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Indigo Children

Patricia Mundy's picture


Indigo Children ADD/Austism





“ Do-not train a child to learn by force or harshness;

but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so

that you may be better able to discover with accuracy

the peculiar beat of the genius in each”





PLATO ( most influential philosopher of all times. 428BC-348BC







(1) Do you believe Indigo children exist? Why or why not?



(2) Is it possible some of the children who exhibit behavioral difficulties in classrooms,

labeled ADHD, placed in special education and are highly intelligent be Indigo

Children ?



(3) What would be the best teaching strategies for this unique group of children to

enhance their individual and families quality of life, from a personal and academic











I became interested in the study of Indigo Children after reading an article in the Sunday Inquirer Parade Magazine last March.. The Indigo Child is defined as one who exhibits anti-social behavior such as difficulty waiting in line, no response to authority, easily frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and are highly intelligent. Some studies suggest Austism and Indigo Children are closely related.

We as parents have high expectations of our children. Our dreams of their future circle around how well they cope and function within society norms ( poplarity, academics, sports and leadership qualities).We base our sense of well being on success and achievements on the body and mind of a person. Nowhere within our system do we acknowledge the spirit and soul of the human being. Indigo Children are not dysfunctional or disordered because they think, learn and function differently..

Indigo Child is not a recognized term in the field of psychology. Some believe the discovery of these children are a result of scientific observations by a woman who has the brain disorder called (synesthesia}. Dr. Russell Barkley a research professor of psychiatry states, “ Labeling a disruptive kid as Indigo may delay proper diagnoses and treatment that may help him or her.. ” He also believes some of these children suffer from Asperger Syndrome, ADHD, or Austism. Teaching kids they are Indigo may encourage then to adapt sense of human superiority, alienation and a bizarre paranormal identity.

Regardless what your belief system is ,I challenge you as educators to read ,explore and think about these fascinating children. There are three generations of Indigo spirits in my family. The name may change but the behaviors are consistent. Indigo people do exist!




Web Resources:

Indigo People:


Indigo Children


Tactile Indigo Children:

Global Village School