Forum 4 - NetLogo and TWiki: initial thoughts
Name: Anne Dalke
Subject: Going Exploring with NetLogo and TWiki
Date: 2003-07-22 17:35:21
Message Id: 6102
Welcome Back to Day 3 of Exploring Emergence!
Yesterday we shared two new sets of tools for exploring the phenomenon of emergence with with you: NetLogo and TWiki. We'll be more than curious to hear what your initial reactions were to both kinds of "toys":
- How did you like playing w/ these two new sets of software?
- Were you intrigued about the ways in which they led you to "experience" and "explain" emergence?
- Can you begin to imagine ways in which either or both of them might be of use to you in your classroom?
- Can you tell us (please) what some of those possibilities might be...???
(As always, any other generally relevant/on-going/emerging thoughts are also welcome!)
Anne, Doug and Kim
Username: Anonymous
Subject: tuesday
Date: 2003-07-23 08:48:49
Message Id: 6103
it was okay. I learned alot more and I'm beginning to see the bigger picture.
Name: Dawn
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Classroom useful?
Date: 2003-07-23 09:14:44
Message Id: 6104
I enjoyed the NetLogo and TWikki. I can seeing trying to use the Twikki for students, but I would have to play with the NetLogo a little longer in order to see its use for my class. Of course with 1 computer and 25 students it would be hard to accomplish things in a timely fashion. But I guess the Twikki helps expedite things.
Name: Wendy
Username: simplyMarrvelous
Subject: July 23rd-Reflections
Date: 2003-07-23 09:30:28
Message Id: 6105
Ummm. Yesterday was great. Knowledge and experience gained was astounding. I could not get enough of the HTML lingo. It was as if a golden key was passed onto me. I became aware of the meanings of many symbols I'd seen within my e-mail as I'd enter a reply.
It bring tears to my eyes to think of my students, and how information is constantly watering their minds(seeds). Days, months, maybe years go by, and yet the 'seeds' have not taken root. Then, one day, someone gives them a 'golden key' and all the stored water within the seed, erupts; sending tens, hundereds, even thousands of 'roots' branching out and connecting prior knowledge and experiences.
Thanks for the invaluable knowledge shared with me and my collegues.
Name: Mitch
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Tuesday at Bryn Mawr
Date: 2003-07-23 09:32:24
Message Id: 6106
I didn't get much out of NetLogo yet. I expect to revisit it and see what possibilities are there.
Twiki, on the other hand, was like eating peanuts. It was hard to put down the mouse and stop playing with it. There are a lot of places out there on the Internet to create your own personal hangout-- Nicenet offers messageboards that can be turned into classrooms and Filamentality lets you create an interactive web activity with hyperlinks, but it's all text. TWiki is a welcome addition to my bag of tricks. When I take my students into the computer lab and turn them loose on TWiki, they'll teach me how to take it to the next level.
Name: Sheila
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Netlogo
Date: 2003-07-23 09:35:24
Message Id: 6107
I enjoyed Netlogo and T-Wiki. I am interested in learning about Netlogo and how to utilize it in the classsroom to stimulate problem solving, inquiry, exploration,etc. and have fun.
Name: Antoinette
Subject: Yesterday
Date: 2003-07-23 09:36:28
Message Id: 6108
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they've gone the Wiki way. Oh I believe in yesterday.
Name: Marita
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Wednesday comments
Date: 2003-07-23 09:39:04
Message Id: 6109
The exhibits on NetLogo really gave some good examples of emergence and showed how various factors influenced it. I didn't get to try out all of the sites. I'm glad we don't have to calculate all the underlying mathematics involved. I guess it would be a good exercise for a higher level math class.
TWiki would be useful as an introduction to web-page making--a "gateway drug" into html. I think students would be thrilled to use it.
Name: Lois
Subject: Day 3 Response
Date: 2003-07-23 09:47:08
Message Id: 6110
Yesterday's session was interesting. The short cuts that Doug showed us on TWiki was helpful.
While I was at home I had to tune back into my classroom experiences with the students. I realized that the "emergencin" process was one that I have use a lot with my second and third graders, many of life skills "right" and "wrong" practices stemed from this mode.
These practices of "emergence" and "experience" I believe is used by a large percentage of our teachers unknowingly, but not knowingly in the use of the lingo used here in the summer institute.
