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Food for Thought course

Notes for Day 3

Notes for Day 3 of Food for Thought

I. Packets for sale--but updated syllabus ON-LINE

II.Conference scheduling

III. Invitation to SJPP

IV. Possibility of field trip??

V.Writing about writing:
Write for 5 minutes:
For me, writing is like….
What is it like, for you, writing generally?
What was it like for you, writing this paper?
What do you anticipate it will be like for you, writing for college?
How does that imagining differ from the writing you did in h.s.?

What (in short) is your metaphor for writing?
Share with a partner.

VI. Introduce your partner and explain her metaphor

Course Roster

Food for Thought Course Roster

Peter Brodfuehrer          Anne Dalke

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