- Mood, emotion important/valuable/bipartite, significant aspect of human diversity
- Creativity important/valuable/bipartite, particularly if science is as much conceiving what might be as revealing what is
- The story of the frog: "Intrinsic Variability"
- gambling
- trying things out
- interpersonal interaction, evolution
- Creativity with the I-function
- The story of the frog: "Intrinsic Variability"
- General states - pharmacology, semi-autonomy from environment/I-function
- Mood as additional observations/perspectives, a good thing (see "medical vs neurobiological model" of mental health; relevance to education?)
- Dreams as additional observations/perspectives
- Creativity as bipartite: unconscious and thoughtful
- Story telling as way of making sense of cacaophonous unconscious
- Feeling/emotion/intuition as important part of thinking
- Science as dependent on thinking/feeling/creating
- Impact of thinking/story telling on the unconscious
- Self as story
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