May 22-25, 2000 "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy: A Collaboration across Colleges and Constituencies." For social scientists. Bryn Mawr College

October 14th, 2000 Elliott Shore, Alison Cook-Sather, and four participants in "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy" (David Ross, faculty member, Bryn Mawr College; Nick Yee, student, Haverford College; Tammy Rabideau, librarian, Swarthmore College; and Barbara Mindell, instructional technologist, Haverford College) gave a presentation at a meeting of the Oberlin Library Group.

October 27th, 2000 Reunion at Mt. Holyoke College, hosted by Susan Perry and co-facilitated by Alison Cook-Sather and Elliott Shore, with teams from Mt. Holyoke, Smith, Amherst, Hampshire, and the University of Massachusetts.

November 1st, 2000 Susan Perry, Elliott Shore, and Alison Cook-Sather gave a progress report at The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

November 17th, 2000 Susan Perry and Alison Cook-Sather participated in a conversation at The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation about how to provide structures and support for models such as "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy."

November 10th , 2000 Susan Perry and Elliott Shore made a presentation to the Deans, Provosts, and Presidents of the Seven Sibling colleges.

February 17, 2001 Alison Cook-Sather and the Mt Holyoke team (Kathy Binder, faculty member; Susan Fliss, information technologist; Juliet Boisselle, librarian, and Kyra) made a presentation on the workshop to the Associated Colleges of the South in Texas.

March 24, 2001 Alison Cook-Sather and Elliott Shore presented "Taking the Time to Talk toward Techno-Pedagogy" at Stop and Think: Critical Reflections on Technology and Pedagogy, a conference at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York.

June 4-7, 2001 "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy: A Collaboration across Colleges and Constituencies." For humanists. Bryn Mawr College.

August 1-4, 2001 "New Roles, New Lines, and No Rehearsal: Guess Who's Coming to Cabinet." Alison Cook-Sather serves as an invited panelist for the University Executive Seminar, a conference sponsored by Seminars on Academic Computing, an EDUCAUSE Affiliate. Snowmass, Colorado.

August 7-9, 2001 Alison Cook-Sather and Elliott Shore facilitated "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy" for The Great Lakes Colleges Consortium in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

September 27-28, 2001 Alison Cook-Sather and Elliott Shore met with Clara Yu et al. to discuss the future of "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy." Middlebury, Vermont.

June 4-7, 2002 "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy: A Collaboration across Colleges and Constituencies." For natural scientists. Bryn Mawr College.

July 29-30, 2002 Alison Cook-Sather and Elliott Shore will facilitate "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy" for The Great Lakes Colleges Consortium in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

August 7-9, 2002 Alison Cook-Sather and Elliott Shore will facilitate an "Educate the Educators" workshop for future leaders of "Talking toward Techno-Pedagogy" workshops. Middlebury, Vermont.