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Graduate Idea Forum

Graduate education involves in-depth exploration of particular disciplines. It is also faciliated by simultaneous explorations of the place of particular disciplines in broader intellectual and social discourse. A Study Group was organized in Fall 2002 by GSSWSR and Arts and Sciences graduate students, with the support of faculty from various disciplines, to encourage and facilitate the broader explorations, by reading together excellent semi-popular books on general interdisciplinary themes.

Discussion in the Study Group led, in Fall 2003, to the establishment of a second working group on "Explorations of Teaching," designed to explore why, what, and how we teach and learn, who we are as teachers and learners, and how these questions and the answers to them are mutually influential.

Study Group

Any graduate student or faculty member interested in thinking about intellectual issues which transcend particular disciplinary borders are invited to join this working group by contacting Roland Stahl.

Schedule and Discussion Summaries
Archive of Discussions, 2004-05
Archive of Discussions, 2003-04
Archive of Discussions, 2002-03
Archive of On-Line Forum, 2004-2005
Archive of On-Line Forum, 2003-2004
Archives of On-Line Forum, 2002-03
Current On-Line Forum for continuing discussion

The Force of Creation, by Sharon Burgmayer

Explorations of Teaching:
What, Why, How and Who

Discussions focus on selected readings and draw on our own experiences. Ongoing participation is encouraged to the extent that busy schedules permit (and will be required for receipt of the Dean's Certificate in Pedagogy). This course is open to all graduate students and faculty; if you are interested in participating, contact either Cheryl Selah or Corey Shdaimah.

Dean's Certificate in Pedagogy
Course Materials
Schedule and Discussion Summaries
Archive of Discussions '04-05
Archive of Discussions '03-04
Archive of On-Line Forum, 2003-2004
Current On-Line Forum for continuing discussion

NEW related discussion series:
Bryn Mawr as a Learning/Teaching Environment: A Conversation

Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings are at the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research.
Parking is readily available, as is the Bryn Mawr Shuttle service. Please let us know if you would like childcare.

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Director: Paul Grobstein -
pgrobste@brynmawr.edu | Faculty Steering Committee | Secretary: Selene Platt - splatt@brynmawr.edu
© 2003-2005, by Center for Science in Society, Bryn Mawr College and Serendip

Last Modified: Wednesday, 02-May-2018 10:51:22 CDT