under the auspices of

Bryn Mawr College

Admissions Information
Calendar 1996
Request for Application


The Centro de Estudios Hispá nicos, under the auspices of Bryn Mawr College, offers to well qualified men and women a six-week summer program of study and experience in the Spanish language, literature, culture, art, and the social sciences. Established in 1965, our program integrates academic study and direct contact with Hispanic culture through a unique combination of course work, study excursions, and independent work. With limited enrollment in all classes, students are assured of individual attention from the professors and advisors.

During their six weeks of study in Madrid, students follow a comprehensive program planned to improve their linguistic ability and to enrich their understanding of the culture, society, political life, and economic situation of modern Spain. At the Centro and during all activities of its program, students are required to converse only in Spanish. Admitted students will be asked to sign a "pledge" to follow this language rule.

Admissions Information

Undergraduate students of high academic standing who have completed the equivalent of two years of college Spanish may apply for admission. Students who have taken an intensive elementary Spanish course are also considered for admission. The preparation suggested for students planning to take 200-level courses is one semester course beyond intermediate Spanish. The most advanced students enroll in courses at the 300-level. Teachers and other professionals are also encouraged to apply.


The comprehensive fee is $4,150 ($2,850 for tuition and $1,300 for room and board). The tuition fee includes excursions, activities and a transportation pass for the month of July for all Madrid subways and buses. Room and board (three meals per day) is provided from June 13 to July 25. Airfare and books are not included. The comprehensive fee (minus $400.00 deposit) will be refunded to students who withdraw by May 13.


A limited amount of scholarship aid is available from the Phyllis B. Turnbull Memorial Fund, established in honor of the founder and first director of Centro. In addition, scholarships, endowed by the Del Amo Foundation, are awarded to students from colleges and universities in California. Del Amo scholarships can only be granted to United States citizens. All scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. If a student wishes to be considered for a scholarship, a scholarship aid application must be submitted at the time of application for admission.

Residence, Study Excursions, and Activities

Students board in the homes of Spanish families. This residential setting ensures both the development of fluency in Spanish and intimate contact with Spanish life and customs. The home-stay aspect of the Centro experience is considered most important; life in Spanish colegios mayores (dormitories) is isolating because Spanish university students do not generally reside there during the summer.

To facilitate greater group cohesion and greater contact with staff, students will also be divided into excursion groups. Past students have found the excursions both fun and educational, as experts in art, architecture, history, and culture have assisted in guiding the tours of Segovia, Toledo, and Salamanca, as well as in visits to the many museums and sites of interest within Madrid.

In addition to the study excursions, our staff assists students in pursuing their special interests in Madrid: plays, films, dance performances sports, and physical fitness. A lecture series is presented by the Centro at the Instituto Internacional. The excursions and activities provided serve as a complement to the learning environments of both the classroom and the residential plan.


The Centro offers three levels of instruction, adapted to the diverse needs of the undergraduate students. Each student must enroll in two courses. With permission, students may also audit a course. Students who wish to transfer credits should make the necessary arrangements with the appropriate office of their college or university.

El Españ ol de hoy
Spanish S 106 (4 credits); Intensive work in grammar, conversation and composition combined with readings of newspaper and magazine articles. M.V. Clemente

Sociedad y Polí tica en Españ a
Spanish S 115 (4 credits); An overview of the most important changes in post-Franco Spain: the media, the family, the judicial system, political parties, the church, the army, education, municipal government, the role of women, and problems of young people. There will be theoretical discussions, field trips and contact with specialists in these different fields. M.A. Ruí z de Azú a

Introducció n al Aná lisis Literá rio
Spanish S 120 (4 credits); Readings from Spanish and Spanish-American works of various periods and genres (drama, poetry, short stories). Special attention to improvement of oral and written expression. E. Sacerio-Garí

Conversació n: (Nivel Avanzado)
Spanish S 206 (4 credits); Problems of Spanish grammar, pronunciation, work in composition with emphasis on colloquial Spanish. T. Bordó n.

Tres Genios de la Pintura Españ ola: El greco, Velá zquez y Goya
Spanish S 215 (4 credits); An introduction to painting in Spain, with principal emphasis on El Greco, Vel‡zquez and Goya. M. Seguí

Integració n Econió mica y la Union Europea
Spanish S 220 (4 credits); A study of the theories of economic integration, with special reference to the European Union. The first week is devoted to a review of economic concepts and terminology in Spanish. J.M. Garcí a de la Cruz and P. Martí n Urbano

Composició n: (Nivel Superior)
Spanish S 306 (4 credits); A systemic study of the structure of modern Spanish. Free compositions, creative writing.

La Ficció n en el Teatro y el Cine
Spanish S 314 (4 credits); A study of the contemporary Spanish theater and film. Plays of Valle-Incl‡n, Lorca, Buero Vallejo, Arrabal; films of Bu–uel, Erice, Almod—var. R. DomŽnech


Thursday, June 13
Arrival in Madrid
Friday, June 14
Information session and registration
Saturday, June 15
Merienda in Soto del Real
Sunday, June 16
Tour of Madrid
Monday, June 17
Classes begin
Saturday-Sunday, June 21-22
Study excursion to Salamanca
Friday, June 28
Study excursion to Toledo
Friday, July 5
Study excursion to Segovia and La Granja de San Ildefonso
Wednesday, July 24
Comida de fin de curso in Soto del Real
Thursday, July 25
Students vacate housing provided by our program


Teresa Bordó n, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Marí a Victoria Clemente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Assistant to the Director

Ricardo Domé nech, Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramá tico

José Manuel Garcí a de la Cruz, Universidad Autó noma de Madrid

Pablo Martí n Urbano, Universidad Autó noma de Madrid

Miguel Angel Ruí z de Azú a, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Enrique Sacerio-Garí, Bryn Mawr College, Director of Centro

Mó nica Seguí , Escuela de Arte y Antigü edades de Madrid

Request for Application

Enrique Sacerio-Garí , Director
Centro de Estudios Hispá nicos
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Tel.: 610-526-5198 Fax: 610-526-7479
For information call M-F 9:00-3:30

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Last updated February 12, 1996.