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Eco-Literacy 2014

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Anne Dalke's picture

Welcome to the on-line conversation for Eco-Literacy, a 360°
cluster being offered @ Bryn Mawr College in Spring 2014.


dross's picture

Econ 136: Week 1 Tasks

Wednesday:  On Quantitative Reasoning:  Playing with Numbers and Computers

Preparing for class:  Before you retire Tuesday night (or by 3am Wednesday morning)

Register for the Sapling Learning Course by following the procedure described in the  Accessing Sapling Learning Course and e-Text handout below.

Under Introduction to Sapling Learning, watch the video and complete the Using the tools in Sapling Learning to get a sense of how the online homework engine works.

Now complete the Math Review problem set.   It’s really misnamed:  It’s not so much a review as an opportunity for me to assess strengths and areas  for attention going into class on Wednesday and going forward this semester.    Any reference to “grades” should be ignored (at least in terms of the factors I’ll use to evaluate your performance in this course).

If you are comfortable bringing your laptop or iPad with you to class, please do so.   If not, I'll have access to a computer available for you (but you'll need to be able to log in to your Bryn Mawr or Haverford accounts).

Friday:   Community Profiles:  Counting what we can Measure

Preparing for class:

Anne Dalke's picture

Introducing whimsy....

I’ve had a Serendip account for nine years. A few years ago, when the “avatar” option emerged on the site, I selected this picture of myself, which suited me quite well for a long while: I liked my smiling, welcoming face, the face that went with my user name (which is my real name). I liked being out, claiming, as myself, what I said on-line.

In the fall of 2013, however, I was co-teaching a cluster of courses called Women in Walled Communities (in which Jo, Jody and Sophia participated), and some of the time we met in a women’s prison in Philadelphia. As a get-acquainted activity, we asked the “inside” women to pick an image to represent themselves, then printed off the avatars of all the BMC (or “outside”) women—and we had to go around and try to figure out who we were. But nobody wanted to talk to me, because it was so obvious who I was. They were much more interested in figuring out who had chosen to represent herself with a cactus flower, or a bike, or an owl, or a beach…and why…

Anne Dalke's picture

Instructions for Preparing Your Final Portfolio

Anne Dalke's picture

Friday "Lab"

Fri, 02/07/2014 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

preparing for our on-campus "confrontation"/difficult conversation

Anne Dalke's picture

“Re-making the Landscape: The Art and Science of Ava Blitz”

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 7:00pm - 8:30pm

A public talk by visual artist Ava Blitz. English House Lecture Hall.

dross's picture

Working with Economic Data: Valuing the Environment

5/2:  Added link to Moodle for the Final Memorandum

ECON 136:  Working with Economic Data:  Valuing the Environment

I change my office hours each week (I try to post Friday afternoon), if none of those hours work for you, please email with all the times that might work for you.

Anne Dalke's picture

Tri-Co Environmental Studies Faculty Workshop

Tue, 05/20/2014 (All day) - Wed, 05/21/2014 (All day)
Anne Dalke's picture

Re-return field trip to Center for Environmental Transformation, Camden, NJ

Fri, 05/02/2014 - 10:00am - 2:00pm
Anne Dalke's picture

Field Trip to the Laurel Hill Cemetery

Fri, 04/11/2014 - 10:00am - 2:00pm
Anne Dalke's picture

Stroll to Harriton House and lunch in the "wildflower classroom"

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 10:00am - 2:00pm
jccohen's picture

Ecologies of Minds and Communities

Anne Dalke's picture

ENGL 213 (Anne Dalke)

Repeats every week until Wed Apr 30 2014 .
Wed, 03/19/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Wed, 03/26/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Wed, 04/02/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Wed, 04/09/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Wed, 04/16/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Wed, 04/23/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Wed, 04/30/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Anne Dalke's picture

ENGL 213 (Anne Dalke)

Repeats every week until Mon Apr 28 2014 .
Mon, 03/17/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Mon, 03/24/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Mon, 03/31/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Mon, 04/07/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Mon, 04/14/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Mon, 04/21/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Mon, 04/28/2014 - 2:40pm - 4:00pm
Anne Dalke's picture

EDUC 285 (Jody Cohen)

Repeats every week until Wed Apr 30 2014 .
Wed, 03/19/2014 - 12:10pm - 1:30pm
Wed, 03/26/2014 - 12:10pm - 1:30pm
Wed, 04/02/2014 - 12:10pm - 1:30pm
Wed, 04/09/2014 - 12:10pm - 1:30pm
Wed, 04/16/2014 - 12:10pm - 1:30pm
Wed, 04/23/2014 - 12:10pm - 1:30pm
Wed, 04/30/2014 - 12:10pm - 1:30pm
Anne Dalke's picture

EDUC 285 (Jody Cohen)

Repeats every week until Mon Apr 28 2014 .
Mon, 03/17/2014 - 11:40am - 1:00pm
Mon, 03/24/2014 - 11:40am - 1:00pm
Mon, 03/31/2014 - 11:40am - 1:00pm
Mon, 04/07/2014 - 11:40am - 1:00pm
Mon, 04/14/2014 - 11:40am - 1:00pm
Mon, 04/21/2014 - 11:40am - 1:00pm
Mon, 04/28/2014 - 11:40am - 1:00pm
Anne Dalke's picture

ECON 136 (David Ross)

Repeats every week until Mon Apr 28 2014 .
Mon, 03/17/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Mon, 03/24/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Mon, 03/31/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Mon, 04/07/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Mon, 04/14/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Mon, 04/21/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Mon, 04/28/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Anne Dalke's picture

ECON 136 (David Ross)

Repeats every week until Wed Apr 30 2014 .
Wed, 03/19/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Wed, 03/26/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Wed, 04/02/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Wed, 04/09/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Wed, 04/16/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Wed, 04/23/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Wed, 04/30/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Anne Dalke's picture

ECON 136 (David Ross)

Repeats every week until Fri May 02 2014 .
Fri, 03/21/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Fri, 03/28/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Fri, 04/04/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Fri, 04/11/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Fri, 04/25/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Fri, 05/02/2014 - 10:10am - 11:00am
Anne Dalke's picture

Spring Break

Sat, 03/08/2014 (All day) - Sun, 03/16/2014 (All day)