Forum 10 - Where Does Art Come From?
Name: Anne Dalke
Subject: Wednesday Morning; Emergent Art and Writing
Date: 2003-07-29 18:02:13
Message Id: 6216
Today we will be exploring where art comes from. I'd like us to begin by asking you where this image came from:

A thought experiment: you are the artist who created the picture above.
Please tell us, in the Institute forum, the story of where it came from.
What were you feeling and doing and thinking as you painted it?
Name: Mitch
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Art and Emergence
Date: 2003-07-29 22:48:34
Message Id: 6217
A flower is a wonder of nature, a war is a travesty perpetrated by humans. The arrogance sometimes evident in the human spirit is put into perspective here, within the natural beauty of that most beautiful and most commonplace of flowers, the rose.We can destroy-- can we be encouraged to create instead?
Username: Judith Odom
Subject: Picture
Date: 2003-07-30 09:11:13
Message Id: 6219
The picture looks like colors forming a layered object. This object looks like a flower or clouds with the sun behind them at sunset. I think the artist wanted people to explore their emotions and feelings using the contour lines and bursts of color. I think it reveals itself as a symbol for "thinking about thinking!"
Name: Gerry Brown
Subject: "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
Date: 2003-07-30 09:30:00
Message Id: 6220
Art is what one sees through his or her eyes. The picture to me represents a painted Carnation in the water showing all the inner parts inside of the flower. The surroundings look as if the outside of the flower is water logged, and about to come apart.
Name: Randal Holly
Subject: Image
Date: 2003-07-30 09:34:58
Message Id: 6221
I am always working in the abstract. To suggest to someone that I know how this image evolved would be dishonest. What I attempt to do is begin my work in the same manner and observe what ultimately is created. What the image is or represents, I still do not know. It is not my job to define it, rather it is my duty to be instrumental in bringing it to life. However, if you would be more comfortable knowing more about its creation, maybe you should observe the process. 1) Begin with a glass slate 2) Choose colors you are willing to work with 3) Use a variety of tools that will cause the colors to disperse in an unpredictable manner. 4) Copy the image onto a canvas to preserve its uniqueness
Name: brian malin
Subject: art
Date: 2003-07-30 09:36:37
Message Id: 6222
Art is the creative spirit in all of us.Art allows us to see and feel the creative spirit in other people's work and to express our own creative juices in a variety of formats. Art is inside of us. The flower represents the beauty of art containing the emerging spirit of creativity.
Name: Dawn
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Brain. . .
Date: 2003-07-30 09:39:48
Message Id: 6223
I was trying to relax during the long procedure--it took almost 24 hours. I painted this because my friend was in surgery. They were operating on their brain. The birth of this idea exploded in me. There is so much blood in the body, that red was an obvious color choice for my brain. The blue is the birth of the new ideas of the future yet to come. They cannot have definite forms because Lord only knows what the ideas actually are. . .but blue is calming and I am at peace with new ideas.
Name: Sheila Michael
Date: 2003-07-30 09:40:06
Message Id: 6224
Exploring where art comes from . . .
Art Initiates from the thoughts, ideas and feeling that inspire the artist. Artists see and observe the aesthetic qualities of life's activity and depict their observation through painting, sculpture, architecture, baking, ceramics, landscaping, carpentry, etc. The painting . . . could be two people, inter-mingling with the environment, dancing, chanting, frolicking, inside a ring of fire, very primitive, free, no inhibitions, close to nature.
Name: Marita
Username: Anonymous
Subject: artist's picture
Date: 2003-07-30 09:41:56
Message Id: 6225
Initially I saw the picture as a poppy-like flower. Looking more closely it seemed like a medical drawing of a valve-like structure pulsing open and closed with blood diffusing and a blue vein in the center. As I paint the picture I can feel the pulsation and I am sensible of a life force. The white portion seems to eminate a light signifying that force. The diffused blood also represents the flow of the life force. The fact that this picture resembles a flower juxtaposes the beauty and sometimes stark repulsiveness of nature and life.
