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Marya Levenson

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Marya R. Levenson
Professor of the Practice in Education; Harry S. Levitan Director of the Education Program
Brandeis University

I began as a ninth grade history teacher in the Boston Public Schools, helped create a magnet school during desegregation, and chaired a middle school task force. I worked with others to create the Harvard Principals' Center, while I was studying for my doctorate. I then became the principal of Newton North (MA) High School from 1982 to 1990, and was superintendent of schools in the North Colonie (NY) School District from 1990-2001. Since 2001, I have been a Professor of the Practice in Education and the Harry S. Levitan Director of the Education Program at Brandeis University.

At Brandeis, we currently prepare mathematics and science teachers in our undergraduate teacher education programs, and science teachers in our MAT Program. (We have applied to the state to include mathematics in our secondary MAT.) I am very fortunate to work with Ruth Charney in the Mathematics Department who teaches a course on inquiry-based mathematics for elementary and middle school teachers. Melissa Kosinski-Collins from the Biology Department is also an outstanding teacher who is committed to educating her TA's about how to teach science. Melissa and I are attending the conference together.

Education Areas of Interest:
  • education in high need schools
  • urban education
  • gender and education
  • recruitment
  • retention
  • professional expertise