Making Sense of Diversity: |
September 8, 2004
What is Customs?
What is its purpose?
How does it work for some and not others?
How can customs foster and not force sisterhood?
Customs is a big part of campus life, but it may not be viewed by others as inclusive.
We must respect others' rights to participate if they choose to or not to participate in customs. Culture is also a big part of campus life, traditions, and people's personal preferences. How can we incorporate these views into
Join us for lunch and a discussion led by Jackney Prioly (BMC '06) and Chris MacDonald-Dennis (Office of Intercultural Affairs) @ noon this Friday, September 10, in the Multicultural Center (229 Roberts Road).
The first in a series of on-going conversations about "Making Sense of Diversity," to be held throughout the year @ lunchtime on alternate Fridays.
Full schedule available @
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Office for Institutional Diversity,
the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy and
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program.
This year, the Center for Science in Society will provide email reminders
of sponsored events. If you would like to be notified of future meetings
of this group, or other Center-related information, subscribe to the
listserv by sending an email to;
include"SUBSCRIBE scisoc" in the body of the message.
(Alternatively: "UNSUBSCRIBE scisoc" will remove you from the list.)
September 23, 2004
Listening for Peace: The Israeli-Palestinian Struggle
The Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai wrote, "The place where we are right/ is hard and trampled/like a yard./ But doubts and loves/ dig up the world/ like a mole, a plow./ And a whisper will be heard in the place/ where the ruined/ house once stood."
BMC students Laura Kramer and Orah Minder will be joined by political scientist Deborah Harrold to talk about being right and having doubts; to talk about the problems that arise with even discussing the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. Laura and Orah have set for themselves the task of creating a space for talking, for doubt, and for listening.
Please join us for lunch and a discussion at 12 noon this Friday (tomorrow), September 24, in the Multicultural Center (229 Roberts Road).
The second in a series of ongoing conversations about "Making Sense of Diversity,"
to be held throughout the year at lunchtime on alternate Fridays.
Full schedule available at:
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Office of Intercultural Affairs,
the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy and
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program.
October 4, 2004
You are invited to this Friday's "Making Sense of Diversity" discussion
(with lunch, at noon, on October 8, in the Multicultural Center on Roberts Road).
Come, discuss your ideas about what you want Sustained Dialogue to become.
Sustained Dialogue is an opportunity for ongoing inter-group dialogue, a place for open and honest discussion about feelings, experiences, and opinions about diversity.
How do you envision Sustained Dialogue working for you???
Are you tired of having Politically Correct discussions about diversity??
Do you notice too many diversity discussions are comprised of mainly students of color or white students??
Come this Friday to discuss Sustained Dialogue, to hear what happened last year, both its failures and successes.
Bring your ideas, and become a part of its transformation!!!
BMC students Heather Davis and Maria Fernandez will be joined by Dean Michelle Mancini in leading the conversation.
The third in a series of ongoing discussions about "Making Sense of Diversity," held throughout the year at lunchtime on alternate Fridays. Full schedule available at
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Office of Intercultural Affairs,
the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy and
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program.
October 19, 2004
Kindergarden. Cultivating a classroom. Organic discussion. Natural
metaphors come up continually in our search for pedagogies which
empower both student and professor. What other metaphors can we
tap into which will help us structure our classrooms and pedagogies?
What metaphors work for you? What do you look for as a student in a
classroom, or a professor in a classroom, and how can this be
accommodated by other students, professors, the administration?
You are invited to lunch and a discussion @ noon this Friday, October 22nd, in the Multicultural Center on Roberts Road, when Emily Madsen (BMC '06) and Linda-Susan Beard (English Department) will lead us into a conversation about "Organic Discussions": Diverse Pedagogies for Diverse Peoples."
The fourth in a series of ongoing discussions on "Making Sense of Diversity," held throughout the year at lunchtime on alternate Fridays. Full schedule available at
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Office of Intercultural Affairs,
the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy and
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program.
November 3, 2004
International Human Rights Exchange
South Africa: Human Rights and Social Transformation
We would like to invite you to attend a discussion on South Africa. Lauren Friedman, Alnisa Bell, Nia Turner, and Paula Arboleda attended a human rights program this summer in Capetown, SA. Dean Chin and the South Africa group will be discussing their experiences, the issues they faced, the materials they covered, the solidarity and friendships that formed, and the impact of these challenges on their lives and future.
Come join us for lunch and a discussion @ noon this Friday, November 5, in the Multicultural Center on Roberts Road.
The fifth in a series of ongoing discussions on "Making Sense of Diversity," held throughout the year at lunchtime on alternate Fridays. Full schedule available at
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Office of Intercultural Affairs,
the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy and
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program.
November 16, 2004
At noon this Friday, November 19, there will be a lunch discussion, open to all,
about Posse on Campus, facilitated by Posse scholars and faculty mentors,
addressing what Posse is, what its effect on campus is, and opinions and
perceptions of Posse on Bryn Mawr's campus. Please stop by the Multicultural
Center on Roberts Road, and bring your ideas, opinions, and conversation
to share with each other in this safe space.
The sixth in a series of ongoing discussions on "Making Sense of Diversity," held throughout the year at lunchtime on alternate Fridays. Full schedule available at
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Office of Intercultural Affairs,
the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy and
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program.
January 26, 2005
How Woman Fight: Making Nice at a Women's College
"I wanted to tell her to shut up. We have heard enough about what happened to her in high school."
"Our discussions never go anywhere interesting. We always talk about things that are safe and not the least bit edgy."
"I can't get my students to engage the really tough issues. They lay them out there in a statement or two, but they don't follow through and really grapple with the issue."
Participating fully in a diverse community sometimes involves having difficult conversations/discussions and at the same time wanting to "make nice." Bryn Mawr students Kyla Ellis, Diana Gibfried and Holly Katz joined by Kim Cassidy, Associate Professor of Psychology, will talk about their experiences participating in difficult and not-so-difficult conversations in an upper-level seminar that they participated in together, as a way of highlighting some of the particular challenges to truly open dialogue in the Bryn Mawr community.
Join us for lunch and a discussion @ noon this Friday, January 28, in the Living Room of the Multicultural Center (229 Roberts Road).
The first in a series of on-going conversations about "Making Sense of Diversity,"
to be held throughout the year @ lunchtime on alternate Fridays.
Full schedule available @
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy,
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program and
the Office for Intercultural Affairs.
This year, the Center for Science in Society is providing e-mail reminders
of sponsored events. If you would like to be notified of future meetings
of this group, or other Center-related information, subscribe to the
listserv by sending an email to;
include"SUBSCRIBE scisoc" in the body of the message.
(Alternatively: "UNSUBSCRIBE scisoc" will remove you from the list.)
February 10, 2005
Campus Diversity from the Perspectives of Some Members of the Staff
You interact with us everyday. We support your efforts through our work on campus.
We are often the silent witnesses and untapped resources to Bryn Mawr students.
Did you ever wonder what we think about diversity at Bryn Mawr College?
Would you like to find out?
Join Paul Somerville & Arthur Taylor from Dining Services and Debbie Rubin & Ellie Esmond from the Community Service Office this Friday, February 11, 12-1 in the living room of the Multicultural Center (229 Roberts Road) for lunch and a discussion about staff perspectives related to campus diversity.
The second in a series of on-going conversations about "Making Sense of Diversity,"
held throughout the year @ lunchtime on alternate Fridays.
Full schedule available @
Co-sponsored by
the Dean's Office, the Center for Science in Society,
the Center for Ethnicities, Communities and Social Policy,
the Feminist and Gender Studies Program and
the Office for Intercultural Affairs.
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