Nature, nurture, and evolution:

A discussion of the significance of genetics and evolution for understanding human behavior

Senior Seminar in Neural and Behavioral Sciences
Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, Spring, 2002

Session 2: Paradigmatic Cases and Methodogical Considerations
Readings and Web Links


Bentley, David and Hoy, Ronald R. (1974) The neurobiology of cricket song. Scientific American, August, 1974, pp 34-44.

Young (2000) The Tick Tock of the Biological Clock. Scientific American, March, 2000
(This is accessible from campus computers only. If you have trouble with the URL above, go to http://www.sciam, and search "nature versus nurture")


Lenhoff, H., Wang, P.P., Greenberg, F, and Bellugi, U. (1997) Williams Syndrome and the Brain, Scientific American, December, 1997
(This is accessible from campus computers only. If you have trouble with the URL above, go to http://www.sciam, and search "nature versus nurture")

Color Vision Basics

Looking for Madam Tetrachromat

Taste Genetics: Supertasters

Sweet tooth gene identified

Tongue-rolling is not a simple inherited trait, Robert Huskey, University of Virginia

Behavior Genetics News

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, search on "behavior"


Human Genetics for the Social Sciences, from from Gregory Carey, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado

Human Genetics for the Social Sciences - Interactive Learning Exercises, from Gregory Carey, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado
(needs Internet Explorer rather than Netscape)

Questions for discussion: