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Compare Brains

Compare Brain and Body Sizes

Compare Brain Structures- Slices and Slides

The Neuron- Up Close and Personal

The Question of Intelligence
  1. absolute size
  2. brain/body size
  3. cortical folding
  4. neocortex
  5. gray matter/nerve cells
  6. specific brain structures




The Thinker The Thinking Baboon
"The Thinker" by Rodin
Some thinking baboons

Neurons, the basic building block of the nervous system, are integral to the working of our human brains, as well as the brains of all other animals.

If that is the case, why do animals have such varying levels and types of behavior? Why do humans seem to have greater "intellectual" abilities than squirrels? Is it at all related to amounts of neurons in the nervous system??

Perhaps some animals have less neurons than others? Perhaps some animals have less neural activity than others? It seems to make sense that, for example, a uni-cellular organism (an animal that has one cell) has less complex behaviors than, say, a human (who is multi-cellular). But, what about when comparing animals with similar amounts of cells, and even similar amounts of neurons?

There is no SOLID evidence that can either support or refute the claim that behavioral complexity comes from amounts or activity of neurons. In other words, it is probable that the volume of nerve cells may be relatively irrelevant in a discussion of intelligence.

Alright, let's look at specific brain structures

Huh? Can we start over?

If you want, click below for more information about neurons
Do all brains of all animals have neurons??
What does a neuron look like and how does it work?