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Slice Away

Human Brain Image Monkey Brain image Cat Brain image Rat Brain image Frog Brain image

Here are the brains of five animals: a human brain, a monkey brain, a cat brain, a rat brain, and a frog brain. We're getting ready to slice into these brains and explore their inner workings.

What do you expect to see? Will it look like one big glob of matter? Or will there be specific separate structures with different functions? When we look at the human brain, we will be able to know whether this person was "smart"??

Let's begin our dissection of these brains by making a sagittal cut at the mid-saggittal plane so that we can see the inner surface. (click here for a review this terminology) Click on any of the brains above or on the button below . . .

I'm slicing now...

Huh? Can we start over?