Minisymposium II on K-16 collaborations

Bryn Mawr College K-12 Summer Institute Program
Thursday, 31 July 2003

A Follow-up to an Earlier Institute Minisymposium and a PKAL Sponsored Symposium
and to Minisymposium I

Post Symposium Report

To bring together K-12 and college/university educators to discuss ways that they can better work together to create optimal learning environments for all students at all levels of the the educational system, with particular reference to assuring effective education with science and mathematics.

For further background and participant lists, see Minisymposium I and Minisymposium II. See also materials from an earlier Institute symposium and a regional workshop.

Though often regarded and treated as separate activities, K-12 and college/university/graduate education are fundamentally and intricately interdependent. Those engaged in college/university/graduate education are themselves the products of K-12 education and K-12 educators are in turn the products of college/university/graduate education. The reciprocal relationships make it hard to imagine meaningful educational innovation without effective exchange of ideas and aspirations between K-12 and college/university/graduate educators.

Given their professional experiences, together with their experiences both as undergraduates and as students in education and other graduate programs, K-12 educators have a particularly advantageous perspective from which to make suggestions about how to improve both K-12 and college/university education. At the same time, college/university/graduate faculty have distinctive perspectives and resources that can be beneficial to K-12 educators. What is needed is greater conversation between the two groups, predicated on the presumption that such exchange is very much in the best interests of both, as well as of more effective experiences at all levels of the educational system.


9:30 - 10:15K-12 teachers commenting on their experiences with the K-12 community, as students and as professionals (see on-line comments)
10:30 - 11:15College/university/graduate educators discussing existing programs to prepare and assist K-12 educators
11:30 - 12:15General discussion of plans to improve K-16 collaborations
12:15 - 1:00 Continued discussion and planning over lunch



K-12 Teachers in the Exploration and Emergence Institute
RaMona M. Adams John P. Turner School RWarner@ucw.philly.rr.com
Cynthia BrownHill-Freedman Middle School cybrown@phila.k12.pa.us
Paul BurgmayerGreat Valley High Schoolburgmayer@shrsys.hsic.org
Geraldine BrownAda Lewis Middle School brownthankyou@aol.com
Sylvia CooperCW Henry Schoolsylacoop@aol.com
Alicia Farington-BoydJay Cooke Middle School 
Randal HollyFitzSimons Middle Schoolkr092389@aol.com
Joan Johnston-MalinNorthest High Schoolmrsjjm4@aol.com
Dawn MackeyBenjamin Franklin Middle School 
Lois MackeyCayuga Elementary Schoolloismackey@yahoo.com
Brian MalinNortheast High Schoolmalinb1@yahoo.com
Wendy L. MarrLewis Middle Schoolsimplymarrvelous@yahoo.com
Sheila MichaelGrover Washington Junior Middle Schoolsmichael@phila.k12,pa.us
Judith OdomSmedley Junior Academymaxx173@aol.com
Marlene PrideLewis Middle Schoolmarlene3k@aol.com
Mitchell B. SchwartzWoodrow Wilson Middle Schooltintindeo@aol.com
Antoinette Sisco SolimanDarby Township Elementary Schooltonisisco@aol.com
Claudette StoneJulia Ward Howe Elementary Schoolcwilliamstone@phila.k12,pa.us
Geneva TolliferreoBenjamin Rush Middle Schoolgtolliferreo@phila.k12.pa.us
Regina ToscaniCentral East Middle Schoolreginatoscani@hotmail.com
Marita WagnerLaura H. Carnellmawagner@phila.k12.pa.us
College/university/graduate faculty/students
Anne DalkeDept of English, Bryn Mawr Collegeadalke@brynmawr.edu
Phil BeanHaverford Collegepbean@haverford.edu
Doug BlankComputer Science, Bryn Mawr Collegedblank@brynmawr.edu
Peter BrodfuehrerDept of Biology, Bryn Mawr Collegepbrodfue@brynmawr.edu
Paul BurgmayerBryn Mawr Collegeburgmayer@shrsys.hsic.org
Kim CassidyDept of Psychology, Bryn Mawr Collegekcassidy@brynmawr.edu
Lisa ChirlianDept of Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College, Cabrini Collegelchirlia@brynmawr.edu
Kathleen ConnWest Chester School Districtkconn@wcasd.k12.pa.us
Victor DonnayDept of Mathematics, Bryn Mawr Collegevdonnay@brynmawr.edu
Wil FranklinDepartment of Biology, Bryn Mawrwfrankli@brynmawr.edu
Paul GrobsteinBryn Mawr Collegepgrobste@brynmawr.edu
Elizabeth McCormackDept of Physics, Bryn Mawr Collegeemccorma@brynmawr.edu
Deirdra StockmannUniversity of Pennsylvania Center for Community Partnershipsdeirdra@sas.upenn.edu
Debra RubinCommunity Service Office, Bryn Mawrdrubin@brynmawr.edu
Katie SchuUniversity of Pennsylvaniakschu@sas.upenn.edu
Nia TurnerBryn Mawr Collegenturner@brynmawr.edu
Ingrid WaldronUniversity of Pennsylvaniaiwaldron@sas.upenn.edu
Raisa WilliamsHaverford Collegerwilliam@haverford.edu
Ca-Lishea WoodsCommunity Service Office, Bryn Mawrcwoods@brynmawr.edu

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