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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

Science as Exploration/Story Telling and
The Brain as a Scientist/Explorer/Story Teller

The Brain and Science: Implications for Education

Before adding in bipartite architecture

With recognition of story-telling
  • "Truth", "reality" are conscious stories about diverse underlying unconscious understandings

    • Conveying neither "Truth" nor "reality" is a good underpinning for science education, or education in general
    • Both science education and education in general should pay at least equal attention to giving students the wherewithal to create new and useful "realities", to being meaningful participants in the ongoing creation of collective definitions of "reality"

  • Classroom organization requires recognition of unconscious/conscious distinction, of learning at both levels, and of interplay between the two

  • Unconscious learning can be valuable, is always operating

  • Unconscious understandings need to be brought to the conscious level to be altered by conscious processing

  • Reflective skills depend on an ability to make conscious/question what is unconsciously understood

  • Students create distinctive stories that are valuable, and hence students are both students and teachers, for other students as well as teachers

  • Teachers are freed to be both students and teachers

    The most effective education requires the simultaneous and inter-related engagement of three interdependent "loops"

    • outside/inside
    • conscious/unconscious
    • interpersonal

  • The fundamenental business of science education, and of education generally, is "the continual enhancement of the ability of individuals to shape their own futures, to be casual and creative agents in their own lives, and to make distinctive and useful contributions to the lives of others"

    and depends on

    helping students learn to enhance the interplay of the unconscious and conscious in their own brains

The Bottom Line (on this story, and for the moment)

References and Resources

| Introduction | Science | Brain: Basics | Brain: General Architecture | Brain: Bipartite | Implications | Metacognition | Science as Story Telling On-Line Forum |

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