- The Jed Foundation for Suicide Prevention on Collage Campuses
The Jed Foundation is a nonprofit public charity committed to reducing the youth suicide rate and improving the mental health safety net provided to college students nationwide.
- Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
An outreach program of the Light for Life Foundation International. For Parents and Teens Includes online teen advice
- A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention
Suggestions for helping someone to prevent them from committing suicide. Written at a level a 7th grader can understand
- Preventing Suicide
These tips for suicide prevention have been suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association. Site includes direct links to safety resources.
- Education Resources on Suicide
This web site is presented as an educational resource by the Youth Suicide Prevention Program. Site includes information on prevention projects, media, training and resource centers, crisis services, and schools and colleges.
- Suicide
Site includes statistics on suicide, as well as links to information on the symptoms, treatment, and organizations dealing with suicide.
- NIMH Suicide Research Consortium
The Consortium is focused on various aspects of suicide research. Site includes links to information available from the consortium.
- Suicide Information and Education Center
SIEC is a special library and resource center providing information on suicide and suicidal behavior. Site includes links to resources (pamphlets, information kits, suicide prevention links), a data base, search engine, and frequently asked questions.
- Training Institute for Suicide Assessment and Clinical Interviewing
TISA provides the interviewing tip of the month, a complete article on suicide assessment, and a listing of key mental health websites as well as trainings and books on suicide prevention and clinical interviewing for mental health professionals, school counselors, and primary care clinicians.
- Preventing Suicide: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Information on suicide and suicide prevention. Site includes a list of resources such as 1-800-suicide, a national suicide hotline.
- Psyke
Suicide and self-injury site includes articles, personal stories, and links to discussion boards.
- Facts About Youth Suicide
The information contained here has been prepared by Arcadia Hospital in Maine to help you understand the suicidal process, recognize the warning signs, and learn ways to help prevent a suicide attempt. In addition, you will find a guide to resources and reading suggestions.
- National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
On 5-2-01, the Surgeon General launched a National Strategy for Suicide Prevention that includes goals and objectives to reduce youth suicide. Links to many issues relating to suicide, including legislation, research, government activity and prevention.
- QPR Institute for Suicide Prevention
Offers suicide prevention training programs and educational materials. Site also includes suicide links.
- Light for Life Foundation Yellow Ribbon Program
Program for the prevention of youth suicide.
- National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, May 2001
The Surgeon General's National Strategy for Suicide Prevention that includes goals and objectives to reduce youth suicide.
- Suicide and the School
An article disucssing how to recognize and interve with suicidal students in the school setting.
- Suicide Prevention: Biochemistry Offers Some New Clues
This article printed in Scientific American presents information on how neuroscientists are now actively searching for the biological triggers behind suicidal behavior.
- Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul
By David Hume, the two essays presented here have not been published in any earlier edition of his works.
- Some Things You Should Know About Preventing Teen Suicide
From the American Academy of Pediatrics, this article discusses teen suicide prevention and includes links to additional information on suicide.
- Have a Heart's Depression Resource
Links to articles help those suffering from depression and thoughts of suicide. Articles on understanding thoughts of suicide, bipolar disorder, mood disorder, and finding help for depression.
- Suicide Contagion and the Reporting of Suicide
Research and recommendations from a national workshop on dealing with media-related suicide contagion.
- Suicide
From NIMH, this report includes suicide facts, statistics, FAQs, prevention, and older adults.
- IASP Guidelines for Suicide Prevention
This paper disucsses the challenges, epidemilogy, thoeries, approaches to prevention and risk factors of suicide.
- Mental Health News on the Net Archives: Suicide
A list of articles dealing with various issues related to suicide.
- Fact Sheet: Suicide in the Untied States
From the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, this page includes statistics on suicide, suicide among elderly and the young, prevention programs, and materials and resources available on suicide prevention.
- Teen Suicide
From the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), this fact sheet presents information on teen suicide and includes links to other teen mental health issues, including depression, alcohol and drugs, and firearms.
- Suicide Facts
From NIMH, this short paper presents statistics on completed suicides in the US, 1997, and attempted suicides.
- American Association of Suicidology
A nonprofit organization dedicated to the understanding and prevention of suicide. Site includes information on suicide, resources, crisis centers, support groups and current issues.
- Befrienders International
Befrienders listen to people who are lonely, despairing or considering suicide. This organization co-ordinates and develops the work of its 357 member centers around the world, and supports and advises new and existing centers. Site includes information on help and support, suicide statistics, and depression.
- Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network
Span USA is dedicated to the creation and implementation of effective national suicide prevention strategies and represents the grassroots people of America's local communities.
- Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
The mission of SAVE is to educate about suicide prevention and to speak for suicide survivors. Site includes questions, symptoms and misconceptions of suicide, depression facts, book lists, support groups and links to other sites.
- American Association of Suicidology
Dedicated to the understanding and prevention of suicide. Promotes research, public awareness programs, and education and training for professionals and volunteers. National clearinghouse for information on suicide.
- The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
The only international non-profit dedicated to funding the research and education needed to prevent suicide.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact dplotnic@brynmawr.edu - pgrobste@brynmawr.edu - jmartin@brynmawr.edu.
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