- The War in Iraq
Current Infomation, medical, and educational resouces for those returning from Iraq, and their families, from National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder including A Guide for Clinicians
- Now, Fear of Flying Is More Than a Phobia, January 29, 2002
For most Americans, deciding to travel by air has become a far more complicated and anxiety-laced process following September 11th.
- The Australian National Centre For War-Related PTSD
Site provides information from the 2001 Annual Conference entitled Psychological Trauma: Treatment and Recovery.
- Helpful Information Following the Recent Terrorist Acts
Information on post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, and a special fact sheet on helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters.
- Disaster Psychiatry Page
Developed by the APA Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster to provide information useful to psychiatrists in preparing for and responding to disasters and other traumatic events.
- Gulf War Illness, Medical Readiness and Military Deployments
A list of links to combat-related topics including etiology, symptoms and treatment of mental health issues.
- Lessons Learned from Bombings
This paper discusses methods of strengthening critical incident stress management for police and firefighters.
- Gun Violence Has Long-Term Effects, January 26, 2002
Even 25 years after individuals witness gun violence, the impact of the trauma remains evident.
- Reliving Trauma
An NIMH updated fact sheet on post-traumatic stress disorder, including facts, treatments and research findings.
- The Psychological Effects of Trauma
Explains PTSD and its causes, symptoms and treatments. Includes links to related trauma resources.
- American Psychiatric Association: PTSD
A paper discussing the facts, symptoms and treatment for PTSD.
- Treatment of PTSD: Critical Reviews and Treatment Guidelines
These guidelines were developed under the auspices of the PTSD Treatment Guidelines Task Force established by the Board of Directors of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) in November, 1997.
- The Psychological Effects of Trauma
Provides information on PTSD as well as links to information on helping children deal with violence and on-line trauma resources.
- National Center for PTSD
This center studies the effects of psychological trauma. Site includes information on PTSD facts, research, and diagnosis and treatment.
- FactsforHealth.org
This site helps people identify, understand and find treatment for social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Reliving Trauma
From NIMH, this paper discusses facts about PTSD, treatment, and research findings.
- UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line
This site focuses on PTSD and prolonged duress stress disorder resulting from bullying, primarily in the workplace.
- Should family be in ER?
This study from the American Journal of Nursing (February, 2000) suggests that it may be beneficial for family members to be in the emergency room with a relative.
- Intensive Counseling May Heighten Trauma
In this article (January, 2000), British researchers reported that survivors of traumatic events may be worse off after intensive counseling.
Megasites and Internet Resource Lists
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Links to information on PTSD, including information on research, personal stories and websites, and support.
- Trauma & PTSD Resources
A list of links to trauma and PTSD Internet resources.
- The Australian Trauma Web
A list of worldwide sites, sources and documents which relate to Trauma or PTSD.
- The Trauma Center Links Page
A page from the Trauma Center's web site that provides links to general resources, nonprofit organizations and foundations, special topics and treatments, government resources, programs and research labs.
- Mental Health News on the Net Archives: PTSD
A list of articles dealing with various issues related to trauma.
- PTSD.com
A list of links to organizations, treatments, discussion boards, newsletters, programs and personal stories about various types of PTDS-related disorders.
- Internet Mental Health: PTSD
As part of the Internet Mental Health Website, this page provides links to descriptions, diagnosis, treatment, research, booklets and articles about PTSD.
- PTSD Bibliography
Annotated list of books and articles about the emotional aftershocks of various types of traumatic incidents.
- PTSD Research Quarterly
Chronological list of published issues that can be downloaded.
- Assessment Instruments Developed by the National Center for PTSD
A page containing links to assessment instruments that are available. You can request copies for very little cost.
- Traumatic Stress
A list of Internet articles addressing a variety of topics related to traumatic stress.
- National Center for PTSD
Conducts research and education programs focusing on PTSD and other psychological and medical consequences of traumatic stress. Includes information on current events, facts, research, treatment, and links to related resources.
- Anxiety Disorders Association of America
ADAA promotes the prevention and cure of anxiety disorders and works to improve the lives of all people who suffer from them.
- Center for Stress and Anxiety Disorders
A clinical research facility that conducts intensive research on the etiology, classification, assessment, and treatment of several common stress-related and anxiety disorders.
- Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia
A nonprofit society formed to increase awareness of anxiety disorders and currently available treatments.
- Sidran Traumatic Stress Foundation
National nonprofit organization devoted to advocacy, education, and research in support of people with psychiatric disabilities, particularily survivors of trauma.
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Provides a forum for the sharing of research, clinical strategies, public policy concerns and theoretical formulations on trauma.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact dplotnic@brynmawr.edu - pgrobste@brynmawr.edu - jmartin@brynmawr.edu.
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