Bryn Mawr, founded in 1885 to offer women the challenging education then available only to men, remains a place where women succeed beyond all stereotypical notions of "suitability." Women major in the sciences and mathematics in percentages which are three to five times the national average (50 times the national average in physics last year), and Bryn Mawr ranks first in the percentage of undergraduates who earn Ph.D.s in the humanities and third in all fields. Close relationships with faculty praised for their teaching and known for their scholarship foster an education that is active and enjoyable.
Bryn Mawr's Undergraduate College is for women only. Our two graduate schools are coeducational. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences offers the masters of arts in seventeen fields and doctor of philosophy degree in sixteen fields. Students at The Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research can earn master's degrees in two programs or the doctor of philosophy. Bryn Mawr was the first college to offer a Ph.D. in social work. The presence of these two graduate programs ensures students, from their first year through the Ph.D., first-rate library, laboratory, and research facilities. Undergraduates, however, are taught by members of the regular faculty, not by graduate teaching assistants.
Most Bryn Mawr undergraduates do at least some of their academic work at neighboring Haverford College, and the two institutions function as one community for most extra-curricular programs. Academic exchanges, free of additional cost, with nearby Swarthmore College and the University of Pennsylvania are also available.
Bryn Mawr's beautiful Collegiate Gothic buildings are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and the M.Carey Thomas Library is a National Historic Landmark. Our campus is often described as looking like an English village. We are, however, only twenty minutes from downtown Philadelphia, one of the nation's culturally and historically most interesting cities. To see more pictures of Bryn Mawr's campus, click here. You can also access our gopher from here.
For more information, please contact:
Office of Admissions
Ely House, Suite A
Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Tel: 610-526-5152