The Unconscious/I-function/Story Teller, Intuition/Rationality, Learning/Memory
Human Differences: Their Origins and Significance
dreaming, I-function/story teller, generalized control mechanisms, mood/emotion/feeling/intuition, dreaming, self as story, ... exploration/creativity (all aspects of human diversity)
If you have never experienced night terrors in someone, it is very traumatic , both for the unconscious brain of the person experiencing it and for the unconscious and "I" function of the viewer ... Susan
My "job" as a teacher is to give them as much variety of experience, within structure and with direction, as I possibly can. I do not, and they don't have any idea how those new connections will become manifest in their future ... Glenn
I try to incorporate discrepant events--setting up observations where the result is counter to the one the students expect--as much as I can because that is the springboard for learning... Gayle
Some more bipartite issues:
- Self versus story of self
- Impacts of story on the unconscious
- Learning versus memory
Putting the bipartite brain together
The Bipartite Brain as a Scientist, Explorer
See Dorfman/Whittle variant
The Bipartite Brain as a Scientist/Explorer/Story Teller/Story Reviser
The value of inside conversations

The value of conversations with others
Human diversity as asset rather than problem
Science and the brain
Science is not a particular set of understandings but instead is
a particular skill at generating new understandings,
a skill that is inherent in the brain,
one that everyone starts with and can get better at.
True? Good story? Add your thoughts in the on-line forum.
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