- Projective Technique
The definition of a projective technique is provided from this reference resource.
- Test Locator
This site allows you to search for specific types of psychological tests, including projective tests. Links connect to descriptive information on tests and contact information regarding obtaining tests.
- Projective Methods for Personality Assessment
An outline of various types of projective tests, including Rorschach, thematic apperception tests, figure tests, words tests, and figure drawings.
- Rights and Responsibilities of Test Takers: Guidelines and Expectations
From the American Psychological Association, this page enumerate and clarify the expectations that test takers may reasonably have about the testing process, and the expectations that those who develop, administer, and use tests may have of test takers.
- Personality Assessment
Under the category of personality assesment, links are provided to information on projective personality assessments.
- The Tale of SAGAS: Bringing Apperception Tests Into The Cyber World
This is a description of the development of the first apperception test administered over the Internet: the Self Administered Global Apperception Scales, or SAGAS.
Rorschach Inkblot Test
- Somatic Inkblot Series (SIS) Center
A nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to the use of projective technique in the healing arts. Information provided on Somatic Inkblot Society, research awards, updates, and the Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health Abstracts.
- Somatic Inkblot Society
Founded in 1991 in Anchorage Alaska, the society promotes teaching, research and practice of Somatic Inkblot Series-I test.
- Rorschach Ink Blot Test
An explanation of the use of the Rorschah ink blot test as a projective instrument.
- The Classical Rorschach
The information on this page and the links are devoted to the presentation and promotion of the Rorschach method, concentrating on the way it has been practiced within the classical European tradition.
- Rorschach Inkblot Test
This site presents the history of the Rorschach Inkblot Test. Included are references, a discussion group, a bibliography, as well as related resources.
- Inkblot Perception and Personality
A short descrition of the purpose and use of the Rorschach inkblot test. References provided for additional information through publications.
- What's in an Inkblot? Some Say, Not Much
From the New York Times, February 20, 2001, this article discusses the heated controversey over the validity and usefulness of the Rorschach inkblot test.
- The Holtzman Inkblot Technique: A Detailed Review
The Holtzman Inkblot Technique (HIT) was developed as a standardized tool for personality assessment and was a derivative of the Rorschach technique. Although it was never as popular, the HIT was designed to overcome the psychometric limitations of the famous Rorschach projective technique.
Thematic Apperception Test
- A Study of the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) with Japanese Subjects
The purpose of the study was to identify common themes on the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) for Japanese subjects. In addition, Japanese TAT themes were compared with American TAT themes for any significant differences. The book is available in downloadable pdf format.
- Christina D. Morgan
A short biography of Christina Morgan who played an insturmental role in the development of the TAT.
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
The definition of a the Thematic Apperception Test is provided from this reference resource.
- Experience-Induced Affective Development in Children and Adults
The purpose of this short-term longitudinal study was to test a theory of experience-induced affective development which links individuals' subjective experience with their external environmental changes. Several data collection methods and measures were used, inlcuding the projective Thematic Apperception Test.
Drawing Tests
- Personality: What Makes Us Who We Are?
A site dealing with various explanations for the development of personality. Information provided on the unconscious and projective techniques.
- The Society for Personality Assessment
A collegial organization dedicated to the advancement of professional personality assessment, to the development of procedures and concepts for personality assessment and to the ethical and responsible use of these techniques.
The Unconscious
- Mental Imagery, Consciousness, and Cognition: Scientific, Philosophical and Historical Approaches
A resource for the study of imagination and mental images and their relevance to the understanding of consciousness and cognition, as approached through the methods of analytical philosophy, experimental psychology, and cognitive science.
- Freud's Levels of Consciousness
Paper dealing with Freud's conceptualization of the conscious and unconscious, including links to other psychological concepts purported by Freud, including the id, ego and superego, hypnosis, free association, and defense mechanisms.
- The Metaphysical Perspective in the Work of C. G. Jung
These pages express a particular orientation to the works of C G Jung. Links provided to articles, quotes, and additional resources.
- The Structure of the Unconscious
A discussion of Sigmund Freud's theory of the unconscious, including concepts of the conscious, unconscious and presconscious, as well as the id, ego and superego.
- The Unconscious
From "A Guide to Psychology and Its Practice", this page presents information on believing in the unconscious, understanding the unconscious, and working with the unconscious. Links to related resources.
- Psychological Investigations of Unconscious Perception
This paper reviews the history of psychological investigations of unconscious perception and summarizes the current status of experimental research in this area of investigation.
- Description of the Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
A page defining Carl G. Jung's concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes.
- The Unconscious
An introduction to the clinical and metapsychological aspects of Freud's theory of the unconscious, and reality testing.
- Jung's Conception Of The Collective Unconscious
A brief description of the collective unconscious, according to Carl Jung. Defined as the repositary of all the religious, spiritual, and mythological symbols and experiences.
- The Unconscious
A discussion of the clinical and metapsychological descriptions of the unconscious.
