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words and concepts

















week 1
reading: Ball chapter 1, 3; Elkins introduction
Thursday - studiolab prep
week 2
reading: Ball chapter 4; Elkins chapter 1- 3;

ChemText find&read section on 1) copper and 2) metal structures

Tuesday - 1) short quiz - 2) write summary of last week's studiolab
Thursday - 1) studiolab prep: liver of sulfur: the fire of hell - 2) bring ??? from ChemText readings
week 3
reading: Ball chapter 4; Elkins chapter 1- 3;  
 Tuesday - 1) short quiz - 2) write summary of last week's studiolab  

 Thursday - 1) studiolab: pigment syntheses** - 2) turn notebook in to me after class

** ( prussian blue , viridian , chrome yellow , verdigris )

week 4
 Tuesday - 1) short quiz  
 Thursday - 1) studiolab: making and painting a fresco  
week 5
reading: Ball chapter 5  
 Tuesday - 1) take-home quiz due next Tuesday  
 Thursday - 1) studiolab: destroying a fresco  
week 6
reading: Ball chapter 6  
 Tuesday - 1) in-class quiz due
 Thursday - 1) studiolab: paint and pastel binders
week 7
 Tuesday - 1) hand out take-home mid-term exam
 Thursday - 1) studiolab practical
  * * Mid-term Exam due by Friday, Mar.5 @ 5 PM.
week 8
week 9
reading: Ball chapter 7,9,10
 Tuesday - 1) lecture; no quiz; Project ideas due
 Thursday - 1) Perkin's Purple
week 10
reading: Ball chapter 2, 8
   Tuesday - 1) lecture; short quiz;
   Thursday - 1) Color 1. Measuring Color: Spectroscopy
week 11
reading: Ball chapter 2, 8
   Tuesday - 1) lecture: Color Vision
   Thursday - 1) Color 2. Mixing Color: Color Theory
week 12
reading: Ball chapter 11
   Tuesday - 1) lecture cancelled! Dr. B. sick
   Thursday - 1) Paint Analytical Methods 1. Determining Pigments in a Painting

- 2) take-home quiz due next Tuesday

week 13
reading: Ball chapter 11
   Tuesday - 1) Paint Analytical Methods 2.
   Thursday - 1) Determining Pigments in a Painting; X-ray Diffraction
week 14
   Tuesday - 1) ---
   Thursday - 1) Field trip to Philadelphia Museum of Art
week 15


If you have any comments or would like additional information, please contact Sharon Burgmayer at sburgmay@brynmawr.edu.

Teachers are encouraged to copy and modify these labs for use in their teaching.

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