Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College have long and successful histories of working with K-16 educators to improve science and mathematics education. A central principle of both programs has been a collaborative approach, one in which college and precollege faculty and students work together to share experiences, perspectives, and expertise as a means to developing richer and more effective learning experiences in science and mathematics at all levels of the educational system.

Beginning in the fall of 2004, the Bryn Mawr and Haverford programs are being brought together in a joint program as "K-16 Collaborations in Science and Mathematics Education". The joint program is sponsored by the Center for Science in Society at Bryn Mawr College and the Koshland Integrated Sciences Center at Haverford College, and supported by grants to the two colleges from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This page provides links to information about all programs offered by the two institutions, and additional information of relevance to K-16 collaborations in the surrounding areas.

For additional information about this program, or to suggest additions to this page write us. There is also an online bulletin board for announcements and discussion relevant to K-16 collaborations where materials can be posted directly.

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