Mental Health and Well-Being
A Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research Course at Bryn Mawr College
Spring 2004
Supported by the Center for Science in Society and Serendip
The Biological Perspective 1 ...
Genetics and Evolution:
The reality and significance of the innate, the material, and the evolving
Evidence for the innate
- Darwin, Lorenz, Tinbergen - species-specific behaviors -
breeding of domestic animals
- Individual experience -
- Child development
The innate as evolving matter
Significance of innate/evolution/matter in general
Mental Health and Well-Being?
- Innate/matter/evolution productive to think about in all behavioral contexts (including mental health) and social work
- Genes an influence, not a determinant
- Helps to deal in turn with other influences
- Individual experiences, individual choices, culture
- The brain as the nexus point, intersecting all the influences
To explore in following ...
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