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Center for Science in Society

To facilitate the broad conversations, involving both scientists and non-scientists, which are essential to continuing explorations of:
Bryn Mawr College

  • the natural world and humanity's place in it,
  • the nature of education,
  • the generation, synthesis, and evaluation of information,
  • technology and its potentials,
  • the relationships between forms of understanding

Events Calendar for Spring, 2002

Events Calendar for Fall, 2001

Recent Events

On Campus Activities

Outreach Activities

Director: Paul Grobstein

Faculty Steering Committee: Peter Briggs (English), Maria Luisa Crawford (Geology), Alison Cook-Sather (Education Program), Kim Cassidy (Psychology), Victor Donnay (Mathematics), James Martin (Social Work and Social Research), Deepak Kumar (Computer Science), Elizabeth McCormack (Physics), George Weaver (Philosophy), Susan White (Chemistry)


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