Talking towards Techno-Pedagogy:
A Collaboration across Colleges and Constituencies
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The Libraries and the Education programs at Bryn Mawr and Mt. Holyoke Colleges have received a grant to support a three-year Technology Initiative for Librarians and Information Technology Staff, Faculty, and Students. Each year the grant will support a one-week workshop in May aimed at enhancing our own expertise in relevant areas and producing a model that is usable at other colleges and universities. The workshop will include structured conversations among teams of selected librarians, faculty, students in their junior year, and information technologists from each of ten colleges and universities. The conversations will address the question: What is the role of each of these constituencies in creating, storing and retrieving knowledge and how can the constituencies work together to fulfill those roles? The goal of this workshop is to develop ways in which faculty, librarians, information technologists and students can work together to integrate information technology into classroom teaching.
The first of the workshops, in May, 2000, will focus on the social sciences; the humanities and natural sciences will be the focus in the two subsequent years. These workshops are intended to be practical, reproducible and forward-looking regarding specific and general visions for collaboration on our campuses. We will invite experts from around the country to discuss with us the present and future state-of-the-art in this field of collaboration. They will have been briefed on the situations and goals of the participating institutions, drawing on the needs analysis each institution submitted for the planning process, and thus they will be able to demonstrate possibilities and reflect back to the participants what might be best suited for the individual college and university campus. Throughout the workshop, teams will meet in different configurations to craft plans for curricular implementation.
The ten institutions invited to participate in this program are: Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, Amherst, Hampshire and Vassar Colleges, the Universities of Pennsylvania and of Massachusetts, at Amherst.
Project steering committee: Elliott Shore, Director of Libraries and Professor of History and Alison Cook-Sather, Assistant Professor and Director of the Education Program, both of Bryn Mawr College, and Susan L. Perry, College Librarian and Director Library, Information and Technology Services and Sandra M. Lawrence, Associate Professor, Chair, Psychology & Education and Chair, Education Division, both of Mt. Holyoke College.
Further information concerning honoraria, travel and per diem reimbursements will be sent to each campus later in the spring.
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