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Field Based Explorations

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Technology as a Medium for Learning

Lauren Maksym 

This student advocates for the usefulness of technology in the process of educating.


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On Becoming an Effective Praiser


Xuan-Shi, Lim

This paper presents instances of praising in tutoring and offers tips for making this strategy effective.

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The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Mentor's Edition

Sandra Gandarez and Julia Vance
The following chapter consists of excerpts from students working as mentors discussing issues they faced in their unique placements. A variety of solutions are considered through the lens of readings addressing the issues in a broader sense.
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Finding Value in Uncertainty: What Happens When the Tutor Doesn't Know

Lauren Dickey

 The author discusses about her experience in one of the Teaching and Learning Partnerships at Bryn Mawr. A great example to show that a mentor can learn and teach even when he doesn't know the correct answer.


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Corrupting Rationality: Exposing Emotions in Our Language

 Margo Schall

This essay, which is written with emotion, talks about employing emotion in education - a step which needs to be done in order to improve teaching and learning. 

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On negotiating difference: When your goals and the learner’s goals collide

by Alexandra Martinez

The question in this essay is - when should a mentor try to push a learner to study more than he or she desires?


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Turning to the Handbook: Can Extra-Classroom Teaching and Learning Take Place in the Classroom?

by Ben Green

Ben's reflection has a "before and after" organization, and talks about creating a mentor-mentee relationship.


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Documentation in Community Learning

by Becky Miller

The essay talks about tutoring in the position of a peer writing consultant by employing the example of Bryn Mawr's Writing Center.


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Are School Systems and Curriculum Units Failing to Promote Learning that is Greater than Just a Reach for a Passing Grade?

by Elizabeth Koelmel

A strong paper on a prevalent trend throughout schools: many students learn to get the passing grade. How can the learning process be empowered to signify more than just grades?


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