- Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers, original texts in German and English translations, with illustrations and documentation, from Virginia Commmonwealth University
- Grimm Brothers' Home Page, by D.L. Ashliman, recently retired from the University of Pittsburgh
- Bruno Bettelheim, from Encyclopedia.com
- Bruno Bettelheim, from britannica.com
- Review of two recent biographies of Bettelheim
- Another review of two recent biographies of Bettelheim
- Review of the book Madness on the Couch: Blaming the Victim in the Heyday of Psychoanalysis, appearing in the Skeptic's Dictionary
- A Psychology for a Changing World, a 1988/99 Chairperson of the "renamed, redefined, and reinvigorated Psychotherapy Section of the British Psychological Society", focusing on "a story-telling approach to psychology".
- Anne Sexton, from britannica.com
- Anne Sexton, extensive compilation of available web materials
- Anne Sexton, from Modern American Poetry
- The Anne Sexton Bibliography
- Ann Sexton, includes pictures and a large collection of on-line poems, made available by the executors of Sexton's estate
- Creative and Irrational Forces: Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists
- Famous People with Bipolar Disorders
- Flatland, text on line.
- Math plots and plans: Edwin A. Abbott
- Social satire in Flatland
- Math Expands: Madeleine L'Engle ... about the author of Wrinkle in Time
- Time travel in Flatland?, "an animated tutorial in physics, light cones, and causality" ... see also Special News Bulletin from Flatland
- Unseen Dimensions, a Scientific American article
- International Brecht Society
- Bertold Brecht Turns 100
- The Galileo Project
- Galileo - Journey to Jupiter
- Time to Think?
- Brain structure may influence male-female behavior differences, 15 Dec 1999 news article
- Behavioral differences between male and female fetuses, 19 Dec 1997 news article
- Hearing differences between males and females?, an audiology forum exchange
- Differences between male and female pelvis, course notes, University of Vermont College of Medicine gross anatomy course
|  Rene Magritte (1896-1967)