The Center for Science in Society has moved!

The current materials for the Center for Science in Society are located at:

To facilitate the broad conversations, involving scientists and non-scientists as well as academics and non-academics, which are essential to continuing explorations of:

• the natural world and humanity's place in it
• the nature of education

the generation, synthesis, and evaluation of information

• technology and its potentials

• the relationships among forms of creativity and understanding

K-16 Initiatives

Summer Institutes for K-12 Teachers

Minisymposium on K16 Collaborations

Thinking About an Elementary Science Education Curriculum - A collaboration between Lansdowne Friends School and the Center.

K-16 Collaborations in Science and Mathematics Education - A bicollege program started in 2004 by which college and precollege faculty and students work together to develop richer and more effective learning experiences in science and mathematics at all levels of the educational system.

MSPGP (Math & Science Partnership of Greater Phila.)

Center News & Publications

Exploring Interdisciplinarity: The Significance of Metaphoric and Metonymic Exchange - Article in the Journal of Research Practice by Anne Dalke, Paul Grobstein, and Elizabeth McCormack on interdisciplinary conversations, October 2006.

Stranger in a Strange Land: Grokking in the Americas - Anne Dalke's blog as she travels in Central and South America during her sabbatical, Fall 2006.

How to Make Sure Children Are Scientifically Illiterate - Letter to the editor, New York Times, 22 August 2006.

Exploring Mental Health - An ongoing exploration of issues relating to mental health, including a recent reorganization of resources and materials, as well as summer work done with student Laura Cyckowski.

Science/Religion Clash? - Letter to the editor, New York Times, 25 July 2006.

Why and How to Be Interdisciplinary - Article in Academe by Anne Dalke, Paul Grobstein, and Elizabeth McCormack on interdisciplinary conversations, May-June 2006.

Susan White in Togo - Summer, 2006 - Susan White's experience returning to Togo.

Al Albano: Singapore/Science Connection - Fall 2005 - Al Albano's experiences teaching at Singapore Management University in Singapore.

Revisiting Science in Culture: Science as Story Telling and Story Revising - Paul Grobstein's article in the Journal of Research Practice, Spring 2005.

Upcoming Events and Recent Activities

Calendar listing of events

Past and present discussion groups

Site map - where to find everything about the Center.

Exploring Science as Open-Ended Transactional Inquiry: A Working Group on Elementary Science Education - A new working group whose objective is to explore alternate ways of thinking about science education that more accurately reflect the nature of science itself, viewed not as a body of knowledge but as a fundamental and generally useful style of human inquiry.

Public Health Focus Group: Health Reform Panel - "The Right to Health: Increasing Access to Health Care in America"

Exploring Mental Health - A new monthly discussion group (started Fall 2006) bringing together faculty, students, staff and practitioners interested in sharing perspectives in order to explore the possibilities of achieving a broader, more integrated, and more effective approach to issues of mental health.

Evolution and Intelligent Design: Perspectives and Resources

Theory and Practice of Extra-Classroom Teaching: A Handbook

6th Annual Tri-Co Workshop on New Pedagogical Methods in Math and Science - Sponsored by the MSPGP (Math & Science Partnership of Greater Phila.); focussed on the question: "How do we know if our teaching and educational outreach through grants are effective?" (May 16, 2006)

Science As Story Telling in Action - Science as a common human story of exploration, discovery, and creation.

Beyond the Bryn Mawr Campus

Serendip web site

NEW!  Science in Society Blog Site - Hosted by serendip.

Journal of Research Practice, a new international, interdisciplinary journal.

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Director: Peter Brodfuehrer - | Faculty Steering Committee
Secretary: Lisa Kolonay
© 1994- , by Center for Science in Society, Bryn Mawr College and Serendip

Last Modified: 9/15/08