- Acupuncture: New Perspectives in Chemical Dependency Treatment
Though acceptance of the legitimacy of acupuncture by the chemical dependency community has been guarded, both research and outcome studies indicate that it holds promise as a complement to traditional substance abuse modalities.
- Acupuncture Treatment for Substance Abuse
Acupuncture is not a substitute for therapy but is used in addition to counseling and self-help programs for addiction treatment. - Manic-Depression
General information about alternative approaches to the treatment of manic-depression. Reference list of books that discuss a variety of natural approaches to treating mood disorders. - Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
Links to a guide for dealing with insomnia and sleep disorders and suggests alternative treatments such as St. John's Wort, 5-HTP and kava kava.
- Featherstone
Alternative treatment, such as emu oil and carefully selected herbs, for those seeking pain relief from the pains of muscle and joint ailments such as arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel, and rheumatism.
- Alcohol Addiction: Alternative Treatment
A spiritual adjunct to support a 12-Step programprovided in the format of a documentary film that can be played through the computer. - Alzheimer's Disease
A site devoted to the discussion of eastern medicinal practices in the treatment of alzheimer's disease.
- Christian ADHD Alternative Treatment List
A site for parents and adults who are uncomfortable with and who have decided not to use pharmaceuticals in the treatment of their or their children's ADD/ADHD. - Depression
A discussion of the studies that have supported the treatment of treatment of depression with homeopathic remedies.
- Alternative Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
One woman's discussion of alternative treatment she found effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Links to related alternative treatment sites.
- Alternative Approaches to the Treatment of Manic-Depression
This site is designed to give people with bipolar disorder additional tools they can use to control their illness.
- Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD
A new, non-drug, natural approach in the treatment of ADD and ADHD.
- Alternative Treatments for Heroin Addiction
This Current Issues Brief provides an overview of developments since August 1997, including a selection of the latest statistics on heroin, details of treatments currently being trialed in various States and Territories and key elements of the National Illicit Drugs Strategy.
- Acupuncture: Points of Interest
Web resources on the ancient and controversial technique, which has been used to treat everything from constipation and cataracts to infertility and indigestion.
- Key Concepts in Hypnosis
FMSF Scientific Advisor Campbell Perry, Ph.D. has written this section to provide readers with the key concepts in hypnosis.
- Kava Kava: An Introduction
The contents of this page are excerpted from "Natural Alternatives to Prozac", chapter 7, by Michael T. Murray, N.D. Discusses issues of using Kava Kava in the treatment of anxiety and depression, menopause, how it works and safety issues. - Kava Kava
This article discusses the uses, scientific evidence, dosage, safety issues, and interactions of Kava Kava.
- The Root of Tranquillity
From Time Magazine, November, 1998, this article discusses whether the extract of kava is a natural substitute for Valium or just alternative medicine's newest herb du jour.
- St. John's Wort Extract
Written by Michael T. Murray, N.D., this article discusses this herbal extract, how it works, its effectiveness, usage, and drug interactions.
- A Natural Mood Booster
From Newsweek, May 1997, this article discusses the effectiveness of St. John's Wort in the treatment of mild depression. - Alternative Therapies and Treatments: Different Drummer
A list of links to alternative treatments for various mental health disorders.
- Alternative Treatment On-Line
This site promotes homoeopathy, healing and australian bush flower essences - systems of health care which heal the whole person using methods which are specific, gentle and sympathetic to the body's needs.
- Information About St. John's Wort
From NIMH, this public alert warns consumers about the potential hazards of drug interactions while taking St. John's Wort.
- Alternative (Integrative) Medicine - Ask NOAH
Information on various forms of alternative medicine. - WholeHealthMD.com
This site focuses on integrative medicine and includes information about treatments for mental health conditions.
- Music Workshop Project
A group in England that aims to help people with mental health problems by involving them in various music-based activities.
- Computerized Psychotherapy
An explanation and discussion about providing computerized psychotherapy versus providing therapy by a human.
- Complementary and Alternative Therapies
A list of alternative and complementary therapies and their descriptions.
- Alternative Treatment Helps Teens in Trouble
Some teenagers with substance abuseproblems credit Santa's Cruz' acupuncture programs with helping their bodies cope with sobriety.
