April 13, 5:00-8:00pm
Haverford College, Campus Center 205 ABC
Dinner served during session
Fresh Perspectives
on Health Care in Africa (Special Students’ Session)
5:00 – Paula Viterbo,
Post-doctoral Mellon Fellow, Center for Science in Society, Bryn
Mawr College; Kalala Ngalamulume, Associate Professor of Africana
Studies & History, Bryn Mawr College
Introduction to the workshop
Kaye Edwards, Associate Professor of General Programs, and Director
of the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, Haverford College
Introduction to the student panel
5:30 – Crystal
Biruk, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania
“Just Say ‘NO!’
to widow inheritance: The intersection of traditional practice
and public health interventions in Bondo district, Kenya”
6:00 – Molly Breitbart,
Haverford College
“For the Community,
By the Community: A New Approach to the Control of Onchocerciasis”
6:30 – Faith Wallace-Gadsden,
Haverford College
"Drug Resistant Bacteria
and Childhood Diarrhea in Africa"
7:00 – Kimberly
Ebanks, Haverford College
"Female Genital Schistosomiasis:
Gendered Tasks, Stigma and Reproductive Health in Africa”
7:30 – Iruka Okeke,
Assistant Professor of Biology, Haverford College
Moderated discussion

April 14
Bryn Mawr College, Wyndham Ely Room
9:00 - Nancy J. Vickers,
President, Bryn Mawr College
Paula Viterbo, Post-doctoral Mellon Fellow, Center for Science
in Society, Bryn Mawr College
Kalala Ngalamulume, Associate Professor of Africana Studies &
History, Bryn Mawr College Introducing the Theme of the
I: Health, Disease, and Illness
Bryn Mawr College, Wyndham Ely Room, 9:00am-12:30pm
9:30 – James Webb,
Professor of History, Colby College
“Malaria and the Peopling
of Early Tropical Africa”
10:00 – James
Pfeiffer, Associate Professor, Department of Health Services,
School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of
“Money, Modernity,
and Morality: Traditional Healing and the Expansion of the Holy
Spirit in Mozambique”
10:30 – Tea break
10:45 – Kalala
Ngalamulume, Associate Professor of Africana Studies & History,
Bryn Mawr College
“The Regulation
of Madness in Saint-Louis-du-Senegal, 1850-1914”
11:15 – Richard
Keller, Assistant Professor of Medical History and the History
of Science, University of Wisconsin at Madison
“Colonial Madness,
Structural Violence, and the Poetics of Suffering: The Case of
Kateb Yacine”
11:45 – Jonathan
Sadowsky, Associate Professor of Medical History, Case Western
Reserve University, Chair and discussant
Tracey Hucks, Associate Professor of Religion, Haverford College,
Moderated discussion
12:30 – Lunch
break at Haffner Dining Hall
Session II: Disease,
Public Health, and Empire
Bryn Mawr College, Wyndham Ely Room, 1:30pm-5:30pm
1:30 – Helen Tilley,
Assistant Professor of History, Princeton University
“The Scramble for Africa,
Racial Acclimatization, and Scientific Investigations of African
Disease Environments, 1880-1920”
2:00 – Myron Echenberg,
Professor of History, McGill University, Canada
“Medical Science
in Colonial Senegal: The Pasteur Institute of Dakar and the Quest
for a Yellow Fever Vaccine, 1925-1945”
2:30 – Jean-Paul
Bado, Research Fellow, Institute of African Studies, University
of Aix-en-Provence, France
“Malarial Campaign in
Francophone Africa Since the 1940s: A Challenge for Medicine”
3:00 – Tea break
3:15 – Tamara
Giles-Vernick, Associate Professor of History, University of Minnesota
“Malaria, mosquitoes,
and environmental change: Rethinking etiologies of an epidemic
in French Soudan, 1935-1938”
3:45 – Randall
Packard, Professor of History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
Chair and discussant
Moderated discussion
5:30 – Reception
at Wyndham House, followed by dinner for participants and
invited guests

Friday, April 15
Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges
Session I: Reproductive Health and Social
Bryn Mawr College, Wyndham Ely Room, 9:00am-12:15pm
9:00 – Rachel
Chapman, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Washington
“Segredos da Casa:
Managing The Social Risks of Reproduction in Central Mozambique”
9:30 – Julie Livingston,
Assistant Professor of History, Rutgers University
“Inside the Uterine
Wall: Tswana Medicine, Hidden Children, and the
Sexuality of Mothers in Post-War Botswana”
10:00 – Laura
McGough, Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University
“Stigma and the Political
Economy of Disease: The Neglected Dimension of Interventions to
Reduce HIV/AIDS Stigma”
10:30 – Tea break
10:45 – Susan
Watkins, Professor, Department of Sociology, and Associate, Population
Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania
the AIDS Epidemic in Rural Malawi”
11:15 – Judith
Porter, Professor of Sociology, Bryn Mawr College
Chair and discussant (comparative perspective on AIDS)
Susanna Wing, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Haverford
Discussant (female sexuality)
Moderated discussion
12:00 – Lunch
break at Haffner
Dining Hall
Session II: Disease
Preparedness and Surveillance
Haverford College, Hilles 109, 2:00pm-5:30pm
2:00 – Iruka Okeke,
Assistant Professor of Biology, Haverford College
“Antimicrobial resistance
in Africa: Uncovering and Combating a Hidden Epidemic”
2:30 – Carlos
C. (Kent) Campbell, M.D., M.P.H., Program Director, Malaria Control
& Evaluation Program in Africa, Program for Appropriate Technology
in Health (PATH)
“Preventing the enormous
health and economic burden of malaria in Africa: We know what
to do, and now we must do it!”
3:00 –
Abena Dove Osseo-Asare, ABD in History of Science, Harvard University
“Representations of
Poison and Toxicity in Ghanaian Traditional Medicine Discourse”
3:30 – Tea break
3:45 – Evelyne
Shuster, Adjunct Associate Professor of Philosophy, University
of Pennsylvania Health System; Director, Human Rights and Ethics
Program, Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center
“Prevention and treatment
of HIV/AIDS in Africa: Who gets it, who decides and what are the
4:15 – Zolani
Ngwane, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Haverford College
“The Politics of HIV/AIDS
Education Among Adolescents in South Africa”
4:45 – Jennifer
Punt, Associate Professor of Biology, Haverford College
Chair and discussant
Robert Washington, Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies,
Bryn Mawr College
Moderated discussion
6:30 –
Dinner in Philadelphia