- The Unconscious Mind
Descriptions of the unconscious mind according to various theorists, including Jung and Freud. Links provided to Jung, Freud, repressed memories, and hypnosis
- Measuring Unconscious Perceptual Process
A review of traditional approaches to the study of unconscious perception, as well as two alternative approaches that may resolve the long-standing controversies that have plagued experimental investigations.
- Cyberspace and the Changing Landscape of the Self
Essay by Michael Strangelove about the importance of geography in the evolution of consciousness and how the internet removes all physical barriers to this evolution.
- An Overview of Gnosis
A brief introduction to gnosis, Greek word meaning 'to know' in the sense of to be acquainted, intended for readers who know little or nothing about gnosis.
- The Project of the Sociology of Knowledge and Cognitive Anthropology
Article by Steve Mizrach about the assumptions we make when we 'know' something, and in particular how awareness of these assumptions puts science in a new perspective.
- Computation Versus Feelings and the Production/Judgement Model
There are two views of consciousness - that it is part of a computational process and that it is something we experience. These two views have to be reconciled, and having feelings must be part of the computational process.
- Towards the Neuronal Substrate of Visual Consciousness
Adapted from the chapter by C. Koch, entitled 'Towards the neuronal substrate of visual consciousness'. The article discusses the relationship between a visual percept and the underlying neuronal activity in parts of the brain.
- Mind and Body: René Descartes to William James
The rise of experimental psychology as it occurred at the interface between philosophical analyses of the mind/world relationship and physiological conceptions of the nervous system as a sensory-motor device mediating between the mind and the world.
- Can Neurobiology Teach us Anything about Consciousness?
an attmept to track down the neural mechanisms of consciousness. Based on a presidential address to the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, March, 1993, published in Proceedings and Addresses of the APA (1994).
- Of Chemistry and Consciousness
From the NIMH Symposium on Scientific Approaches to Consciousness: Reductionism Debated, held in May 2000.
- The Consciousness in the Natural World Project
This page, Phiosophy on the Web, has a search engine at the bottom of the page. When the term unconsciousness is entered, the search produces over one thousand essays on this topic.
- Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography
This is a bibliography of recent work in the philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of artificial intelligence, and on consciousness in the sciences. It consists of 5702 entries.
- Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness
An essay by David J. Chambers addressing the difficulty that has been experienced in attempting to explain consciousness.
- On A Confusion About A Function of Consciousness
This paper exposes a confusion about consciousness, including phenomenal consciousness and access consciousness.
- Quantum Consciousness
An idea which utilized quantum mechanics to attempt to explain consciousness. Site includes links to a web course, current articles, popular press, department of anesthesiology, and selected publications.
- The Philosophy Behind Ordinary Consciousness
This paper discusses consciousness and the brain, Chalmers, and a response to Chalmers, the contents of consciousness.
- Hypnosis, Brief Therapy, and Altered States of Consciousness
A list of links leading to information on the workings of the mind and its relationship to health, both physical and mental.
- Psyche: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness
An electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain from the perspectives of the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, physics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.
- The Brain Project
Chapters on various issues relating to the nature of consciousness. Plus papers on video and other matters of interest, including language, cybernetics, interactivity and computing machines.
- The Center for Consciousness Studies
Located at the University of Arizona, this center promotes the open, rigorous discussion of all phenomena related to conscious experience. Links to on-line papers, philosophy of mind bibliography, journal of consciousness studies and quantum consciousness group.
- Animal Consciousness
This paper discusses the controversial topic of non-human (animal) consciousness.
- Consciousness
An explanation of consciousness according to Carl Jung.
- On-Line Papers on Consciousness
A directory of 1075 online papers on consciousness and related topics divided into three sections: philosophy of consciousness, other philosophy of mind, and science of consciousness. Most papers are by academic philosophers or scientists.
- Consciousness and Neuroscience
This review sets out for neuroscientists one possible approach to the problem of consciousness and to describe the relevant ongoing experimental work.
- C. J. Jung Page
The Jung Page was founded in 1995 to encourage new psychological ideas and conversations about what it means to be human in our time and place. Links provided to Jungian resources, articles, psychology and culture, and related web sites.
- C. G. Jung and Jungian Psychology
A list of links to pages dealing with aspects of Carl Jung's writing and detailing his psychological concepts of personality development.
- Carl Jung
A biography of Carl G. Jung, including explanations of his theory and integral concepts (archetypes, dynamics of the psyche, synchronicity, the functions and assessment).
- Carl Jung
A biography of Carl G. Jung, including a list of his selected works.
- The C. J. Jung Institute of San Francisco
Founded to advance a viewpoint vital to the conscious, ethical practice and utilization of analytical psychology and to disseminate knowledge. Site includes information on public programs, training, the analytic society, a library journal, bookstore and related links.
- Neft's Hommage To Carl Gustav Jung
Page includes information on Jung's biography, chronology of Jung's life in major traits, Jungian services, and related links.
- Links to the World of Carl Gustav Jung
Links to information on Jung, including his works, biography, epitaph, and anthology.
- Jung's Theory of Psychological Types
This page details Jung's theory of psychological types attempts to categorize people in terms of their primary modes of psychological functioning.
