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Precarious and Performative Play 2011 - Our Final Set of Web "Events"

Welcome. Below find a list of webpapers emerging from Precarious, Performative, Playful, Potential...Perspectives on Sex and Gender, an interdisciplinary course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2011. To conclude the "epilogue" of the course, "Moving On-and-Out From Here," students are here expanding on one of their earlier projects.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you ... what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about precarious, performative, playful, potential ... perspectives on sex and gender ?"Poetry Is Not A Luxury:" Thoughts on Writing for Social Change
AmophrastFinal Webpaper
AmyMayReflections on the Consent is Sexy Campaign: Moving Forward, Looking Back
AmyMayConsent is Sexy in pictures
aybala50At Bryn Mawr: Exploring Transgender Further
charlieThe Arc: An Exhibit on Right Relationships
chelseamMapping Entanglement: Witnessing and Acting in our Built and Natural Environments
essieteeWe're The Song Inside The Tune, Full of Beautiful Mistakes
GaviThe Groundings of a Commonwealth: Workshop on Forging Environmental Ethics Through Reading and Telling Stories
jfwrightThe Stories We Tell Ourselves: A Continuation of Web Event #2
jmorgantSexual Misconduct Policy Reform at Haverford College
KammySex and Gender Flowchart
Katie RandallShifting Standards of Care and Right Relationships
Kim Kun-conventional learning
leamirellaCampus Media and Right Relationships: Allowing the Student Body to Appear
lgleysteenDisruption in the Interpretation of Embodied Symbols
lwackerOrange Alert Extended.
phenomsA Community's Right Relationships: Urban Gardening
rachelrIdentifying Similarities and Differences
S. YaegerReconsidering Women's Colleges Through Butler, Barad, Kaleb, Dalke, and Ourselves.
sel209Entangling and Enabling: A handbook for BSA that encourages right relationships despite a disabling culture
ShlomoMale Athletes and Rape Culture: Structural Violence in the World and at Haverford (TRIGGER WARNING)
someshineSpeak About It Advertising Campaign - A Work In Progress
venn diagramPregnancy and Parenting Education Reform