Name: JK Johnston-Malin
Subject: Artist's reaction
Date: 2003-07-30 09:53:14
Message Id: 6227
If I were an artist, this piece would be my representation of the primal creative force present in the universe. The red hot source of existence is in constant motion, swirling, producing patterns of possibility in its flux. A new "creation" emerges within its confines. Something novel, unexpected, cool, symmetrical, different from its origin - full of possibilities and beauty. Are they quarks? life forms? order from chaos? Michaelangelo's Adam touching the hand of the God?
Username: Anonymous
Subject: marrlene
Date: 2003-07-30 09:55:33
Message Id: 6228
emergence! Everything opening up.. On the left of the flower I see a whale on the left, and on the right a dancer.....because the two objects that I see represent two different objects but yet they co-exist.
Name: Wendy
Subject: Picture Perfect
Date: 2003-07-30 09:56:48
Message Id: 6229
After the first week of summer vacation, I found myself finally at peace with relaxing. I then decided to book a trip to a small country inn in hopes of finding bequty in nature.
I chose to bring my folding chair and make-shift easel along for my walk through the meadow. Upon clearing a rise in the terrain and trough an unexpected growve of bamboo, I was greeted by an orchestra of vibrant colors, playing their parts so loud, the 'sound' stopped me in my tracks.
With traveling water color kit in hand, I began to paint the image of the magnificent oriental re poppy. My mind affized itself to the edge of each petal as my hand attempted to keep up with it.
All of sudden, tears cascaded down my cheeks. I could think of nothing except how great a conductor God is. The tears plopped unto the porous paper and created a MESS! Or so I thought. As I began to toss this paper aside, for it wasn't 'perfect', I turned over the 'ruined' painting, and found this fabulous rendition.
Isn't it just PERFECT!!!
Name: Miss Geneva E. Tolliferreo, M.
Username: Anonymous
Subject: In my opinion...
Date: 2003-07-30 10:02:38
Message Id: 6230
Good Morning!
I see what's happening on the inside of a red flower. The dancing that takes place among the inter~sanctuary, which produces the beauty we see as the flower. Many times we forget that God is at work producing something beautiful, even when we don't see Him at work AND think He is doing nothing.
Name: Miss Geneva E. Tolliferreo, M.
Username: Anonymous
Subject: In my opinion...
Date: 2003-07-30 10:02:52
Message Id: 6231
Good Morning!
I see what's happening on the inside of a red flower. The dancing that takes place among the inter~sanctuary, which produces the beauty we see as the flower. Many times we forget that God is at work producing something beautiful, even when we don't see Him at work AND think He is doing nothing.
Username: Anonymous
Subject: marrlene
Date: 2003-07-30 11:01:55
Message Id: 6232
emergence! Everything opening up.. On the left of the flower I see a whale on the left, and on the right a dancer.....because the two objects that I see represent two different objects but yet they co-exist.
Name: marlene
Subject: art from a personal perspective
Date: 2003-07-30 13:21:10
Message Id: 6236
Its amazing how one's own perspective can be completely different from some one else, (while veiwing the same illustration). I think that some of this ibased from an individual's temperment, because if you're in a "funky moodeful", you're not going to look at an abstract and veiw it as an peaceful image or setting, but instead you will (in all probabilty) see it as gloommy, and dull. Emergence enters into todays workshop when we used poetry as a vehicle to emphasize how ramdom words or phrases can unconciously lead to something that works and makke sense.
Name: Anne Dalke
Subject: Art: An Emerging Record
Date: 2003-07-30 16:34:38
Message Id: 6238
You'll find an archive of this morning's workshop @
Emergent Art and Writing
and a record of our Emergent Poetry, Exquisite Corpse and game of "Definitions" @
Emergence: An Evolving Poem.
A wonderful exploration of the quirky creativity of collaborating unconscious minds--
for which many thanks.
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