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LizJ's picture

The History of Women's Studies

The History of Women's Studies

"...When we speak of the ‘evolution’ of Women’s Studies, it is important to emphasize that this is a multifaceted process. Women’s Studies has differed widely over time, and across identities, disciplines, and institutions.”

-Alice Ginsberg


Karina's picture

Feminism, Or How I Learned to Breathe

Here is my reflection/explanation of my final project:


Lili's picture

The Female Voice: Hot or Not?

 During my freshman year of high school, I remember clearly the day a friend of mine told me that this guy I had a crush on did not feel the same way. Of course I was disappointed; more than that though, I wanted to know the reasons why he did not reciprocate my feelings! I thought, “Maybe I can change myself and fix the things he doesn’t like!” When my friend told me the reason, however, I was not so confident in my ability to change myself to suit his liking: he thought I had an annoying voice! Four years have passed since then, and I no longer feel slightly self-conscious about my voice. My current boyfriend tells me on a regular basis that my voice is “cute” and asks me to repeat certain words because he finds it endearing

LizJ's picture

The Frustration of Menstruation

Why did I decide to write a paper about menstruation?

The answer to that question is fairly easy, the rest is not.


Rhapsodica's picture

Moving Beyond Books: Reading Lives

In my first paper, I wrote about how, as a child, I would get invested in the fictional worlds of books and find myself thinking of the characters as friends of mine. As I grew up, the “real world” took over my consciousness, and I stopped getting lost in books the way I once did. As a college student, I feel like this is partially due to the sheer lack of time that I have to read and engage with books, but also because I didn’t come to each book looking to extract its themes and motifs, to pull apart the narrative rather than simply enjoying it. Back then, I didn’t approach each novel with an agenda.
Oak's picture


Last time I wrote, I spoke mainly about my experiences in high school as well as a little about my first semester of college. However, I would now like to update this story to the present and then look into the future. I am going to look at what I know about gender and sexuality, try to look at what I don’t know, and then propose what and how I would like to learn more about gender and sexuality.

rae's picture

Transcending Gender


I have learned about gender in various classes. I learned that gender is constructed--socially, culturally, historically, politically, psychologically. I learned that people’s genders need not limit what they can do. I learned that biology is not destiny; one’s sex also does not control a person’s capabilities. I learned about the feminist movement in the United States. I learned about the many ways that sexism still exists in this country. I learned to see the forms that masculinity and femininity take in society and to notice the ways in which society socializes people to fit into one of two prescribed gender roles.

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