- Race is a Fault of Science, January 2002
An article with feedback regarding race and the role of science in its identification, which focused a passionate debate among researchers of differing political hue.
- Races as the Same Machine in Different Colors, January 2, 1002
Despite the American obsession with race, growing numbers of experts believe that it is a meaningless concept, at least as far as medicine goes.
- Resources for Cross Cultural Health Care
Promotes language and cultural competence to improve the quality of health care for minority, immigrant, and ethnically diverse communities. Links to models and practices, policy, legal issues, and essentials.
- The Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network
Dedicated to improving the education of minority populations. Information provided on community outreach and leadership development; math, science and engineering; and public policy, legislation and communications.
- National Minority AIDS Council
Dedicated to developing leadership within communities of color to address the challenge of HIV/AIDS. Includes links to programs, facts from experts, virtual conferences, publications, local community access and links to AIDS facts.
- Intercultural Cancer Council
Seeks to eliminate the unequal burden of cancer among racial and ethnic minorities and medically underserved populations. Includes information on cancer facts, minority populations, coping and survivorship, cancer resources, and research and medicine, and a search engine.
- Office of Minority Health
OMH was created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 1985. The mission is to improve the health of racial and ethnic populations through the development of effective health policies and programs that help to eliminate disparities in health.
- National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
This site contains links to resources for Hispanic and Asian-Americans.
- Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
Site inlcudes a page with links written in Spanish.
- National Institute of Mental Health
Site includes a page on materials written in Spanish.
- Department of Veteran Affairs
This site includes links to various topics relating to veterans, including online applications, special programs, hot topics, education, health and current events.
- National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC)
A service of the Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services. The NWHIC provides a gateway to the vast array of federal and other women's health information resources.
- Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
Originally the Association of Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, AMCD was chartered in 1972. AMCD strives to improve cultural, ethnic and racial empathy and understanding by programs to advance and sustain personal growth.
- Overview of Cultural Diversity and Mental Health Services
From the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, this paper presents issues facing minority populations with mental health problems.
- Mental Health in Rural America
From the National Rural Health Association, this paper presents the scope of mental health issues in rural America, the rural mental health infrastructure, organizational, consumer and training issues, and current research.
- Cultural Competence Standards in Managed Care Mental Health Services
This document, created by expert panels from four core racial/ethnic populations, provides readers with the tools and knowledge to help guide the provision of culturally competent mental health services within today's managed care environment.
African Americans
- Association of Black Cardiologists
Make exemplary health care accessible and affordable to all in need, dedicated to lowering the high rate of cardiovascular diseases in minority populations and committed to advocacy and diversity. Links to programs, publications and related information.
- Association of Black Nursing Faculty
Dedicated to improving the health care of African-American clients and communities through nursing educating, nursing research and nursing practice. Links provided only to organizational information.
- Association of Black Psychologists
Leader and international resource for addressing the psychological needs of African people in the Diaspora. Links provided only to organizational information.
- Black Congress on Health Law and Economics
Connects African American organizations together through educational and other informational forums to improve the organization's understanding of strategic partnerships, long term investment and how public policy is developed and implemented. Links provided to organizational information and related links.
- The Congress of Black Churches (CNBC)
Eight denominations joined together in collective and collaborative efforts to serve, support, sustain and empower the African American community. CNBC’s mission is to foster Christian unity, charity and fellowship. Links provided only to organizational information.
- International Society on Hypertension in Blacks
Improving the health and life expectancy of ethnic populations. Includes information on programs, research, helath information, advocacy, ethnicity and disease, and a search engine.
- Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
Assists blacks in serving as a major force in the political arena. Includes information on organizational affairs and a search engine.
- Minority Health Professions Foundation
Provides support for professional education, research and community service that promote optimum health among poor and minority people. Links provided only to organizational information.
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
The nation's largest and strongest civil rights organization that tries to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens and eliminate race prejudice. Links primarily to organizational activities, but also to related resources and news.
- National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
Represents the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) of this nation. Information provided on organizational programs and services, events, issues forum, and links to related sites.
- National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE)
Promotes the advancement and development of Black health care leaders, and elevates the quality of health care services rendered to minority and underserved communities. Links provided only to organizational information.
- National Black Alcoholism and Addictions Council (NBAC)
Provides leadership for the prevention & treatment of alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and other drugs of abuse. Includes links to Blacks Against Driving Drunk, Black Alcohol Institute, education and training, and related links.
- National Black Nurses' Association (NBNAE)
A professional nursing organization representing more than 150,000 African American nurses throughout the United States. Links provided only to organizational information.
- National Black Women's Health Project (NBWHP)
Seeks to improve the health of black women by providing wellness education and services, health information and advocacy. Includes organization-related information (programs and policy initiatives), as well as links to news and a search engine.
