Serendip's Fun and Interactive Exhibits
Some of Serendip's exhibits require Flash or Shockwave to be installed
on your computer. They're available free from Macromedia -- click here
to be taken to a website where you may download them.
Making Sense of Understanding: The Three Doors of Serendip:
What is "understanding"?
How can one have it without knowing how one got it?
How can one account for differences between different people in understanding the same thing? requires Java capable browser
- Hofstadter's Road Sign: What is reality? Can you deconstruct and reconstruct the road sign in at least four ways? requires Java capable browser
- Chance in Life and the World: Can we see chance, as Schrodinger does, as the ground from which order derives? Pay attention and see the hidden messages that statistical regularity can reveal to you! requires Java capable browser
- Ambiguous Figures: Can you see an image in multiple ways? an experiment in "reality," requires Java capable browser for the animated examples
- Ant Colonies: Can you have social organization without a director?
an experiment with models, requires Java capable browser
- The World of Langton's Ant: What is "purpose" and "purposeful" behavior
and does one imply the other?
an experiment with models, requires Java capable browser
- Thinking About Segregation
and Integration: Why do people cluster with others with similar
an experiment with models, requires Java capable browser
- Seeing More Than Your Eye Does:
Does your brain make up stories?
a "blindspot" experiment
- The Free Will Problem: Can you control
what you do?
an experiment with ambiguous figures
- Prisoners' Dilemma: Cooperate or compete?
a game studied by people in a variety of disciplines, including biology,
sociology and public policy, uses CGI programing
- The Game of Life : Does an ordered system
require a planner?
a game of emergence, requires
Java capable browser
also available without the
rules revealed so that you can discover them yourself
- The Magic Sierpinski Triangle: Can order
depend on randomness?
the chaos game, requires Java capable browser
- Can You See What You Don't See?:
Do you need to know you saw it to have seen it?
a blindsight experiment, requires Java capable browser
- Tricks of the Eyes, Wisdom of the Brain:
Does your brain throw things away?
a lateral inhibition network experiment, with optical illusions, requires
Java capable browser
- Simple Networks, Simple
Rules: Learning and Creating Categories: Can simple things learn?
an experiment with a perceptron learning algorithm, requires Java capable
- On Beyond Newton: From Simple Rules to
Stability, Fluctuation, and Chaos: Can simple rules result in ordered
systems or chaos?
some experiments in unpredictablity, requires Java capable browser
- Time To Think?: Is brain = behavior?
an experiment using reaction times, with capability of doing your own
research, requires Shockwave plugin
- Transformation:
Wander, explore, can you find heaven?
an experience
- Serendip's House (in
progress): Where am I and where is the frog gallery?
a navigation game, requires Shockwave plugin
- The Four Color Problem: How many colors do
you need to color a map of the world?
a math game, requires Shockwave plugin
- Voyage to Serendip: Can you find Serendip?
a game with different searching strategies, uses CGI programing
- Remember the Source: How is
your memory?
an experiment in human cognition and memory, requires Flash 6 plug-in
Interactive activities, some used other places
on Serendip for other reasons, and others just because ...?
The idea, of course, is that there isn't a
whole lot of difference between playing and learning ... exploring
is the underpinnings and enjoyment inherent in both.
If that idea makes you think of either play or
education in new ways, so much the better.
Regardless, the web provides not only information
and pictures, but also the wherewithal to have experiences that you might
not otherwise have a chance to have.
And creating such things to play with (and maybe
even to learn from) is a large part of what Serendip
is about, so browse the list.
And have fun.
If in addition you'd like to read/think more about
play itself, there's a list of relevant links below.