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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.


Science and a Sense of Place:
Learning Where We are Located in the World

(July 24-August 4, 2006)

Philadelphia Area Sites Texts and Web-Based Resources Other authors who justify place-based education from deep ecology/environmental stewardship perspectives:
Wendell Berry, Frijof Capra, David Hutchison, Aldo Leopold, Gary Paul Nabhan, Daniel Quinn, and Gary Snyder.

Useful keywords: topophilia, ecological/environmental literacy, place-based education, bioregion(alism)

Notes from Biology 103 (Fall 2005) An Overview: Spatial Scale and Diversity A Question of Scale: Quarks to Quasars

Secret Worlds: The Universe Within

Spatial scale - at what scales do improbable assemblies exist and how do they relate to one another?
  • protons, neutrons - 10-15 meters (1 fermi)
  • atoms - 10-10 meters (angstroms)
  • smaller molecules - 10-9 meters (1 nanometer, 10 angstroms)
  • macromolecular assemblies - 10-8 meters
  • cell membrane thickness (lipid bilayer), viruses - 10-7 meters (100 nanometers)
  • cell component (mitochondrion), bacterium - 10-6 meters (1,000 nanometers, 1 micron)
  • "typical" cell - 10-5 meters (10 microns) - may be part of multicellular organism or itself a living organism ("cell theory" - a major advance based on new observations from new technology) - 10-5 meters (10 microns)
  • sand grain, blood vessel - 10-3 meters (millimeters)
  • human scale - yard stick, human (female - male) - ~ 1 meter
  • blue whale, large playing field - 102 meters
  • a little more than a half mile - 103 meters (kilometer)
  • distance from BMC to Philadelphia (days walk) - 104 (tens of kilometers)
  • Earth's diameter - 107 meters
  • Earth to Sun - 1011 meters (1 astronomical unit, ~5 light minutes)
  • solar system - 1013 meters (~8 light hours)
  • light year - 1016 meters (v=186,000 miles/second, 3 x 108 meters/second)
  • Milky Way diameter - 1021 meters, 105 light years
  • current universe diameter - ~1026 meters, 1010 light years
Lessons from working up in scale from human ...

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