From Serendip
Materials provided here are neither intended nor suitable for individuals needing practical assistance with specific mental health problems of their own or of friends/family/colleagues. For such situations, people should contact local mental health agencies, doctors, or other health care professionals. Some access points are provided here. |  |
From the Inside
Issues in mental health are primarily presented "from the outside" by doctors, scientists, and other professionals who observe the behavoirs of individuals other than themselves. There are good reasons to believe that this outside perspective, while valuable, is also limited in its ability to make sense of, and to help resolve, issues of mental health. The following links are provided as a contribution to overcoming such limitations by providing descriptions "from the inside," by people experiencing and addressing mental health issues in their own lives and/or in the lives of their family and friends.
A Story About Grace
Article from the August 2002 editon of Friends Journal about living with mental illness by Mariellen Gilpin.
The Center for Reintegration
Organization dedicated to bringing the mentally ill "back to health, back to life." Site includes success stories and highlights of the free magazine Reintegration Today.
Jane's Mental Health Page: Personal Stories
Personal accounts of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, panic disorder and other personality disorders.
In Our Own Voices
NAMI information page about obtaining guest speakers to share first hand experiences with serious mental illness with support groups, consumers and students.
Tell Us Your Story
NAMI site soliciting personal stories of insurance discrimination to aid in the fight for parity.
New York City Voices
An online journal for consumers, practitioners and families about living with mental illness.
- Understanding OCD
Personal account and excellent list of resources and information regarding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
- The pathway to recovery-In their own words
Personal experiences of living with, and recovering from, obsessive compulsive disorder from the OCD Resource Center of South Florida.
- Unholy Ghost: Writers on Depression, edited by Nell Casey, presents famous authors' personal accounts of their own, or a family member's, battles with depression.
- An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness is book by the leading expert on bipolar disorder, Kaye Redfield Jamison, about her own life-long struggles with this disease.
- Night Falls Fast is Kay Redfield Jamison's compellation of scientific information about suicide and stories of individuals who succumbed to the ultimate symptom of depression.
- Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness is renowned novelist William Styron's account of his nearly fatal battle with major depression.
- A Brilliant Madness: Living with Manic Depressive Illness, by Patty Duke and Gloria Hochman, is the famed actress's story of how she gained control of the illness that almost destroyed her life and hurt many of those around her.
- Win the Battle is the personal story of Bob Olson, a man, who successfully put his life back together after a devastating, five year, battle with depression and bipolar disorder.
- Quiet Room: A Journey Out Of The Torment Of Madness, offers the perspectives of Lori Shiller, her family and her doctor, regarding the reclamation of a life once debilitated by a decade long struggle with schizophrenia, due in large part to type new class of medication.
- Tormenting Thoughts and Secret Rituals: The Hidden Epidemic of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is physician Ian Osborn's informative and useful guide to living told through stories of real people, including the authors first hand experience with this disorder as a medical student.
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