Forum 8 - Living Preferences
Name: Anne Dalke
Subject: The Emergence of Race
Date: 2003-07-26 07:57:23
Message Id: 6181
Welcome to Monday Morning, Week Two of Exploration and Emergence.
We're starting in a different place this week, exploring the usefulness of the concept of emergence in thinking about issues of race in this country, in our communities, and in our schools.
To help us begin: in this forum, please describe your community and why you chose to live there.
Then please return to the seminar room on the second floor, where we will begin our discussion @ 9:45.
Name: JudithOdom
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Why I chose to live where I do.
Date: 2003-07-28 09:08:02
Message Id: 6187
I chose to live where I do because of the multicultural diversity of the community. I was bought up in multicultural community. Everyone in that community was nuturing. Even though people and ideals have changed over the years, I still think multicultural settings are very necessary.
Name: Dawn
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Living. . .
Date: 2003-07-28 09:38:27
Message Id: 6188
I live in the middle of my mother and my father. I chose where I live based on where I grew up and was comfortable living. I have always lived in Mt. Airy and only moved across the East/West divider. Also, it was a reasonably priced apartment.
Name: Sheila Michael
Subject: Community
Date: 2003-07-28 09:44:10
Message Id: 6189
I grew up in the Cobbs Creek section of West Philly, but my parents are both from farms in Virginia—and they came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for better job opportunities as teenagers. My family and I spent almost every holiday, summer and special occasion in Virginia with my grandparents and great grandparents. Our communities were diverse and cultural to the extent of the environment and the population of the neighborhood. During the 60's in Philly many Caucasian left our neighbor, but there was Jewish, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, and Black families. Surrounding my grandparents' farm were many Caucasian who returned to the peaceful existence of the rural life, which we never really left.
Name: Mitch
Username: Anonymous
Subject: The Move
Date: 2003-07-28 09:47:52
Message Id: 6190
This prompt is very appropriate for me and my family. We're moving to a new home. We want to live there because it's across the street from Pennypack Park, it's a twin (we're moving from a row) and the neighborhood is quiet-- It's all residential. We have more house for more money.
Name: Marita
Username: Anonymous
Subject: my community
Date: 2003-07-28 09:49:48
Message Id: 6191
At the time I became employed with the Philadelphia School District employees were expected to live inside the city limits. The northwest part of the city appealed most to me. I had been brought up in country and lived in an old (1837)house. I found an old townhouse (pre-1825)in Mount Airy. I have a long double yard with trees and plants which attract many birds, squirrels and previously even raccoons. Thus I can be in the city and yet feel like I am still in the country. Mount Airy is a culturally varied one with many community-oriented people.
Name: Lois
Subject: My Community
Date: 2003-07-28 09:49:54
Message Id: 6192
When I first moved to my community my children , all Three were very young. I took into consideration that the education was better then where I presently was living, and that it was integrated. It also was assessible to my being able to reach any of the suburban stores, I enjoyed shopping.
Of cause the neigborhood changed dratically alone with the schools, and my Jewish neighbors relocated very fast. Mainly because the group of people that came behind my family and myself were not as desireable to live with.
My children had to eventually be bused out to other schools( although I was an active Home and School parent, and community worker in our active (at the time)organizations.
Our community has been through many of transitions, but it isnot as bad as it could be. That is one of the reason that I have chose to remain after thirty - one years.
Name: Wendy
Subject: Community Diversity
Date: 2003-07-28 13:05:30
Message Id: 6193
West Oak Lane is where I am presently living.
I live in the house my parents bought when I was two years old.
I came back to Philadelphia when my son was two years old, in order to provide him with the positive role model in my Dad.
Within a 2 mile radius we have:
3 Recreation Centers
9 Schools
Many stores
3 gas stations
3 senior citizen apt. buildings
and, an Auboretum
I live walking distance to the school in which I attended as a student and now teach, Ada H. H. Lewis Middle School; yet I choose to drive, dropping my son off to before/after care.
30 yrs ago Present
************************** *******************************
-33 trees on our block -3 trees on our block(loss due to
-More 2-parent homes -More 1-parent homes
+++ CHILDREN +++
cooperative Non-cooperative
Name: Sylvia
Subject: Community
Date: 2003-07-28 13:14:20
Message Id: 6194
I grew up in West Phila on a small tree-lined street. I lived in a row house and interacted with the children on by block as well as some of the
children on the surrounding streets.Neighbors seemed to have similar values and aspirations for their children.The street was made up mostly of black families, however there were sitll a few white neighbors. There were both black and white businesses in the area from 52nd and Girard to 55th and Girard. I lived and interacted with the people in this block until 1989 when my mother and I moved to the surburbs. We were looking for a home on one level and they were not easy to find in the city.
We moved to Cheltenham Township an experienced the surburban life. I don't think I want to move back into the city. I like the quietness of the surburbs. I feel that I need to make more of an effort to get to know my neighbors better. My street is diverse at this time although most of the new comers are black or asian.
Name: Miss Geneva E. Tolliferreo, M.
Username: Anonymous
Subject: She's bbaacckk!
Date: 2003-07-28 13:50:22
Message Id: 6195
Good Afternoon!
Sharing with all of you, about my neighborhood, brought back many childhood memories this morning. Although I live in the home I grew up in, I had not recalled many memories lately. For instance, the peach trees. How beautiful they were. How delicious the peaches tasted. Even as a child I remember how sad I was to watch them fade away. How more sad I was to watch them be cut down. How solemn my Mom, Dad, and I were. My parents' siblings weren't too happy either.
My community is diverse racially with African Americans, Italians, and Germans as residents in the Germantown section of our city. I have fond recall of the iron horse...the 23 trolley. The old homes of 100+ years old. Schools are stone and without air conditioning. The new schools aren't stone and have central air...they look so out of place.
I am proud to have roots in my neighborhood. I have lifelong friends, and our parents were friends before they got married. Children today don't have these experiences of longevity with roots and friends. Fun was free/inexpensive, now it costs/expensive. Parents were parents. Now they are, in many ways, children themselves.
I worshipped in the church across the street. Having been blessed there, I'm glad it remains and is linked with my current church. It's nice to visit and see familiar faces, as well as share services and celebrations.
Subject: Let It Snow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 2003-07-28 14:04:25
Message Id: 6196
I have always felt fortunate based on the selection my husband and I made when we purchased our home.........Our children,s ages were (7,4, and 6 mos. ).
Two issues were met when we moved, most importantly the first being schools. We wanted our children to be able benefit academically without having to ttravel out of their immediate neighborhood. . Also their circle of friends were closely connected as well as the parents.
Name: Gerry Brown
Subject: Peace of Mind:
Date: 2003-07-28 14:37:25
Message Id: 6198
I was born and raised in West Philadelphia, however when I became an adult, got married and had children I lived in Germantown. My husband and i decided to move because the neighborhood was changing and he did not want the kids going to any of the schools in the neighborhood. Some of the other reasons included people not taking pride in what they had, constant fighting of , and with kids in other neighborhoods and just not feeling safe. I realize that where ever you go these things can happen but my husband and I decided that we would just take our chances. i have been living in the Lamott section of Cheltenham Township now for twenty years and I have no regrets. Every now and then it may be some dramabut the difference is the way that it is handled which allows me and my family to have a PEACE OF MIND!
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