- Migrant Clinicians Network
A national clinical network of health care providers who serve migrant farmworkers and other underserved mobile populations. Links primarily to organizational information, such as services, publications and clinician education, but also links to additional related resources,
- National Black Child Development Institute
Provides and supports programs, workshops, and resources for African American children, their parents and communities inearly health and education, health, elementary and secondary education, child welfare, and parenting. Links to child development information and a search engine.
- Ohio Commission on Minority Health
Funds projects which reduce of the incidence and severity of diseases or conditions responsible for excess morbidity and mortality in minority populations. Links to available materials, news and information, healthy cooking, tobacco settlement updates and minority health month.
- People of Color Against AIDS Network (POCAAN)
A multi-racial AIDS prevention organization created in response to the devastating impact that HIV/AIDS was and continues to have on communities of color. Information provided on people of color issues, coalitions, public policy issues, statistics, special subpopulations and related sites.
American Indians / Alaska Natives
- Alaska Native Health Board
Exists to bridge the traditional Pueblo world with that of the modern world in order to foster economic progress, education, and unification of Pueblos on water and land issues and preservation of tribal sovereignty and cultural values.
- Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP)
Members are active in medical education, cross cultural training between western and traditional medicine, and assisting Indian communities. Links to various resources on Indian health issues.
- National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (NCAIANMHR)
Sponsored by NIMH and is the only program of this type in the country focusing specifically on American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Information on past and currrent research, information dissenimation, training, and resources.
- National Congress of American Indians
Organized as a representative congressaiming for consensus on national priority issues. Information provided on current issues, tribal directory, NCAI resolutions, and NCAI Sentinel.
- National Indian Child Welfare Association
Dedicated to the well-being of all American Indian children and families. Links to public policy, research, library, newsletter, and related resources.
- National Indian Council on Again (NICOA)
Strives to better the livesof the nation's indigenous seniors through advocacy, employment training, dissemination of information, and data support. Organizational links only.
- National Indian Education Association
Supports traditional Native cultures and values, to enable Native learners to become contributing members of their communities, to promote Native control of educational institutions, and to improve educational opportunities and resources for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian's. Links to legislative information, advocacy and research.
- National Indian Health Board
NIHB represents Tribal Governments that operate their own health care delivery systems through contracting and compacting, as well as those that receive health care directly from the Indian Health Service. Links to policy and legislation, projects and programs, area health boards, publications and conferences.
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Encourages Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for research careers and science teaching professions at all levels. Links to organizational programs.
- United National Indian Tribal Youth Council
A national network organization promoting personal development, citizenship and leadership among Native American youth. Links only provided to organizational information.
- California Rural Indian Health Board(CRIHB)
A network of Tribal Health Programs devoted to the needs and interests of the Indians of Rural California. Information provided on history, newsletters, legislative agenda, health policy andmember tribal clinics.
- The Cherokee Nation
Provides information about Cherokee Nation, including culture, government, services, newspaper publications, archived new reports, and a search engine.
- National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC)
Information on various aspects of AIDS prevention, including research, prevention, native care network, public policy, and resources.
- National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Committed to increasing awareness of issues affecting American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian elders and to be a voice and advocate for their concerns. Information provided on presentations, publications, research, and traditional Native recipies.
- Seattle Indian Health Board
A multiservice community health center that serves the healthcare needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives living in the greater Seattle/King County region of western Washington State. A helpful list of links to related resources.
- U.S. Indian Health Service Office
An agency within the U S Dept. of Health and Human Services and is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Provides information for kids, press and public relations, medical and other programs, and information technology resources.
- National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
This center is sponsored by NIMH and is the only program of this type in the country focusing specifically on American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Major program functions include research, research training, information dissemination, and technical assistance.
Asian Americans / Pacific Islanders
- Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum
A national advocacy organization dedicated to promoting policy, program and research efforts for the improvement of health status of all Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. Links to policy updates, health information and publications.
- Chinese American Medical Society
A non-profit, charitable, educational, and scientific society of Chinese physicians. Information provided on health issues, CAMS news bulletin, related link and a search engine.
- Japanese American Citizens' League
Secures and maintains the human and civil rights of Americans of Japanese ancestry and others victimized by injustice. Information provided on society programs, news and events, and current issues. Search engine.
- National Asian Women's Health Organization (NAWHO)
Helps to elimiate health disparities for Asian women and their families. Includes information on policy and advocacy, women's health, a career center, and organizational activities, such as a leaderships network and partnership activities.
- Organization of Chinese Americans
Dedicated to securing the rights of Chinese American and Asian American citizens and permanent residents through legislative and policy initiatives at all levels of the government. Includes information primarily on the organization, as well as news events.
- Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
Provides multicultural multilingual resources for Asian families facing domestic violence. Information provided on community needs, services, and the volunteer program. Site translates into five languages.
- Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
Promotes advocacy, collaboration and leadership to improve the health status and access of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders withing the US through member community health clinics. Information provided on new events at AAPCHO, issues of importance in these populations, and community bulletin boards.
