Mon. Jan 22 Introduction Gary McDonogh
| Wed. Jan 24 City features, legibility Barcelona, Rabat Gary McDonogh | Fri.. Jan 26 Earliest cities Dick Ellis [notes] |
Read: Lynch, Image; Morris, History, chap. 1 and appx. G; Childe, "Urban Revolution." | ||
Mon. Jan. 29 Greek cities Niki Kantzios [notes] | Wed. Jan 31 Greek cities II Niki Kantzios | Fri. Feb. 2 Roman cities Maura Cleffi [notes] |
Read: Morris, History, chaps. 2-4; Saalman, Medieval Cities. | ||
Mon. Feb. 5 Late antique & medieval Rome Dale Kinney [notes] |
Wed. Feb. 7 Patterns and perceptions [hand out assignment 1] [notes] |
Fri. Feb. 9 Medieval Siena, Perugia Sabrina De Turk [notes] |
Mon. Feb. 12 Reading patterns in the contemporary city [notes] | Wed. Feb. 14 Reading patterns II " 3pm: Discussion, group A | Fri. Feb. 16 12pm: Discussion, group B |
Read: Morris, History, chaps. 5-9; recommended: Argan, Renaissance Cities. | ||
Mon. Feb. 19 Medieval to renaissance Florence Gretchen Bender [assignment 1 due] [notes] | Wed. Feb. 21 Early cities: issues [notes] " 3-5pm: Downtown #1, group A [notes] | Fri. Feb. 23 12-2pm: Downtown #1, group B [notes] |
Mon. Feb. 26 Classical and medieval cities: issues ->(Tues 27 Feb, 8-10pm, review --GB) | Wed. Feb. 28 Medieval and renaissance cities: issues (" 8-10pm, review--GB) | Fri. Mar. 1 FIRST HOUR EXAM |
Mon. Mar. 4 Renaissance to baroque: Rome, Versailles, Wuerzburg, Karlsruhe | Wed. Mar. 6 London and Paris on eve of colonization [hand out assignment 2] | Fri. Mar. 8 NO CLASS |
Highly recommended: Scully, American Architecture and Urbanism, pp. 1-118. | ||
Mon. Mar. 18 Europe and the New World: Central and South America | Wed. Mar. 20 North American planning in 17th and 18th centuries | Fri. Mar. 22 Industrial Revolution, Manchester, and new building types Gretchen Bender |
Read: Choay, Modern City; Engels, Condition of the Working Class, chaps. 1-3. | ||
Mon. Mar. 25 The city as a work of art: London, Paris, Vienna Leslie Topp [assignment 2 due] | Wed. Mar. 27 Origins of modern planning " 3pm: Discussion, group A | Fri. Mar. 29 12pm: Discussion, group B |
Read: Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier. | ||
Mon. Apr. 1 Metropolis of 1900: Berlin, Paris, London | Wed. Apr. 3 Metropolis of 1900: Chicago and New York | Fri. Apr. 5 |
Read: Fishman, Urban Utopias. | ||
Mon. Apr. 8 Mass transportation and suburbanization | Wed. Apr. 10 Ideas of home: American and European housing " 3-5pm: Downtown #2, group A | Fri. Apr. 12 12-2pm: Downtown #2, group B |
Highly recommended: Scully, pp. 86-177 | ||
Mon. Apr. 15 Planning in early 20th c.: Howard, Wright, Le Corbusier |
Wed. Apr. 17 Housing reform movements of the 1920s " 3pm: Discussion, group A | Fri. Apr. 19 12pm: Discussion, group B |
Read Jacobs, Death and Life, first half; highly recommended: Scully, pp. 178 to end | ||
Mon. Apr. 22 Planning under totalitarianism [term project due] |
Wed. Apr. 24 Planning outside Europe and the US since WWII | Fri. Apr. 26 American city and suburbs since WWII: megalopolis, the new city, edge city, and urban villagers. |
Read: rest of Jacobs, Hayden, "Non-sexist City." | ||
Mon. Apr. 29 European new towns: France, Britain and Scandinavia ->(Tues, 30 Apr, 8-10pm, review, GB) |
Wed, 1 May Last class ("8-10pm, review, GB) | Fri. May 3 SECOND HOUR EXAM |
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