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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.


Sponsored by Bryn Mawr College

under a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Continuing a series of offerings begun in 1990, three two-week Institutes to bring together Bryn Mawr faculty and Philadelphia precollege teachers have been organized for this summer, as shown in the schedule below. Each Institute will meet at Bryn Mawr College (on-line directions to the campus and meeting location are here) five days a week from 9 am to 4 pm, with lunch provided. Participants in each Institute will receive a stipend of $500, with an additional $300 available to support curriculum development during the academic year. Participants will be expected to write a proposal for curriculum innovation based on their Institute experience, and a follow up report describing its implementation and outcomes. Additional information about the Institutes is available on separate program announcements for each.


10 July — 21 July

Brain and Behavior
(on line institute materials are here)

24 July — 4 August

Diversity and Discovery: Science and Inquiry Throughout the Curriculum
(on line institute materials are here).

31 July — 11 August

Computers, Chaos, Robots, and Artificial Intelligence
(on line institute materials are here)

Click here for post-institute assignment materials for all institutes.

Click here for evaluation and questionaire forms for all institutes.


Enrollment for each Institute is restricted to eighteen participants. A single available application form can be used to apply to one or more Institutes (note though that though the second and third Institutes overlap by a week, so it is not possible to enroll in both) . Completed forms should clearly indicate which Institutes are being applied for, and give reasons for wishing to participate in each of those for which application is being made. Completed forms also require the signature of the school principal.

For more information:

Paul Grobstein
Department of Biology
Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19010
610 526-5098
FAX: 610 526-5086

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