Key Facts
Students 1995-96
Undergraduates: 1122
Graduate Students: 542
Geographic Distribution (Undergraduates)
Diversity (Undergraduates):
Class of 1999
344 women, including 93 (27%) admitted under the Fall or Winter Early Decision Plans
Undergraduate Faculty 1995-96
Men and women are equally represented among the 120 faculty members, of whom 119 are full-time. They teach 100% of the classes and 95-98% of them are involved in research. The student-faculty ratio is 9:1 and 85% of classes have fewer than 25 students; 60% have fewer than 15.
Academic Programs
Degrees offered: A.B., M.A., M.S.S., M.L.S.P., Ph.D.
Special Academic Programs
International Programs
Self Government and the Honor System
Bryn Mawr students have the oldest self-government in the country. The community functions under a student-administered academic and social honor system. S.G.A. annually administers a budget totalling over $150,000 generated from student dues.
Bryn Mawr is a member of the Division III Centennial Conference, whose members include Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, Gettysburg, Haverford, Muhlenberg, Swarthmore, Ursinus, Washington, and Western Maryland Colleges and Johns Hopkins University. Bryn Mawr competes in the following sports:
- Activities include theater, dance, fine arts, orchestra, chamber music, choral groups, film presentations, creative writing, and literary publications
- Studios and practice rooms for art, dance, and music
Performing artists and writers presented in the last year include Irene Worth, Maria Benitez Teatro Flamenco, Boys of the Lough, Lark Quartet, Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble, Dorothy Allison, Sonia Sanchez, and Anna Quindlen
- A full-time director of the arts
Expenses 1995-96
- Tuition and Fees
- $19,250
- Room and Board
- $7,085
- Total
- $26,715
Financial Aid
Over 52% of the undergraduates have financial aid, including over 50% with grants from the College. Awards are a combination of work-study, loans, and grants. Financial aid eligibility is based on the family financial situation.
Most Competitive (Barron's Guide)
Graduate and Professional School Admission
Nearly 100% of Bryn Mawr students applying to law schools and 85% applying to medical schools in 1987-1993 were admitted.
Bryn Mawr ranks first in the nation in the percentage of its graduates who earn Ph.D.s in the humanities and third in all fields.
It is the only women's college among the ten institutions in the nation with the highest percentage of winners of the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships. The top ten institutions are Bryn Mawr, Caltech, Chicago, Harvard, Harvey Mudd, MIT, Pomona, Reed, Swarthmore, and Yale.
Over the past five years Bryn Mawr graduates have won many prestigious national fellowships including Beinecke, Fulbright, Goldwater, Javits, Luce, Marshall, N.S.F., Rhodes, Truman, Wallenberg, Watson, and many others.
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Last updated February 20, 1996.