- The Essential Jung
Quotes and text from Jung's writings sorted by concept, including dreams, consciousness, knowledge, psychoanalysis and eastern religion.
- Carl Jung and The Mandala
This page focuses on the meaning of the mandala for Jung, with mandala quotes and a mandala gallery, as well as links to related sites.
- The Carl Jung Information Center
A list links to sites containing information realting to Carl Jung, including Jungian Institutes and the Jungian Society.
- Quotations
A listing of inspiring, empowering, and motivational quotations by Carl Jung.
- PsychoHeresy: C. G. Jung's Legacy to the Church
Jung's influence on Christian psychology, including his view of Christianity, spirit guide, and influence on AA.
- Dr. Carl Jung's Near-Death Experience
An excerpt from Jung's autobiography entitled "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" describing his near-death experience.
- Sigmund Freud
A biography of Sigmund Freud, including a section on Ana Freud, references for further reading, and selected works.
- The Freud Page
Information on may aspects of Freud's life and work. Includes Freud's biography, psychoanalysis, selected works, Ana Freud, legacy, quotes, and museums.
- Sigmund Freud: Life and Work
Imformation on the life and work of Sigmund Freud, including a biography, information on self-analysis, other psychoanalytic personality theorists, bibliographical notes, quotations and references.
- The Freud Web
From Brown university, this site in includes information on biographical materials, cultural context, theory of mind, and techniques.
- Freud Net
A hub for Freud research from the New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Site includes information on the NY Psychoanalytic Institute and Society program and activities, electronic resources, network resources in mental health, and the American Psychoanalytic Association.
- Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research
Located in New York City, this institute was founded in 1958 as a membership society for non-medical analysts sharing an interest in Freud's theory and technique. Information provided on meetings, workshops, training programs, the center, and research.
- Psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud
A paper presenting Freud's views on psychoanalysis, including the major concepts in his theory of personality development.
- Oedipus Redivivus Freud, Jung and Psychoanalysis
This chapter is concerned with the status of Freud's theorizing during his collaboration with Carl Jung, and with the mutual influence of each thinker on the other in the years following their estrangement.
- The Unofficial Online Home of Sigmund Freud
Information provided on many of Freud's concepts, including the levels of consciousness, oedipus complex, dream theories, psychosexual development, and defense mechanisms.
- Psychopathology of Everyday Life
This entire text by Freud can be viewed on-line. The book discusses the complex problems of human behavior, and demonstrates that the gap between normal and abnormal mental states is more apparent than real.
- The Anna Freud Centre
Devoted to the psychoanalytic treatment of troubled children and young people. Site includes information on Anna Freud, services, research and links to related sites.
- Anna Freud
A biography of Anna Freud, including information about her friends, school years, teaching, similarity to her father, and her own theory.
- Anna freud
This page explains Anna Freud's theory of personality development, including ego psychology, child psychology and research. Sigmund Freud's influence is noted.
- Conflict and Culture
An exhibition that examines Freud's life and his key ideas and their effect upon the twentieth century. Much of this exhibit is presented on-line.
- The Interpretation of Dreams (3rd edition) by Sigmund Freud
A full text on-line book of Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams (3rd edition).
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
Promotes research within cognitive science, neuroscience, philosophy, and other relevant disciplines in the sciences and humanities, directed toward understanding the nature, function, and underlying mechanisms of consciousness.
- National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
NAAP represents the first effort to reunite various psychoanalytic schools of thought, such as Freudians, Jungians, and Adlerians.
- International Association for Analytical Psychology
An international organization of those engaged in the practice of Analytical Psychology throughout the world that aims to promote the study of Analytical Psychology.
- American Psychoanalytic Association
A professional organization of psychoanalysts that includes public information, literature searches, finding a psychoanalyst and a newsletter.
- International Psychoanalytic Association
The world's primary psychoanalytic accrediting and regulatory body that trains and supports psychoanalysts and develops clinical, educational and research programs. Site includes news and events, scientific and clinical activities, links to related resources, a search engine, a message forum, and ask the IPA secretary (question and answer board for administrative and policy issues).
- The American Psychoanalytic Foundation
Dedicated to the advancement of psychoanalysis through community outreach, education, research, and clinical programs.
- The American Academy of Psychoanalysis
A national professional organization of medical psychoanalysts that provides an open forum for psychoanalysts to discuss relevant and responsible views of human behavior and to exchange ideas with psychiatric colleagues and other social and behavioral scientists.
- The Association for the Study of Dreams
A non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming.
- National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis
Dedicated to advancements in the practice of non-medical psychoanalysis. Information provided on the training institute, virtual loungs, referral service, events, the Psychoanalytic Review, FAQ's, and related links.
- Somatic Inkblot Society
Founded in 1991 in Anchorage Alaska, the society promotes teaching, research and practice of Somatic Inkblot Series-I test.
- American Music Therapy Association
AMTA attempts to advance public awareness of the benefits of music therapy and increase access to quality music therapy services. Site includes information on events and news, careers, how to find a music therapist, music therapy with special populations, and listserves.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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