- Hawaii State Department of Health
The DOH provides leadership to monitor, promote, protect and enhance the health and environmental well-being of all Hawaii's people. Links to resources, programs, services, activities, statistics, vital records, permits, regulations and a search engine.
- Korean Health Education Information and Research Center
Founded in 1986 as a non-profit organization, KHEIR helps low to middle income Korean Americans with improvements in health and social well being. Information provided on disease, substance abuse, hospitals and doctors, wellness, and related resources. Site includes a Korean version.
- National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
A non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) populations on the continental U.S., Hawaii, the six Pacific Island jurisdictions and elsewhere.
- National Asian Pacific Center on Aging
Serves aging Asian and Pacific Islanders. NAPCA programs and projects provide thousands of elders across America with a voice and opportunity to improve their quality of life. Links are primarily related to the organization and include programs, medicare, help for health and what's new.
- The Union of Pan Asian Communities
The primary provider of human care services to San Diego’s Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Links are primarily related to the organization and include a newsletter, events, programs and what's new.
- Papa Ola Lokahi
A consortium organization which serves as an umbrella for Native Hawaiian health care planning activities in the state. Links to projects, resources and news.
- National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health
Established in 1988 with a grant from NIMH, this organization prides itself as a national and multidisciplinary leader in the study of Asian Pacific American mental health research.
Hispanic Americans / Latinos
- Cuban American National Council
Delivers education, housing and economic development services through a network of related non-profit corporations. Includes information on education, housing, policy research, child care and employment.
- The Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools
Seeks to improve the health status of Hispanics and other populations. Organizationally-related links provided, as well as a list of health websites.
- Intramerican College of Physicians and Surgeons
Promotes cooperation among U.S. Hispanic physicians and advances their professional and educational needs. Primarily focused on organizational activities.
- Inter-University Program for Latino Research
Effects change through expanding the body of knowledge on the Latino community-at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels. Includes links to news, census information and research.
- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health and civil rights of the Hispanic Americans. Information provided on programs, issues, events, publications, civil rights, and links to related sites.
- MANA - A National Latina Organization
Empowers Latinas through leadership development and community action. Information provided maily on organizational activities, but also includes related website links.
- National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN)
Promotes Hispanic nurses to improve the health of our communities. Links provided only to organizational activites.
- National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)
Promotes the involvement of Latinos in the American political process. Links provided only to organizational activites.
- National Association of Puerto Rican / Hispanic Social Workers
Professional social workers committed to the betterment of the Puerto Rican & Hispanic communities, thus improving the community as a whole. Information provided on the association's activities and links to related resources.
- National Conference of Puerto Rican Women (NAOPRW)
Dedicated to promoting the full participation of Puerto Rican and other Hispanic women in their economic, social, and political life in the United States and Puerto Rico. Information provided on the association's activities and links to related resources.
- National Medical Association (NHMA)
Hispanic medical faculty dedicated to teaching medical and health services research. Includes information about NHMA conferences, community support efforts, and resident physician database project.
- National Latino Children's Institute
Serve as the voice for young Latinos to ensure the healthy and complete development of Latino children. Includes links to health issues related to children.
- National Congress for Hispanic Mental Health
This Congress provides an opportunity for Latino stakeholders to take charge in developing and implementing an agenda that will impact the Hispanic communityand result in increased access to high-quality, culturally and linguistically competent, mental health and substance abuse services for all who need it.
- National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco (NLCATP)
The only Latino organization dedicated solely to reducing the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco in the Latino community. Includes links to programs, facts, news updates, national directory, clearinghouse, FAQ's, and related resources.
- National Latino / A Lesbian and Gay Organization (LLEGO)
Organizes Latina/o Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities to overcome social, health, and political barriers faced due to sexual orientation, gender identity and ethnic background. Links to organizational material.
- National Puerto Rican Forum
Enhances the socio-economic conditions of the Latino population through programs, research, advocacy and direct services in education and economic development. Links only provided to organizational information and resources.
- La Leche League International
The only organization with the sole purpose of helping breastfeeding mothers. Links to breastfeeding information, professional information, current events, conferences and employment opportunities.
- National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Information is provided on various aspects of Hispanic health. Links to a news and information center, The Reporter journal, alliance initiative area, conferences, and current events.
- National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
Links to publications, job announcements, special events, policy and programs, affiliates, issue briefs and the press room.
- National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA)
Dedicated to improving the quality of life for Latino elderly, families, and communities. Links to legislative updates, programs and projects, and organizational notices.
- Organizacion Panamericana De la Salud (Pan American Health Organization)
Pan American Health Organization is a regional office for the Americas of the World Health Organization. Links to health data, health topics, information resources, WHO, and current news.
- U.S. Pharmacopeia
Promotes public health, establishes standards to ensure the quality of medicines for human and veterinary use, and develops authoritative information about the appropriate use of medicines. Links to drug standards, drug information, dietary supplements, and veterinary medicine.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact dplotnic@brynmawr.edu - pgrobste@brynmawr.edu - jmartin@brynmawr.edu.
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