"Bryn Mawr's objectives under the Student Research
and Broadening Access to Science component of the grant
are to: (1) recruit and retain science majors and (2) encourage
them to pursue a wide range of science-related careers.
We plan to use grant funds to broaden the existing Undergraduate
Summer Science Program by offering a greater variety
of internships and strengthening its professional development
component. We will also introduce the Science in Society
Undergraduate Fellowship Program designed to engage
additional students in the study of science."
Internships and Fellowships for 2006
Bryn Mawr College, through a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, announces ten new undergraduate internship and fellowship opportunities. These are:
These new internships and fellowships will provide opprortunities for work in a range of laboartory and educational settings and are in addition to on-going fellowships available for on-campus summer research with science and mathematics faculty.
Summer Horizons Internships begin in late May or early June, and run for 10 weeks. Science in Society Fellowships begin the summer following the junior year and continue through the senior year. Participation in the Fall 2006 Science Poster Session is also required.
A summer stipend of $3200 will be awarded to each successful applicant.
Applications for Science Horizons Internships are due Friday, February 25, 2006. Applications are available on-line.
Applications for Science in Society Fellowships are tied to the deadlines for proposing independent majors and will be reviewed after independent major has been approved.
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2006 Science Horizons Internships
Pre-College Science Education Internships
Two Horzons internships are available for undergraduates interested in careers in pre-college science and mathematics education. Students may pursue a variety of ten-week internship options, including working with the K-12 Summer Institute Outreach Program, and assisting K-12 teachers with curriculum projects. Students will be able to draw on the extensive relationships that Bryn Mawr College has established with local schools. Proposals should be developed in consultation with science and education program faculty, and off-campus internship sponsors as appropriate. Additionally, selected interns will be responsible for presenting a poster at the Summer Science Poster Session in early Fall 2006.
Stipend - $3,200.
Faculty members and groups that may be particularly helpful in identifying projects are:
Applications are due Friday, February 25, 2006.
Contact person - Sharlene Bund (sbund@brynmawr.edu).
College Science Education Internships
Two Horizons internships are available for undergraduates interested in careers in science and mathematics to gain experiences in pedagogy at the college level. The ten-week internships are for work with Bryn Mawr science and mathematics faculty on course and curriculum development projects. Prospective interns will develop a project in collaboration with a science faculty member, who will provide a letter of support. Additionally, selected interns will be responsible for presenting a poster at the Summer Science Poster Session in early Fall 2006.
Stipend - $3,200.
Applications are due Friday, February 25, 2006.
Contact person - Sharlene Bund (sbund@brynmawr.edu)
Off-Campus Research Internships
Four Horizons internships are available for undergraduates interested in careers in science with support for mentored research projects in off-campus environments. This internship is designed to enable students to undertake mentored research projects in the biomedical science in off-campus environments. Potential internship sites include industry and government labs, research universities, and medical centers. Letters of committment from outside sponsors are required. Students are encourged to contact Sharlene Bund, science faculty, or the Career Development Office if they need assistance in identifying appropriate research settings. The HHMI Advisory Committee will review applications and select the finalists. Awards will be subject to the approval by the Undergraduate Dean. A summary of the selected projects, in the form of research abstracts, will be posted on the Colleges' Summer Science web site. Additionally, selected interns will be responsible for presenting a poster at the Summer Science Poster Session in early Fall 2006. Intern supervisors will submit an evaluation of the student's work.
Stipend - $3,200.
Applications are due Friday, February 25, 2006.
Contact person - Sharlene Bund (sbund@brynmawr.edu)
Application Procedures for Horizon Internships
Applications for Science Horizons Internships and Science in Society Fellowships are due Friday, February 25, 2006:
- Short proposal (one page or less; 12 pt font) developed in conjunction with Bryn Mawr faculty and/or outside researchers or educators. This proposal should include the purpose of the work and how the work will be completed in the 10 week period.
- Letters of committment from outside internship sponsors (if applicable) are required at the time of application. These letters must state that the student will be mentored in their work and that sufficient monetary resources are available to complete the work. Please note that these Horizon internships do not include funds for supplies, materials or travel.
- Two letters of reference
- Brief statement (250 words or less) from the student on how this internship fits in with their academic or career aspirations.
Students are encouraged to start early to find appropriate internship opportunities.
Click here for On-line applications .
Students are encouraged to contact Sharlene Bund (via email sbund@brynmawr.edu) if they have questions, problems, or need advice.
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2006 Science in Society Undergraduate Fellowships
Science in Society Undergraduate Fellowships
Two Science in Society fellowships are available for undergraduates to design novel interdisciplinary majors reflecting the focus of the Center for Science in Society. This fellowship program in designed to encourage interest in the sciences through special opportunities to desgn novel, intersiciplinary science majors. The majors will reflect the Center's interest in connections between the sciences and non-sciences. Examples of potential majors include "Biology and Culture of Mental Health" and "Environmental Architecture". Fellows will be provided an internship in the summer following their junior year for research on a project related to their program
(stipend - $3,200), and receive an allowance for professional travel.
Contact person - Paul Grobstein (pgrobste@brynmawr.edu).
Also see Center for Science in
For more information on eligibility and application procedures click here.
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Last updated: 11/17/05 by Sharlene Bund