Wed, 7 Feb

continue with historical city survey,
master the examples, chronology, forms as the vocabulary of discussion of cities
special attention to ones in both reading and in lecture

note questions, issues as you read
use big maps, images in other books, media, digitized study collection (available on Monday), web site (available this aftn, with luck)
videos in offices.
video on med city: Siena
alongside historical city,
2d track: contemp city (Lynch, which we'll be discussing .. )

concentric doughnuts, though often skewed by connective geometry
transport: walking, streetcar, railway, car


1st assign.:

Phila often as our lab
observe and speculate on basis of the forms you see
the second has to do with perceptions of the city
the city at a crossroads

media, technology slays need for proximity

middle class residence to periphery
cultural institutions

city at a crossroads
stats from Joel Garreau, Edge City:
1850: 85% US pop=rural
today 3/4 in metro areas, only 3% farm
in 1953 mfg. = 50% of workplace, today. less than 18%

most now offices
in 1991 more than 2/3 Americans in office facilities in "edge cities," 80% of them built in 1970s and 1980s

by 1985 more offices around NYC than in it.

conventional commute now a minority of commuting

shopping to malls, away from downtown

assignment: probe and consider present attitudes and perceptions of the city
historical film on Siena

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