- Bad Behavior and Illness are caused by Biochemical Imbalances
An article on orthomolecular treatment, which emphasizes the use of nutrition in the treatment of psychiatric disorders.
- Live Arts Experiences: Their Impact on Health and Wellness 3rd Edition, June 2000
This report discusses the connection between the mind and the body, and through them, the impact of certain live arts experiences on the ultimate measure of health and wellness: longevity.
- Is Yoga as Rx a Stretch?
This article in the New York Post (August 29, 2000) discusses the prescriptive benefits of yoga, massage and acupuncture.
- Meditation and Psychotherapy.
This papers discusses the efficacy of introducing meditation into the therapeutic setting. - Alternative Treatments List
A long list of links to various types of alternative treatments.
- F.D.A. Warns Food Companies About Herbal AdditivesJune 7, 2001
he Food and Drug Administration warned companies putting herbal additives in food yesterday that their products could be illegal because the "novel ingredients" might not be generally recognized as safe.
- Alternative Medicine: Health Care Information Resources
This mega site provides links to general resources on alternative medicine that offer access to multiple alternative medicine topics, as well as links to inclusive specific resources on single topics in alternative medicine. - Alternative Medicine Home Page
Annotated directory for consumers, professionals and students who would like to learn more about alternative health care. Links to sources of information on alternative therapies.
- Alternative Mental Health (Safe Harbor Project)
A guide to the world of alternative mental health. Site includes articles, referrals, general information, testimonials, a bookstore, and listings of patients' rights groups.
- Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
This page presents information on hypnosis, and has links to a hypnosis and related states research database, papers and books, professional organizations and a researchers talk shop.
- Alternative Health News Online
Prepared by journalists for the public and aims at helping us to separate poor web sites from the promising therapies in alternative medicine. - The Canadian Complementary Medical Association
A network of Canadian medical professionals, including physicians, osteopaths, residents and medical students, with a special interest or expertise in complementary medicine.
- Alternative Medicine Foundation
A U.S. charitable organization which is formed to provide evidence-based resources for health care professionals and reliable information on alternatives to conventional western biomedicine for patients and consumers.
- FACTs: Friends of Alternative & Complementary Therapeutics Society
A non-profit community organization devoted to the promotion of credible and accessible information in the area of alternative and complementary medicine and health.
- National Center for Alternative and Complimentary Medicine
The NCCAM at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is dedicated to exploring complementary and alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science; training CAM researchers; and disseminating authoritative information.
- National Association for Drama Therapy
Promotes the systematic and intentional use of drama/theatre processes and products to achieve the goals of symptom relief, emotional and physical integration, and personal growth.
- American Music Therapy Association
Provides information about the growing field of music therapy and the benefits of incorporating music therapy into mental health programs.
- Research Findings on Religious Commitment and Mental Health
From the Psychiatric Times, this article presents The American Psychiatric Association considers the positive roles that religion/spirituality might play in the treatment of mental illness.
- Spiritual Healing
From, A Guide to Psychology and its Practice, this paper discusses the place of spiritiual healing withing the domain of psychology.
- Integrating Spiritual Healing Approaches and Techniques into Psychotherapy
This paper discusses the domain of spiritual healing approaches as an area in which contemporary psychotherapy can have much to gain by selectively incorportaing aspects into its techniques.
- Association for Humanistic Psychology
Emphasizes the conscious mind and human ability to create healthy lives and communities. Champions a whole-person focus in therapy, health care, education and community activism. Bibliography, schools, humanistic psychology, publications and fourums included.
- International Association for Spiritual Psychiatry
Founded in 1994 to promote the integration of the spiritual dimension into modern medicine, psychology and psychiatry.
- American Association of Pastoral Counselors
Pastoral Counselors are certified mental health professionals who have had in-depth religious and/or theological training. Site includes help finding a counselor, student lounge, conference information, training programs for counselors and recent papers.
- Research Findings on Religious Commitment and Mental Health
From the American Psychiatric Association, this paper provides guidelines to respect and respond sensitively to patients' religious/spiritual beliefs and considers the positive roles that religion/spirituality might play in the treatment of mental illness.
- Spirituality Can Be Good Medicine, Research Finds
A paper written by a social worker who presents research and personal accounts of the benefits of effects of spirituality on mental health.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact dplotnic@brynmawr.edu - pgrobste@brynmawr.edu - jmartin@brynmawr.edu.
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