Name: Randal Holly
Subject: Twiki and NetLogo
Date: 2003-07-23 09:47:20
Message Id: 6111
I was a little curious about what was driving the behavior of the images depicted in NetLogo. It is interesting to note that out of chaotic behaviors demonstrated by similar entities an almost harmonic behavior emerges in the presence of a group. What I found lacking was the absence of an accompanying explantion that would satisfy my curious about why entities behave in this manner. I mean if the programming that mimics the action is based on simple human observation, it still does not offer an adquate explanation of this behavior. Students are going to wonder why patterns develop even if they concur that these patterns emerge when they recall their own personal observations.
To be continued .......
Name: Geraldine Brown
Subject: My comment:
Date: 2003-07-23 09:50:18
Message Id: 6112
Yesterday was indeed a nice experience. I had an experience with Logo about 7 year ago, but I really don't remember too much about it. I do know that with technology being one of the" BUZZ" words in the 21st century that Logo along with other computer based programs will help make learning fun and address all Learning Styles.
Name: Sylvia
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Twiki
Date: 2003-07-23 09:52:34
Message Id: 6113
I have difficulty working with computers and enjoyed using the Twiki
method to form a document. My problem is practice. Like anything else
the more I practice in theory I should get better.
Name: Miss Geneva E. Tolliferreo, M.
Subject: Net Logo?
Date: 2003-07-23 09:53:42
Message Id: 6114
Good Morning!
I have kept up with this institute for the most part, as well as the preceeding session. However, I am not sure how we are to utilize NetLogo in this process. Please clarify. Thanks.
I appreciate the experience we are getting in setting up our web page, as I have been developing a business site, which ties in to our sessions. I offer educational consultations, especially for Special Education students and their parents. This is one aspect of my parent company, Sovereign.
Finding links have prompted me to delve into sources relative to the needs of my clients, as well as create these pages. Thanks for the freedom to explore.
Thanks for helping me help others...our living must not be selfish, as we are our brothers/sisters keeper.
Name: Miss Geneva E. Tolliferreo, M.
Subject: Net Logo?
Date: 2003-07-23 09:53:54
Message Id: 6115
Good Morning!
I have kept up with this institute for the most part, as well as the preceeding session. However, I am not sure how we are to utilize NetLogo in this process. Please clarify. Thanks.
I appreciate the experience we are getting in setting up our web page, as I have been developing a business site, which ties in to our sessions. I offer educational consultations, especially for Special Education students and their parents. This is one aspect of my parent company, Sovereign.
Finding links have prompted me to delve into sources relative to the needs of my clients, as well as create these pages. Thanks for the freedom to explore.
Thanks for helping me help others...our living must not be selfish, as we are our brothers/sisters keeper.
Name: JKJohnston-Malin
Subject: Review of Day#2
Date: 2003-07-23 10:05:38
Message Id: 6116
Greetings! Both TWIKI and Netlogo were new and very engaging for me. My experiences with them were both enjoyable and frustrating. I found myself challenaged by TWiki especially. I can very much see myself utilizing both of these formats with my students. The practice-exercise for Twiki allowed me to try some approaches to an old lab I usually do with my students. I liked the interaction with the system, but, I enjoyed the interaction with my neighbors and instructors as well. I felt engrossed with what I was doing and amazed at how fast the time flew. The experience was definetly engaging and when I "emerged" I knew my curiosity had been "Twiki-ed".
Name: brian malin
Subject: software
Date: 2003-07-23 10:05:41
Message Id: 6117
I loved the "toys" of NetLogo and TWiki. Netlogo allows you visualize in a short period of time patterns forming and changing. It holds your interest. TWiki allows you to create and personalize your web site so you can easily ajust the site to meet changing needs. NetLogo is a great starting point to elicit discussion on patterns in the real world for my students and whether patterns are there or in our minds. TWiki is an exploration that will take me many years into the future.
Name: Marlene
Subject: My Thoughts
Date: 2003-07-23 10:11:34
Message Id: 6118
There were some pluses and minuses to the Net Logo. The has given insight into what goes on behind "The computer Door". For example Paul using the analogy of the consious verses the unconsious, really connected for me the relationship between the mouse and links, as they related to the need to create tags inorder to use software.
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