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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.


Sponsored by Bryn Mawr College under a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Continuing a series of offerings begun in 1990, three two-week Institutes to bring together Bryn Mawr faculty and precollege teachers from the Philadelphia School District were held during the summer of 2000. Each Institute met in the Park Science Center at Bryn Mawr College five days a week from 9 am to 4 pm. In all three institutes, Bryn Mawr faculty and Philadelphia school district teachers shared perspectives on how to enhance science and mathematics education thorugh out the curriculum and at all levels of the educational enterprise. Among the major themes of all three institutes were

Participants in each Institute are writing proposals for curriculum innovation based on their Institute experiences, and will prepare reports describing its implementation and outcomes. Additional information about each institute is available from the links below.

Brain and Behavior

10 July - 21 July

  • Institute announcement
  • Institute home page
  • Institute forum discussion
  • Participant web projects
  • Photo Gallery
  • Computers, Chaos, Robots, and Artifical Intelligence

    31 July - 11 August

  • Institute announcement
  • Institute home page
  • Building robots
  • One particular robot
  • Building Serpinski's Triangle
  • Diversity and Discovery: Science and Inquiry Throughout the Curriculum

    24 July - 4 August

    Involved Bryn Mawr faculty:

    Kim CassidyPsychology
    Jody CohenEducation Program
    Alison Cook-SatherEducation Program
    Victor DonnayMathematics
    Paul GrobsteinBiology
    Deepak KumarComputer Science

    Participant materials and follow up:

    For more information:

    Paul Grobstein
    Department of Biology
    Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19010
    610 526-5098
    FAX: 610 526-5086

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