, Illinois Science and Mathematics Academy, see paper)
- Timing the Conscious and the
Unconscious: Some Implications for Thinking ... and Thinking About Time
(18 March 2003)
- Understanding the Brain: Implications
for Education (19 December 2002, Counseling Association of Greater
- Philosophies
of Science: A View From the Brain (11 December 2002)
- From Complex Systems
to Emergence: A General Conceptual and Philosophical Perspective
(November 15, 2002)
- The Brain's Images: Co-Constructing
Reality and Self (11 August 2002, 11th Annual Usability Professional's
Organization Meeting, see Paper)
- Loopiness As a Pedagogical
Methodology (May, 2002, with Anne Dalke)
- Introductory Science: Experiments
in Bridging Cultures (spring, 2002)
- Depression, or (Better?)
Thinking About Mood (spring 2002)
- Brains, Computers, and Education
2000, a five year progress report